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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Seconded. I feel like some of the more "news mega" positions here , genuine or not , come about as sort of autoimmune reactions to the everyday liberalism most people here live with constantly. So I get where it comes from even if I don't find it to be correct.

  • We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality
  • The rest is fine but at the end of the article the author goes over what to do. "Demand more responsibility from our leaders."

    We're still doing this pablum? If you really wanna do something, you gotta be a communist, you gotta join an org, you gotta work towards some kind of dual power. You think petitions, or even marches are doing permanent damage to capitalism without serious worker orgs behind them?

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • When I see a bunch of white kids wearing kaffiyehs I can’t help wonder whatever happened to the whole anti-cultural appropriation thing. When someone drones on about “solidarity,” all I hear is, “Get in line.” When there’s no room for dissent from the dissent, there’s no room for me. Color me an anti-fan of performative politics, particularly if it means I’d be part of the show that features bigots posing as bleeding hearts. Plus, all that earnestness! It brings out my ironic and impish side, inclined to correct typos on signage or foment some kind of peripheral debate. Every time someone at one of those encampments cried out “Free Palestine” I’d be tempted to yell “From Hamas!” I’d surely get kicked out of the group that wants to kick other people out. They don’t want troublemakers

    Someone could go through this and pick this shit pile apart. But all I can say is: to gutless, spineless, bloodless liberals that think their nuance is anything but the blinders they wear to ignore the charnel house they built and live in, were-gonna-kill-you

  • Whistleblower says Boeing lost hundreds of faulty parts -- and some may be on new 737 Max planes
  • The whistleblower alleged around 60 parts were being improperly stored outdoors, with Boeing ordering employees to move most of them to another location after the FAA issued them a June 2023 notice that it would be doing an inspection.

    He additionally claims the parts were eventually moved back outdoors or became “lost completely.”

    Mohawk alleged his job of handling nonconforming parts became way more demanding after all 737 Max’s were grounded amidst the two deadly crashes in 2018 and 2019, and subsequently returned to production after the FAA gave the go-ahead.

    He claimed that “the overwhelming number of nonconforming parts eventually led his superiors to direct him and others to eliminate or ‘cancel’ the records that designate a part as nonconforming,” the memo stated.

    Maybe putting the parts outside with the rain and UV damage will bring them back to spec

  • Removed
    An Antirealist Manifesto
  • Do we recognise money as real? No? Then the financial transactions making the world go round are magic. They are founded on magical thinking. Belief made manifest, just as we seek to do. Do we recognise Deus as real? No? Then prayer is magic. Do we recognise the wiccan goddess as real? No? Then wicca is magic. But since we don’t value reality, we can use wicca, if we wish. Soulism has no problem with magical beliefs. When we exert our will to shape our perceptions of reality, what we are doing is called magic. Our belief that reality is untrue is itself not real. How could it be real? Magic sits at the core of soulist praxis

    Oh man I can't read anymore. 150 years of actual socialist struggle making concrete gains for a real transformation of economic modes? Nah just believe whatever you want to be true

  • You need to train them young
  • Rowe takes what should be seen as a poignant contradiction in the workplace (and one that can be used to agitate) and instead goes "Hmm well the boss wants to make money and the worker seems to be willing to change falling off scaffolding. This is perfectly equal and good and nothing more to see here."

    There's a small kernel of truth in what he's saying, and he doesn't touch on it because the implications are not good for a boot licker like him. Construction workers are not "willing to take risks" , they are

    1. Propagandised to see safety as a time wasting useless function

    2. Demoralised by what safety measures are in place because most exist to punish workers on the ground for mistakes and not reward continual success

    3. Disciplined by deadlines, piecework, their bosses to go as fast as possible.

    Ironically enough the same people on site that tell everyone to be as safe as possible are also the same ones pushing improbable finish dates for work, workers see this hypocrisy and understand that, without some kind of mass backing them, if they are going to be firm on workplace rules there's a good chance they're next when layoffs come around.

  • A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team
  • ZA/UM's post-Disco projects

    Y12: Cancelled. Full sequel to Disco Elysium, shelved after the departure of Kurvitz, Rostov, and Hindpere.

    P1: Cancelled. Sci-fi game headed by Disco Elysium producer and former ZA/UM shareholder Kaur Kender, who sued the studio after his departure. Staff folded into X7 following cancellation.

    X7: Cancelled. Disco Elysium spin off/standalone expansion headed by Dora Klindžić and Argo Tuulik.

