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"I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • True, but students doing an apprenticeship/training is a bit more rare than just receiving a general secondary education.

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • I suspect that's what it used to be, and that's how boomers came of age under or how Gen X recall their parents career trajectory.

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • Calling 15-18 year olds "NEET" is a wild one.

    I think it's okay to take a gap year after high school, and take breaks from employment, education, and training now and then.

    Just don't do it for too long or you'll turn into felix-linus

  • The US is cooked. It really is.
  • peanut butter and gummy bears on my pizza

  • Literally a skill issue
  • isnt there a scientific study that says people get worse at video games after 25 years old?

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • The way that the bourgeoisie arrested and seized control from aristocracy and monarchy, (e.g, England) making the latter into the symbol of the state and central authority and undermining the former's dominance in shaping the future of the country, yes.

    I think the Erebonian empire's situation can be compared to Meiji era Japan, where an oligarchy emerged to bring Japan away from isolationist feudalism to imperialist bourgeois democracy, modernization, and industrialization.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Idk, the Bismarck analogue guy (Osbourne?) was supposed to be a representation of the emergent bourgeoisie taking control from and over the aristocracy. The emperor was basically a puppet of his - not even given voiced lines - and the state had begun to be fully centralized. The peasantry and proletariat at that time weren't as class conscious, politically coherent, or as organized as the bourgeoisie were.

    The game's politics seem to be consistent with how history played out.

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Netflix used to have historical fiction stories about Turkey called Etrugl. I quite liked it.

  • Does anyone else find it kind of cute how millennials started out super edgy as kids but a lot of us have turned into total weenies that like puppers and cry a lot?
  • felix-linus

    The point is trite, since it's been echoed since the 90s and 00s, and is and was much of Gen X's cultural expression: The choice presented by @peppersky of being a suburbanite robbed of humor and youth, or a manchild, is a form of colonization of the mind via capitalism. Our unique selves buried under consumption of content and fulfilling social roles and goals determined by the capitalist system. (Not that there's anything particularly wrong with either of these choices, but living like this also turns life into a purgatory of repetition and variation. It deprives life of color and purpose that become filled by junk ideology.)

    Instead, we should be aspiring to be self-actualized adults with our own individuality and aspiration for life beyond checking milestones or consuming media.

  • Currently, the UN Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, estimates that 65,000 people remain in Rafah. Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

    The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in partnership with the Health Effects Institute, an independent United States-based nonprofit organization, today released a report that says air pollution is having an increasing impact on human health, becoming the second leading global risk factor for...

    The following is a near-verbatim transcript of today’s noon briefing by Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General.

    **Occupied Palestinian Territory

    Good afternoon and thank you all for your patience.

    So first off, in Gaza, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says that people continue to be displaced amidst active fighting and bombardment.

    Currently, the UN Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, estimates that 65,000 people remain in Rafah. This is in stark contrast to six weeks ago, when Rafah hosted 1.4 million displaced people before the Israeli evacuation orders and military operations.

    UNRWA also tells us that for more than eight months now, 625,000 children have been out of school because of the hostilities. Humanitarian partners are lending support by offering psychosocial activities, but children need to resume their schooling.

    Meanwhile, OCHA reports that for the first time since early June, five trucks of fuel entered Gaza. However, the supplies remain scarce as no fuel had been delivered in the Strip for the past two weeks.

    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • I kind of noticed that westerners treat the oppressed as non existent entities, or ghosts.

  • Why is this community called chapotraphouse but the icon and banner is citations needed?
  • The inside joke on the banned subreddit was that Citations Needed provided more insightful coverage and analysis of the world as it was to nascent and literate people discovering leftist critique of the world. The joke was about what Citations Needed was not. It was not exciting, irreverent, mockery of politics and media but coherent and thorough assessment and dissection of media, politics, power, and the history of bullshit.

  • Who is this? Wrong answers only.
  • Hunter Robinette Biden, son of the current President of the United States of America, Joseph Belden.

  • When Palestine is liberated, would you accept Israeli "refugees" in your country?
  • I don't see the purpose of asking this question when Israel is still extant and capable of surviving while Palestine burns. Israel hasn't surrendered because they can do this attrition warfare longer than Gaza can hold out, despite any gains or advantages Ansrallah and Hezbollah have over Israel at the moment. Israel and the US are both willing to escalate in calculated and measured ways.

    Considering that Jewish Israelis are 70% of the population, it's likely that they will stay in the long term. Before Oct 7th, there was already a sort of exodus of Israelis to Europe/US because of lack of economic opportunity, high rents, low wages; reasons people leave their country as it is. Israel is not really stable without US support.

  • just this whole ass post
  • The lead mod, now deleted account, femimarxi, purged the ML LSC bots like back in 2018. The banned mods made capitalism_in_decay.

    Reddit is very much a narrative controlled site, by ngos and state actors.

    I kind of just stick with trueanon sub now

  • just this whole ass post
  • There was like a small expose of proof showing LSC has an abundance of bots in it.

    There was a repost of an old meme and the old meme from then to now had the same comments too.

    That subreddit is probably brigaded or surveilled with bots and paid posters.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Years prior to this incident, the man who has now been identified as Frederik Christiensen-Glücksburg, had been arrested for kicking down his brother's Lego castle.

  • *implementing every Trump policy* another dub for biden
  • Considering how impotent our input is to the function of the government, I've stopped being outraged at them. Disgusted, definitely.

  • The Algebra of Genocide - Chris Hedges The Algebra of Genocide

    A talk at the benefit Iftar on April 6th to establish the Palestine Center for Public Policy.

