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A proper Split View implementation
  • Everyone says "do it with your compositor" but I don't think anyone who says that has ever really tried the convenience of split view.

    My biggest problem with simply opening two Firefox tabs is that my tabs split, and sure, I can just drag them around, but for me (TWM user) I prefer to be able to do everything from the keyboard, and moving tabs between windows is not something that can be done do with key shortcuts

  • Filen automatic background upload
  • At least it's not a limitation for paying users but it still sucks, thanks for the info.

  • Filen automatic background upload
  • I didn't know about that and sounds very good, thanks.

  • Filen automatic background upload

    I really want to try Filen as my main cloud provider but my main brake point is that the app doesn't automatically upload my images in the background. I'm not sure if this is because I'm on the free plan or because of my device, has anyone had better luck with the automatic image upload in the background?

    Thoughts about Posteo?

    I've thinking about ditching my Protonmail email address with Posteo since I need IMAP support (because I hate using the Protonmail app) and honestly paying for Proton Mail Plus didn't worth the money because they are pushing me to buy the Protonmail Unlimited but I don't need all those capabilities nor would I use them and the best alternative I've found is Posteo and honestly I like it, I even got CalDAV support which I didn't have in Protonmail, but personally I don't know anybody who use Posteo, so I post this here.

    Do you think Proton Unlimited worth the price?
  • Does the background upload works for you?

  • Do you think Proton Unlimited worth the price?
  • I mean, yeah, but first I need to learn to self-host.

  • Do you think Proton Unlimited worth the price?
  • And what's your experience? Anything that you want to highlight?

  • Do you think Proton Unlimited worth the price?

    I've thinking about purchasing Proton Mail Plus only and just only to have IMAP support, but I've looked all the features that the Proton Unlimited Plan have, and honestly I believe it's worth, but I hate having all the eggs in the same basket.

    The features I believe worth the most are the 500GB storage, IMAP support, all the VPN servers with P2P and unlimited SimpleLogin aliases, but when I ask if it is worth the price I mean, the majority of those features I can have them having individually with others services and even at lower price.

    How are nvidia gpus with wayland nowadays? I read a while ago it was terrible, has it improved?
  • I currently have a Thinkpad W530 with a Quadro K2000M. Because I have coreboot as its firmware, I am able to run completely on the discrete GPU. So far I've been doing great.

    I've looked on the feature matrix of the nouveau support and my GPU (Kepler) happens to have all the features checked-off, with the exception of dynamic power management (mostly WIP).

    Right now, I'm running KDE wayland with the nouveau driver with no issue.

    On the other hand, I've tried having the hybrid GPU and it sucks.

    I'm not a bot, I just find funny this.

  • Removed
    No sé si es problema de o de @kde pero es muy molesto. #GNULinux #Linux #KdeNeon #Plasma6 😒
  • I used to have a problem like this, but it was specific to virtual machines, IDK if it's related.

  • Looks like Google is making life more difficult for deGooglers
  • I suppose in the case where I'm using Google Play with a Google account, the most likely thing is that I'll be able to update without a problem because my account is in the country where the app is located, just that it's using the servers in the country where I live.

    In the case of the Aurora store of APKMirror, well, I'm fucked, I guess the only think that I can do is use the website of my bank, that I suppose this will be the case in many banks, the interface and the overall experience is worse than that of the app.

    To be honest, is just a shit that many, not to say all banking apps depend specifically on Google to work, it would not be a surprise to me that if I try to install my banking app extracting the APK for myself and then installing it on a deGoogled phone, the app will tell me that it requires Google to work or something like that.

  • Looks like Google is making life more difficult for deGooglers
  • I live in a Central American country where I simply can't find my banking app in Aurora Store or in APKMirror (or any of those sites), and when I search the app name in Google Play it's there, so I guess it has some kind of logic since the app uses anonymous Google accounts that are probably located in a country where it makes no sense that my banking app is there, I mean, why should my Central American banking app be shown in US for example?

  • Looks like Google is making life more difficult for deGooglers
  • Without mentioning that most of the time (and probably depending where you live) you won't find your banking app in there, nor in the Aurora Store usually.

  • Lemmy Support Xirup
    For Yiffit users that cannot use the instance

    I just saw in the admin Mastodon account that you need to clear your cookies, and that's it, which actually worked for me. I'm not sure why.

