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Le Libéral Zevlen
What are Your thoughts on Biden running for president again?
So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?
  • That's about how I feel. I know I am blessed and that makes me happy. I don't take it for granted.

    Sorry 😔😐 that someone down voted your comment. That's not very holiday so Spirit like lol... But I think almost half the comments on here always have at least one downvoted so don't feel bad 😞

  • Le Libéral Zevlen
    "This Is a Colonial War": Historian Rashid Khalidi on Israel, Gaza & the Future of Palestine
    Le Libéral Zevlen
    Liberalism; definition, history, & facts. Liberalism | Definition, History, & Facts

    Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing individual freedom to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to...

    Liberalism | Definition, History, & Facts
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  • "he is not suicidal" first how do You know much of anything about what's in Putins head?

    Maybe he's not suicidal ... But he is a maniac / psycho like Hitler and we know how that ended; he blamed Germany and went down 👇👎 and he knew he was fucked.

    Putin cannot lose power or he knows he's fucked... If he is fucked ; you really don't think this psycho would nuke?

    There are many possibilities to how this all ends.

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  • No one advocating; correct. Putin is off his rocker though. So if Russia does go into a war with NATO a nuclear war is not unlikely.

    If You don't think Vladolf Putler is completely insane; then please tell me why?

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  • No one is ignoring anything and Russian army is at great fatigue...

    I don't know what the solution is. But new conflicts and wars aren't a solution at all. Just a step closer to WW/// OR global genocide by nuclear weapons= mass extinction of humans ... And probably a big loss of knowledge; history; culture ETC.