    The Algebra of Genocide
    Yes, It is genocide. Yes, it is genocide

    In most cases of genocide, from Bosnia to Namibia, from Rwanda to Armenia, the perpetrators of the murder said they were acting in…

    Israel’s Trojan Horse - Chris Hedges Report Israel’s Trojan Horse - Read by Eunice Wong

    The “temporary pier” being built on the Mediterranean coast of Gaza is not there to alleviate the famine, but to herd Palestinians onto ships and into permanent exile.

    Israel’s Trojan Horse - Read by Eunice Wong
    Ralph Nader: Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza - Ralph Nader

    By Ralph Nader March 5, 2024 Since the Hamas raid penetrated the multi-tiered Israeli border security on October 7, 2023 (an unexplained collapse of Israel’s defensive capabilities), 2.3 million utterly defenseless Palestinians in the tiny crowded Gaza enclave have been on the receiving end of over ...

    Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza - Ralph Nader

    saw this on the Trueanon subreddit. Nader claims at least 200k have been killed by Israel so far.


    (Title is a reference to the Manga, Barefoot Gen, where an Imperial Japanese soldier insists two children stomp on Churchill/Truman's effigy painted on the street sidewalk as way to help defeat the Allies )

    I don't feel comfortable having an Israeli flag on Hexbear with the star of David on its image burning.

    On my part, though it does happen, this is not my conflation of Zionism with Judaism. I trust we believe that Zionism is using Judaism, the Star of David, and the history of the Jewish people to deface and tarnish the Torah and Jewish culture for its own settler colonial ideology and national chauvinism.

    Zionism is using Judaism, Jewish culture, and identity as a weapon to fuel its own existence and legitimacy, and as shield to insulate itself from criticism and consequences.

    And because of that people do link them together, whether we like it or not.

    Creating an emoji with a burning Star of David is something that Hexbear has not done, but I don't appreciate the occassional poster here Just Asking Questions in debatebro fashion on why we can not have a burning star of david.

    I certainly don't like having images of them spammed to me in my inbox with the message "just admit i'm right". Whether people do it on other forums and in crowds on the street is neither here nor there; there's a difference between ventilating frustration and cultivating an ecosystem of hate that is very fragile to navigate through in an issue so sensitive and urgent.

    tl;dr - you don't need a burning Israel flag with the Star of David to express contempt, horror, disgust, shame, anger, and the solidarity of opposition.

    Also don't harass people with your "argument".

    You used to have good insights and effortposts

    Hi there,

    I'm sure you've seen me around, as I've been here for quite while. I enjoyed and saw how this site grew, etc, but what I enjoyed was the genuine topics and conversation of discussions about this site. Perhaps it is the reintegration of life and routine, away from Covid, but I've noticed a decline in quality that makes me reminiscent and nostalgic for the past and even for members like LiberalSocialist.

    You used to have something to say, regularly.

    Chapochat/Hexbear wasn't just recycled memes and images from r/thedeprogram or r/trueanon.

    There are still interesting things and conversations that are posted but they've been drowned out by pages of mediocre images that substitute picture and image for discussion and introspection; as another poster once typed, paraphrasing, we're all just trying to create site taglines and phrases and substituting quips for insight and catharsis.

    Fair enough that catharsis, solidarity, and revelation can only be achieved through living your life and not through quiet meditation and discussion on reddit or psuedo-reddits. But there was at least more frequency of effort posts, venting, and exegesis of history, current and social events, and understanding of the world or at least an effort to do so.

    To my observation, such that I lurk here, Such effort is only spared on video games. On media. On the dunk_tank. On getting upset about wrong opinion.

    Despite the federation, this site seems to have only become isolated and divorced of what made it unique: effortposting.

    Maybe it's not just Hexbear. Maybe that is why UlyssesT left; the catharsis is exhausted and online space is dominated by a a tendency for performative and justified outrage and yearning for solidarity and emotional validation. But rather than copium, as anyone afflicted with a disease would prefer, some small part of me wanted prognoses rather than diagnoses.

    I don't know. I reflect on things like /moretankiechapo or /genzedong and see how things have declined in qualityposts. Perhaps it is for the better, as UlyssesT had discovered, to have the impetus to go outside and not only live life but to evangalize socialism and recapture purpose and community.

    I'll see you tomorrow.

    Did Bernie Sanders ruin the possibility for mass movements to manifest in the near future?

    Or was it Biden's victory and liberal's exhaustion with politics in a Trump-era world?

    I can't help but wonder if the presence of a Democrat in the presidency just sort of pacifies liberal, left, and radical mass movements and mobilization.

    Can we be faster with banning of fascist apologetic reactionaries?

    I'm primarily referencing the people in the Kyle Rittenhouse post from a day ago, but as a general reference for the remainder of threads and forums where we have apologists for fascists and reactionary politics, policies, figures, and dog whistles.

    In the context of this forum, or the internet in general, they are trolls. Their inciteful and hateful remarks are not made in good faith, and are meant to inspire frustration and attention.

    Ideally, spamming pigpoopballs should be the response to bad faith trolls but sunlight is not the best antidote to their poison - removal of their poisonous dialogue is the best antidote.

    Just saw All Quiet on the Western Front on Netflix

    I read the book as a teenager but seeing it in live-action was brutal. You forget that soldiers used gas and fucking flamethrowers on people, and they did it so their ruling class can get even wealthier.

    Remembering that the causes of that war were about European empires trying to carve up Germany because capital had reached its zenith under the pre-war status quo unless it acquired new markets and territories to expand into was just eye-opening.

    :eu-cool: :germany-cool: :france-cool:


    Zodiark Zodiark [he/him]
    Posts 13
    Comments 262