    Is it possible that Yiffit will stop being defederated with in the future?
  • I like Yiffit in particular because besides the fact that I'm not just there for the NSFW content, just as there are those who like to constantly check /All, I like to check /Local to see all the posts in the instance without having to manually subscribe to each existing community on Yiffit because I use /Subscribed exclusively to see the communities that I like, so /Local is like a kind of filter for me because I'm not an excessive consumer of NSFW either, there are simply certain artists who create great art and Yiffit is a great place to find artists you didn't know, or see art in general whether SFW or NSFW, not just "watch porn".

    I used to use up to 4 accounts at the same time with different feeds so as not to put all my eggs in the same basket but I got to a point where I honestly got sick of it, I really just want when I have free time to scroll through my feed and that's it.

    Its really also a good option as you said to maintain this account and subscribe to the Yiffit communities that I like because I have the best of both worlds, or as another user had already recommended to me, I could also perfectly have another exclusive account for Yiffit, but that's what I've been doing for months and I honestly feel tired of having different feeds, but they are completely valid options that I should consider again.

  • Is it possible that Yiffit will stop being defederated with in the future?
  • I hate politics as well as many people, and just like them, I am constantly exposed to them on Lemmy and especially via /all, I can just block those communities, can't I? Or I can simply not even look for them in the first place because I don't like them and not hate the people who do enjoy them.

  • Is it possible that Yiffit will stop being defederated with in the future?
  • At what point did I say that I was upset with the decisions made by other instances? I openly said that I respect and agree with the decisions made by the administrators of the instances.

    Personally I don't use /all much, I just see the posts of the communities to which I am subscribed and that's all, and I think that's a good point that I hadn't taken into account and thanks for pointing it out, but that's why it especially affects me not to have access to those communities in, because they have a huge flow of posts that I lose by not being able to access those communities.

  • Is it possible that Yiffit will stop being defederated with in the future?
  • Thanks for the information, and I will take it into account.

  • Lemmy Support Xirup
    Is it possible that Yiffit will stop being defederated with in the future?

    I have been an active user of different communities for a long time but for personal reasons I want to migrate from Dbzer0 to Yiffit, unfortunately to my surprise stopped federating with Yiffit a few months ago and honestly it saddens me because there are communities like c/linux, c/privacy, c/firefox, c/fdroid that are extremely useful and I love to participate in them.

    Is there any chance that Yiffit will be federated again? And why was it defederated from

    The admin of Yiffit is an incredibly nice person and I'm sure he will want to come to collaborate to be able to federate again with As a user I find it a little unfair not to be able to participate in these communities from this instance but I understand and respect that each instance has its own policies and decisions.

    Smh doctors didnt give me a chance
  • In the balls, of course.

  • Sometimes a good way to 'learn Linux' is to use a WM

    I have been using Linux for about 5 years and although I don't consider that I know much, I know enough to fix my own problems and that's usually enough for me.

    Since Plasma 6 was announced I wanted to test something other than XFCE, Gnome or Plasma (or any DE) so I give it a try with ArcoLinuxD i3wm and is increible the amount of things I learn the 'hard way' because there was no GUI to do the things I want to do, or maybe I was too lazy to do it with the terminal since there is always the 'easy way'.

    Things that might be very easy for a lot of people, but I never take the time to learn, like mounting drives, running programs from startup, setting environment variables, creating desktop entries, and a lot of other things I didn't even remember. I even learned to use things that used to give me a headache just looking at it, like Vim, xdg, the Archwiki (that is super useful) and the manpages.

    It's ironic because something that started as an experiment is now my daily drive, and now that Plasma 6 has been released, I don't want to leave i3 behind.

    I'm relatively unfamiliar with Linux. I'm getting a ThinkPad T460 and want to install Mint on it. Is there anything about the T460 I should know?
  • IMHO there's no other way to know that something works that trying it by yourself. I honestly don't believe that there's some kind of specific problem with that model that will not let you use Linux on it, maybe some kind of BIOS/UEFI lock but that's usually easy to unlock.

    Maybe if you really want to be sure that it works, you can try using Mint from Live Mode (Booting directly from the pendrive without installing the OS) before purchasing it.

  • How to use Alt+Tab Number to go beyond tab 9

    When you use Alt+Number you automatically switch to the tab that is assigned that number, but when you have more than 9 tabs Alt+9 just switches to the last tab instead of opening tab number 9, and you can't go beyond tab number 9 either, is there any way to go to tabs beyond 9 with Alt+Number?

    Userscript recommendations?

    I recently started using Violentmonkey and there are hundreds of absolutely great scripts like some that help you go straight to the download link instead of shorteners (very common on pirate sites), and there are also some scripts for downloading music from Spotify (I guess using Youtube), but I hardly know any more, anyone know of some scripts for general use or useful for pirating?

