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is there a way to refederate instances just for me?
  • Yes, but It's pretty hands off since 99% of security stuff is managed for you by the Lemmy software, including rate limiting. Just make sure you use a secure password and if you want put the instance behind cloudflare which is super easy to do.

  • Removed
    Apple’s MacBook Pro memory problem is worse than ever
  • Don't buy Apple. As simple as that. You know when a company gives you the creeps? That's how I feel about Apple.

  • Access home server from anywhere
  • I'd say to start with CF tunnels unless you need non-web based applications. Cloudflare tunnels require you to have a domain, though.

    It has the added benefit that you have network monitoring, logging and some filtering for security that they do on top and you get to manage everything from their web interface.

    be warned that the first time can be a bit confusing, but since it's done using their web interface it's easier than if you have a problem making wireguard work.

    1. Create a tunnel with a public hostname that will be the url to access that service. During the creation of the hostname specify you want it protected by L7 application firewall.
    2. Create a new self-hosted application in cloudflare application section and for starters use the default login email and in rules specify the list of emails that are allowed to login

    you should now be able to access your application from anywhere.

    Alternatively, if you have a DNS server in your home network you can add a private IP range to your tunnel. Let's say Then when you connect with their pseudo-VPN (cloudflare warp or cloudflare ONE) you can directly use your home network's ip address from that device. If you tell your device to use a local DNS server that resolves your internal services, you'll be able to connect to them that way.

  • Based battalion (by Jay-Shell)


    Locked Removed
    Goth Arctic Fox [F] (YiffyMix AI)
  • AI images are not allowed in our communities. Apologies. Please stop or I'll have to give you a temp ban. I'll leave this up for a while so that you can see this message.

    Thank you!

  • What are some good computer literacy resources I can point someone to?
  • She'll have to get a computer and use it in her free time instead of a phone. It's the best way

  • At some point in time people will link to stack overflow, forum or similar support articles that are over 100 years old.

    Even if it's just an archived version, someone somewhere will find utility in IT or coding advice posted over a century ago.

    FOSS alternative to Notion?
  • Joplin I think, or Trillium but that one could be less user friendly.

  • NSFW Featured
    New proposed tags for andromorph, gynomorph and intersex
  • Hello, sorry for taking some time in getting back to you. Yes, I should make an announcement in the following days after reviewing the final system.

    Thank you for reminding me!

  • What is the name for the feeling of nostalgia, loneliness, eeriness and liminality that comes when listening to songs like subwoofer lullaby?

    Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft:

    Please note that I'm not referring to nostalgia from having played Minecraft a long time ago. The song felt this way since I heard it the first time.

    Here's another song that has a similar feeling to it

    Is there such a concept as 'liminal music'?

    It's not exactly the same as frisson, I think, but it still makes me feel goosebumps sometimes

    13 Months
  • There would be a leap day every year, and two every four years.

  • NSFW
    More married things (by Ruaidri)
  • Oh you're right. I wonder why that is.

  • Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature
  • Nature is healing.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you for the post. I confirm this is definitely a problem.

  • How to setup my own home server and make it available to anyone?
  • Install proxmox on a computer with plenty of RAM and CPU and you'll be able to create VMs which you can give out or rent out to anyone.

    In regards to access, ipv4 is not a good idea. Especially not residential IP addresses., You should get ipv6 addresses maybe from a tunnelbroker. But anyways, first you need the server with the hypervisor (which is what you're looking for) and then you can slowly run tests, learn and eventually figure out networking.

    Btw, it might be cheaper to simply rent a server, which would solve the issue of ip addresses. OVH has cheap servers and a proxmox install wizard.

    Just please don't use it for anything sensitive until you can find someone to give a quick check up in regards to security to make sure you haven't missed anything. Unlike a regular PC, this one is expected to receive inbound connections which has its risks.

    But don't worry about that too much now. Find an old computer or rent a server, install proxmox and start testing, playing around and learning.

    Edit: chatgpt is good when wanting to learn this stuff. Especially gpt-4, but even gpt-3.5 will do. Just don't trust it blindly as it still messes up about 20% of the time. But it's often better than googling for tutorials since you can't often find what you're looking for.

    Edit2: the setup I propose will allow you to divide a regular computer into 100s of virtual ones limited only by the total RAM, disk and CPU. If you only want a web server on dedicated hardware get a raspberry pi, because my proposal would be overkill. But it's the closest to "being your own cloud provider".

  • The future of selfhosted services is going to be... Android?
  • Am curious. Are you able to run a modern windows 10 virtual machine / virtualbox vm on XP?