    M0: In development. A smaller-scale Elysium game targeting touchscreen devices.

    C4: In development. ZA/UM's primary remaining project, a large-scale RPG that is not part of the Elysium setting.

    so the only disco Elysium content being developed is a mobile app. What happened to the original 3 devs, have they just disappeared or something

  • Think I'm gonna be switching to Yandex from now on
  • Considering that he was born in the USSR but immigrated to Israel later in life, yes it does matter that he is Israeli. He is of the opinion that it's good to settle in a country that floats on top of Palestinian blood.

  • He moderated r/Ukraine, shaping how the world sees the war. Now he has to fight in it.
  • Select hits from his profile


    Well current government of russian federation is trying to whitewash the facts and alter history history as always. I mean they even have their own name for the war - The “great patriotic war” to hide the fact they’ve been allies with Hitler between 1939 and 1941, so I think it’s quite important to remind them of that. Just look at r/pikabu dweebs downvoting away at a simple historical truth.


    There are documented instances of soviet squads dressed as Ukrainian freedom fighters during WWII committing warcrimes against civilian population, Poles and Jews to rob them of support from the populace. Good thing about these kind of affairs is that if they get captured they don't get the benefits of Geneva convention.

    Please replace the relatively sane soldiers with these guys

  • Adam Gopnik: Why Liberals Struggle to Defend Liberalism ("Liberalism is, truly, the love that dare not speak its name.")
  • I mean if we're really gonna use the Titanic argument, let's also note that communists knew the iceberg was coming since the boat left port, have drawn up plans for everyone to safely evacuate the boat, and have outlined a totally new iceberg proof boat that we can all sail in.

    Meanwhile the liberals barricaded in the control room have been busy sipping champagne and shooting anyone trying to steer the ship on a new course.

  • CIA working overtime.
  • Is there a source for this? In the news mega someone also claimed that they raised the salaries of workers and cut political salaries but that turned out to be bogus unfortunately

    Ok I found one source, apparently it was a bank first established as a joint venture with Libya in the 80s

  • What's up with the New Left?

    Was thinking about this intellectual period last night. I don't know a lot but I get the vague impression of it being too much on the revisionist side for my taste, although the label New Left is so broad that I'm sure there's a huge span of thought that it gets applied to.

    What theory still holds up from that time, what theorists do you agree/disagree with, what texts would you recommend to people who want to understand more about this time, t's origins,links to the French 1968 movement ,etc?

    Overproduction vs rate of profit?

    I want to understand more about these two crises of capitalism. How do they happen? How do they relate to each other?what is the context on the debate in leftist circles around them, as I know some groups prefer to emphasise one over the other. I have read a bit on Michael Roberts' blog, he definitely prefers to emphasise the falling rate of profit but some of it goes over my head.

    Any books/articles on this stuff that comrades would recommend?

    when the labour is estranged from the worker

    What, then, constitutes the alienation of labor?

    First, the fact that labor is external to the worker, i.e., it does not belong to his intrinsic nature; that in his work, therefore, he does not affirm himself but denies himself, does not feel content but unhappy, does not develop freely his physical and mental energy but mortifies his body and ruins his mind. The worker therefore only feels himself outside his work, and in his work feels outside himself. He feels at home when he is not working, and when he is working he does not feel at home.

    His labor is therefore not voluntary, but coerced; it is forced labor. It is therefore not the satisfaction of a need; it is merely a means to satisfy needs external to it. Its alien character emerges clearly in the fact that as soon as no physical or other compulsion exists, labor is shunned like the plague. External labor, labor in which man alienates himself, is a labor of self-sacrifice, of mortification.

    Lastly, the external character of labor for the worker appears in the fact that it is not his own, but someone else’s, that it does not belong to him, that in it he belongs, not to himself, but to another. Just as in religion the spontaneous activity of the human imagination, of the human brain and the human heart, operates on the individual independently of him – that is, operates as an alien, divine or diabolical activity – so is the worker’s activity not his spontaneous activity. It belongs to another; it is the loss of his self.

    when the capitalist system positions your labour-power as a power alien to you, and denies your species-being, thereby denying your external and natural aspect, your human aspect; as well as ensuring your estrangement of man from man !sus

    when the workers' activity does not belong to them and is instead felt as a torment, inversely felt by the owner of the labour as satisfaction and pleasure !sus-deep

    when the whole of human servitude is involved in the relation of the worker to production !sus-lovecraft

    when the workers themselves necessarily hold within them the revolutionary power to sweep away these systems of domination and contradiction !lenin-shining

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