    How to change Firefox file dialog in i3wm? [Solved]

    I wish to change the default Nautilus file dialog that Firefox uses, to Dolphin (my main file manager) but I cannot find any solution. Every single time I download an image, Nautilus is opened instead of Dolphin.

    I tried adding GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 to my env variables, and It didn't work, then I tried changing mimetype and also did not work, I also tried modifying the xdg-portal (sorry if I'm wrong) to use xdg-desktop-portal-kde instead, but I cannot accomplish this since I didn't understand at all the Arch wiki and IIRC some files aren't exactly where the Arch wiki was pointing them.

    As a last attempt, I open about:config in Firefox and search for widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal and set it to True, and still I keep having that old Nautilus as my file picker in Firefox, and this last thing usually worked well for me in Plasma.

    Edit: I just restarted my pc and now randomly seems that Dolphin it's the file dialog for Firefox, I don't have a single clue how this happen.

    Do you think that people who don't use Linux think that people that use it are hackers?

    I've been using Linux for the past 5 years, and recently I change from DE to WM (i3) which change it my whole workflow. Now I use a lot more the command line to do even simple things.

    Recently I note that some relatives called me 'hacker' and I find that kinda funny, may be because I'm so accustomed to the terminal and to i3 that I don't notice that "it looks like a hacker thing".

    Any news about multicommunities?

    I've been using the stable release and I'm fine with it, but a feature that I really miss is the multicommunities (or multireddits, how it's called in Infinity).

    Does anybody know if the 'multicommunity' feature it's already in Eternity Nightly or it's still WOP?

    Edit: Never mind, I installed Eternity Nightly and the PR for the multicommunities feature is already merged, it works as intended although if you try to add a community that you don't follow the app just crash, but apart from that, it works!

    Music player that support lyrics (.lrc)

    I tried some F-Droid and Izzy apps and none of them support lyrics.

    I suppose that VLC supported this but I didn't find how I can do it at least with audio files.

    How to close Spotify to tray in i3wm?

    I recently started using i3 (my first WM), and I used to use Plasma. In Plasma, when Spotify was opened, I just went to my system tray and there was a Spotify icon, which if I right clicked it, it let me close Spotify to system tray.

    In i3 the only tray icons are the programs that are actually in the tray (Steam, e.g), so I cannot "close it to tray" as in Plasma.

    How I can enable i3-gaps?

    I started to use i3 and I love it so far, and then I tried to enable i3-gaps on i3 but when I tried to enable it I receive this error I don't understand at all...

    ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/$USER/.config/i3/config) ERROR: CONFIG: Line 214: # Gaps ERROR: CONFIG: Line 215: for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 2 ERROR: CONFIG: Line 216: gaps inner 10 ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ERROR: CONFIG: Line 217: gaps outer 10 ERROR: CONFIG: Line 218: ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set ', 'set ', 'set_from_resource', 'include', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bind', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'default_border', 'new_window', 'default_floating_border', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'no_focus', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'mouse_warping', 'focus_wrapping', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'disable_randr15', 'disable-randr15', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'focus_on_window_activation', 'title_align', 'show_marks', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'ipc_kill_timeout', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent', 'client.placeholder' ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/$USER/.config/i3/config) ERROR: CONFIG: Line 215: for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 2 ERROR: CONFIG: Line 216: gaps inner 10 ERROR: CONFIG: Line 217: gaps outer 10 ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ERROR: CONFIG: Line 218: ERROR: FYI: You are using i3 version 4.20.1 (2021-11-03) According to Debian i3 wiki, you just need to add 'gaps inner 10' to your config file to make it work, but I do exactly that and it didn't work, I receive the same exact message.

    Youtube channels like UnusualVideos (or funny videos compilations)

    Is there any youtube channel similar to Unusual Videos that you know? I know there are infinite youtube channels that upload memes and short videos but they all usually upload the same content or doesn´t have the same 'quality' that Unusual Videos have...

    Why does the gaming community (among others) have to be so destructive and toxic?

    I know this is human nature and this is nothing new. It's absolutely impossible to make something that everyone is happy with, but what's the need to be so destructive?

    I recently finished The Callisto Protocol and in my opinion it's a great game but I remember people saying that "The game was so bad that they (Krafton) had to give it away (PS Plus) for someone to play it".

    Oddly enough I probably like to contradict most people because another game I'm interested in playing is Immortals of Aveum and when I read one or another review people say that "It's just another generic dead game, like those generic trash Netflix series", I mean, is it really necessary to be so destructive? And I want to clarify, I don't give a shit what people say, if I like a game and I enjoy it I don't mind paying full price for it, and if I don't like it, I just don't do destructive reviews.