  • Will getting a digital bank account let my government track my online activity?
  • Yes. If your country is authoritarian use cryptocurrency such as Monero. Even Bitcoin can be much better.

    The bank would know the amount, the merchant and other details even if it's a merchant from abroad. The bank might have a duty to report certain transactions or could be forced to give out a record. Other international payment process or foreign banks will generally not refuse a request if it comes from a country government you are a citizen of.

    You can use crypto to buy gift cards to shop at regular retailers. This is your safest bet if you're concerned about a state surveillance of your transactions.

  • *notices your 0-day*
  • Damn, if that's the case, how and where can I please surround myself with cybersecurity experts? Please... for security purposes of course.

  • Summer breeze (by foxapm)


    NSFW Featured
    New proposed tags for andromorph, gynomorph and intersex
  • Yes! I agree. Please see this post where I might have found a reasonable solution. Let me know what you think:

  • NSFW Featured
    New proposed tags for andromorph, gynomorph and intersex
  • I think it would be difficult to tag based on context since often we can't know a character's personality, story, beliefs, identity, etc... just what we can see. At least most of the time.

    In this case, the terms 'andromorph' and 'gynomorph' literally translates to 'male form' and 'female form', and I believe that it is referring to the physical sex instead of gender, especially since 'form' in this case is alludes to the physical representation of the character.

    What I'm trying to say is that the terms 'andro' and 'gyno' refer in this case to the physical sex and are translated as 'male' and 'female'. In this sense it would make sense to use [M*] and [F*] since the original [M] and [F] tags are also related to physical sex instead of gender, since the gender of a character can't be determined by just the character's physical traits. A character with breasts and a vagina might very well be the fursona of a trans male furry and he feels it better represents him because it's closer to his physical appearance.

    Wait a second....

    Please stand by....


    Okay, I think I got it.

    Here's the definition for the term 'prime' used in mathematics:

    "In mathematics, the prime is generally used to generate more variable names for similar things without resorting to subscripts, with x′ generally meaning something related to (or derived from) x. For example, if a point is represented by the Cartesian coordinates (x, y), then that point rotated, translated or reflected might be represented as (x′, y′). "

    Thus the most respectful way of tagging andromorphs and gynomorphs could be [M′] and [F′], since it does indicate that an element such as a function in mathematics is derivated, differentiated but by no means does it indicate that it's inferior in any way. Technically the prime character ′ is it's own character but I think that using apostrophes will suffice.

    I would still like to campaign for [G'], [S'] and [L'] because I think it's a way simplify tags when there's 3+ characters. Most of the time when you browse yiff what matters to you is the orientation of the characters / scene, instead of the amount of characters by counting the number of Ms and Fs.

    Thus, how about this:

    • [M], [F], [M'], [F'], [I], [A] for solo pictures
    • [M/F], [M/M], [M/F'], etc... for two characters The above categories probably encompass the vast majority of yiff and they're easy to understand. Then we relegate group tags such as [G], [L], [S], [G'], [L'], [S'], [Bi], [Bi'] ONLY for pictures with 3+ characters as an optional representation that can save you from having to write many letters and making searching and filtering easier. (G-L-S-Bi notation would change from being discouraged for pictures with just two characters where two letters can give us full precision at a minor extra cost of a single letter and from now on only encouraged for pictures with 3+ characters)

    In this case I realize that some precision is lost, but pictures with 3+ characters aren't the majority, it's optional and it could be tidier in many circumstances where you care about the orientation.

    I think we might be getting close to having a solution? What do you think?

  • Doing things exceptionally fast.
  • That amount of stress when you rush a deadline isn't humane for sure.

  • Artemis (by evenstevenh)

    Artist: https;//

    NSFW Deleted Featured
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Challenge accepted! Although I fear I might include some poke-butts from time to time.

  • AI Industry Struggles to Curb Misuse as Users Exploit Generative AI for Chaos
  • One step towards avoiding misuse is to stop considering porn to be misuse.

  • Is there any q&a site where answers can be edited collective, as in a wiki, in order to create the best possible reply?

    Just like wikipedia, but instead of articles it's questions.

    Potentially allow for several answers, but the main goal would be to create the best answer using the same criteria we use for wiki articles.

    Chillin' in the car (by Freeedon)


    Nuzzle Nuzzle (by Chemodan.chik)


    African Nomad (by Darknatasha)


    Cheetah Paws (by Citrinelle)


    [OC] Robin the rich... (by Colmscomics)

    cross-posted from:

    > ##### This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot. > The original was posted on /r/comics by /u/colmscomics on 2023-09-21 14:01:07. >

    Tribal Wolf (by Royz)

    Fedi Artist:

    Furry making browser

    By ClayTheFox (I believe)
