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Depression / nostalgia has hindered my ability to make new memories, I just re-live old ones
  • That's quite an interesting problem to have. I've never been very prone to nostalgia myself, partially due to there not being that many good memories. Not sure how to express this in English... I don't know how I would have handled the whole dropping out, unemployment, being kicked out and being homeless. Or if I would have handled it at all. I'm impressed.

    The part I can actually relate to is "I just want to keep barely working and playing games and staying up late forever", while also very much not wanting to be that way. (typing this at 5am) For myself, I've identified the likely problem to be that I no longer have any goals or dreams. There isn't really anything I'd want to work towards, nothing I want to achieve. I can't come up with anything either, so I'm kind of stuck in the present unable to look to the future, just trying to survive day at a time. Whenever I do think about future, I can only think about it in a negative way. I'm curious, how do you view future? Or do you have any leads as to how you might get out of your situation?

    If online friends aren't your thing, this won't be of any use, but when it comes to making real friends online... Based purely on my personal experience, I'd recommend some kind of an online penpal site. The ones where people look to chat with people from other countries or speaking other languages, for example. Differences between countries and cultures give a lot of interesting stuff to talk about, and easily leads to deeper conversations. Especially helpful if there isn't much going on in one's day-to-day life. And people there are generally looking for actual friends, more so than in most other online communities. I've made most of my best friendships on sites like that. Some of them I'm still friends with a decade later. (I just now realized it has been that long... damn.)

  • Shocking
  • A soul eater trying to explain how what they are doing isn't really any different from the humans hunting and eating other animals.

  • ink and watercolor / untitled
  • I don't know why exactly, but I find this absolutely adorable.

  • Why is zoom so insane when you double tap on images?
  • I know at least Firefox and Signal do the same. I don't see why it should be changed, since pinching and double tapping are also supported. Although, the zoom on double tap is indeed way too strong.

  • Guess I’m too good
  • I've been carrying a lute I found in a cave for weeks now, still haven't found out who it belongs to, or to what quest. I refuse to look it up though, I'll search the entire Skyrim, if that's what it takes.

  • Be careful /s
  • The moment you get rid of the phone, you start turning into a sheep? Better hold onto mine then, I suppose.

  • Number 4
  • If you look at this long enough, you'll start seeing tadpoles.

  • Fine Dining Duck😅
  • Not happy, just relieved. The duck has been dining on human flesh all morning.

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Always remember to return your shopping cart after using it to move the bodies.

  • it is what it is
  • The annoying part seems to be that every now and then life still manages to find a way to make me invested in and stressed over something.

  • What's the worst that could happen?
  • Why, it was just yesterday when I... oh, come to think of it, that was nearly a decade ago. Huh.

  • What's the worst that could happen?

    (template stolen from Crow Time comic)

    Oh no, Anarchists!
  • If I recall correctly, a lot of the comics (at least early ones, I haven't gotten very far) don't have credit on them.

  • Anyone else feel weirdly drawn to forests or have the desire to live near one?
  • Love forests! Apart from the mosquitoes...

  • Do any of you meditate?
  • I suppose I still do it in some sense. If I have a lot of muscle tension built up or am otherwise starting to get a headache/migraine. I just lie down in bed, and focus on breathing until my body enters that sleep state where it completely relaxes and doesn't respond to my commands. Like a nice nap, but without actually falling asleep (much faster, no grogginess). Or like sleep paralysis, but without the demons. ;D

    I also tried meditation to focus on the subconscious stream of thoughts, which was extremely fascinating. But I had to stop after a week or so since I started to become aware of it even when not meditating, which felt like someone constantly whispering in my ears and it was quite maddening. I would still recommend giving it a try though. Becoming aware of some subconscious thought chains/loops, especially the negative ones, and learning to cut them short had a huge impact on my mental well-being.

  • One at a time
  • My cat: "You are a heated bed for me to nap on. If you even think about getting up, I will murder you."

  • Late night thoughts
  • 2h after sunset, eh? In summer when the sun doesn't set, all my negative thoughts shall be valid! Woooo! (that's actually some good advice you're giving though)

  • How much do you dream when you sleep?
  • One cool thing about remembering dreams you've had is that some stories might turn into storylines. For the past few years there has been a dream story going on in my sleep. Every now and then randomly there's another dream that either continues or relates to that story. It's pretty fun, like following an interesting TV show and waiting for new episodes!

  • How much do you dream when you sleep?
  • I have dreams every single night, and remember at least one of them once I wake up. Always have. Only exceptions are when I'm extremely tired or when I drink chamomile tea before bed. Found out about the latter last summer, and it admittedly kind of freaked me out; not having/remembering dreams is just... weird.

  • specialization is for insects
  • In recent years I've run some experiments on what works for me and what doesn't. '6h for work - 9h for rest - 9h for whatever' division seems to work wonders for me, with one day off in a week.

    Trying to sleep less than 9h just messes everything up, unless I divide the sleep into two sections. Funny how that works. Extra 1.5h of being awake, especially during the productive night hours, was quite nice. But I hate waking up, and doing that twice a day is just simply too much!

  • Internal Monologue and Visualization?
  • I suppose I'm on the opposite side of visualization spectrum. I can easily conjure images so realistic and detailed that they pass for the real thing. I can also add texture, smells, temperature, sound, etc. but I can't fake weight or pure white color which for some reason always turns out somewhat grey or beige.

    I don't think much in words however, most of my thoughts are in images and sensations. Which does make verbal communication somewhat challenging at times.

    Sometimes the realism of visualization worries me somewhat. Many mental processes have a tendency to get a bit out of conscious control, and it would be quite troublesome to no longer know which of the things I see are actually real. On the plus side, I can visualize paintings on my walls, without actually buying any! I like having no decorations in my home, which seems to confuse people. Perhaps I should start comparing it to a blank canvas...

  • Zaros Zaros

    An avid meme observer and Fediverse enthusiast.

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