    What I least understand about the gaming community and what I find most toxic is when they criticize others for playing something they like, like the phenomenon of criticizing Genshin Impact players or in the past the same with Minecraft. Do I commit a sin by playing something I like?

    Is it just me or does Libretube crashes when playing a downloaded video?

    As I said, when trying to open a downloaded video the app crashes immediately with the following log:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000 at Method) at at at at com.github.libretube.util.OfflineTimeFrameReceiver.<init>(SourceFile:18) at com.github.libretube.ui.activities.OfflinePlayerActivity$playVideo$1.invokeSuspend(SourceFile:595) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:9) at at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loopOnce( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@d19729e, Dispatchers.Main.immediate]

    I already tried to reinstall the app from scratch, clean the cache, download the videos without using proxy, change instance and download them from another (although I think all downloads are directly from Youtube anyway) and still nothing helps, it always crashes the same. Investigating a little in the Libretube Github I didn't find anyone else with a similar problem (or I didn't see it), but until recently I started to have this problem that I didn't have before.

    I need suggestions for a build that will run games a 60fps at long term

    I need suggestions for a build (using AMD GPU) that will run AAA titles at about 60fps but at high or ultra graphics quality and I am not interested in playing at 1440p at 144hz, although I would like to if I could.

    I consider that the only drawback is that I am interested in playing PS3 and Switch games emulated, so, I need a good CPU and that will increase the price although I would prefer to have a bottleneck by the CPU than by the GPU.

    Thanks and sorry if details are missing but I had written a much longer post but there was a blackout and everything was deleted, and I'm too lazy to write it again.

    Considering in some parts I have seen the Ryzen 9 5900X and 6700XT 10GB as good options.

    Do you think it is worth buying a Steam Deck to pirate?

    I've been considering buying a Steam Deck but already having a decent PC I don't know if it's worth upgrading my PC or buying a Steam Deck.

    I have a mid-range PC that runs any game nowadays, but I'm used to playing on console and I'm really more into programming and working on my PC, and what I like about the Steam Deck is that I just take it wherever I want to use it and I have everything ready to play, unlike a PC where for example, for emulated games I would need to look for a controller.

    I guess I will buy the Steam Deck, but there are two things that concern me:

    1. How can I add pirated games to my Steam library? Honestly I'd be lazy to have to go into desktop mode every time I want to run a game. Is there a way to add it directly to my Steam library? I understand that Heroic (Epic Games and GOG Launcher for Linux) has an option to add the games automatically to the Steam Deck library, adding my pirated games there would add them to Steam or is there a similar method to do that?

    2. What is the emulation situation in the Steam Deck? I guess the Steam Deck is able to run almost any Switch game and some PS3 games, but I remember there was an emulator launcher specifically designed for the Steam Deck, does anyone know which one it is and if it is possible to open it directly from Steam?

    Has anyone else suddenly started having problems with Bottles?

    I've been pirating on Linux with Bottles for years and I've never had any problems, I would consider myself an "experienced user" because I always solved my problems on my own but lately I can't run any pirated game on Wine with Bottles.

    To start with, I first downloaded Terraria and the game wouldn't open, so I ran the game with the terminal and got this error:

    wineserver: using server-side synchronization. wine: RLIMIT_NICE is &lt;= 20, unable to use setpriority safely 002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L "C:\windowsystem32\winemenubuilder.exe -r" (126). 0084:err:hid:udev_bus_init UDEV monitor creation failed Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specifi ed file. ShellExecuteEx failed: Internal error. Investigating I simply realized that it is a generic error, so I started to install the dependencies of the game (from the Redist directory) and they do not open either, I get the same error, literally no executable opens through Bottles, and the funny thing is that I tried everything and nothing changes.

    I already tried to change the prefixes, disable GPU acceleration, remove the prefix and create another one (that is, the Bottle) and obviously Bottles has permission to write and read the directory where the games are, so I really don't know what could be causing the problem but it's pretty fucked up.

    The curious thing here, is that I have a Bottle where I have EA Play and Battlefield V, and the game opens perfectly, but the Terraria executable does not. I wonder if it is simply some misconfiguration of my system, or the Bottles devs made some change that affects running executables, and I doubt it is the fault of the games being pirated because they are DRM-free games, such as Terraria.

    Edit: Nope, reinstalling Bottles did nothing.

    Xirup Xirup

    If no free alternative exists, then arrgg! 🦜🏴‍☠️

    Firefox, KDE Plasma and GNU/Linux lover and user forever! 🐧🦊

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