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The Enterprise's most terrifying mission yet
  • I've had a few old cars where you had to turn off the AC in order to accelerate fast enough to use a highway on-ramp. presumably if you get a lemon of a starship off craigslist, you need to disable life support to go to warp

  • Modder releases Unix-like operating system for the NES
  • mystery solved, thank you!

  • Modder releases Unix-like operating system for the NES
  • i'm honestly a little suprised this hasn't happened sooner. there were plenty of computers with similar hardware at the time with CP/M or DOS variants, and the unix-like fuzix was originally developed for the z80 and i think has a 6502 port. that's not meant as a knock on decrayzo though- either way this is cool as shit

    i'm curious what the culture around the famicom and FDS as computers was in japan. it was wildly popular but it never seems to come up in discussions of other 80s JP computers, so i wonder if the reason it never got a DOS straight from nintendo was because everyone including them saw it as more of a console than a computer despite the name. or maybe that's just a westerner's bias talking and japanese folks really do consider it as a contemporary of the PC-88 instead of the SMS

  • What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start letting other people know?
  • which of course is a distraction from the fact the main show serves the same purpose in the real world!

  • I'm getting old
  • of course the movie franchise about killing space nazis famously had no woke agenda whatsoever until they gave a woman a laser sword

  • US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk'
  • does that have a free tier or only paid plans

  • US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk'
  • what antivirus are the cool kids using these days? i feel like whenever i finally settle on one it ends up embroiled in this or that scandal

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • it suprises me that this sentiment isn't more common. i don't hate the other movies, but they're more movies with the Trek characters and world than they are Star Trek in a movie format. with it's allegorical but ultimately hopeful story, VI really did feel like Star Trek proper, just with a bigger budget and longer runtime. The Motion Picture had the same spirit but loses points for just bolting 2001 and the Nomad probe episode together, and I'd like to think that Into Darkness could have been a modern-at-the-time Undiscovered Country if they didn't spend the whole runtime failing to be a modern Wrath of Khan

  • D&D expectations vs. reality

  • The Lost Season of Stargate Atlantis » GateWorld
  • i REALLY wish we could get a proper ending to Atlantis. i know filming season six tomorrow ain't gonna happen but they could always do an animated movie with as many of the original cast they can back doing voiceovers. B5 did that and had an excuse plot jumping through space and time to basically just serve fanservice on a dish for the whole runtime*, and a few of the plots laid out for S6 had timespace shenanigans, so put that and Turn of Events in a blender. maybe they go back in time to when Destiny was in the milky way or pegasus and end up needing to use to beat the genii- filling the role of the asuran weapon- and they leave something behind there that could help the modern one get home, making this in essence a double finale

    would i rather something far less rushed? for sure. but between actors aging and amazon less likely to spring big bucks for a continuation of a long since cancelled spinoff versus a reboot of the original, that might be one of the only ways to go. then again i'd be happy with a book series too, i just need closure damnit!

  • Please submit within three business days
  • good of you to include pike's hair as a complaint, that way we know who to space

  • DnD with non-native English speakers
  • that's just me playing Zork

  • He didn't know either.
  • that's why your time machine has to be a vehicle, like a delorean. you just drive to where the earth was, problem solved!

  • People still manage to get it backwards.
  • riker fucking anything that moves and playing trombone checks out. life on a starship is just extended band camp for him

  • Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • i'm kind of torn on this. because, if the dice are the be-all-end-all, why have a GM at the table? i'd wager the vast majority of GMs tune difficulty and pacing on the fly without realizing it, even if it's just "i'm gonna skip this last encounter because we're already a half hour over and i have work tomorrow" or even just "wow everyone is bored as shit right now, we outta pick up the pace" but on the other hand, I have seen a fee bad rolls in a low-stakes encounter spiral into a character dying, and it was cool as shit. that's part of the magic of rpgs- no do-overs or back to the title screen, instead the rest of the party (or the whole party if the player rolls a new character) needs to contend and deal with being down a person. in our case we had to drag a corpse across a continent to get to a cleric powerful enough to bring him back, and in doing so accidentally let the big bad into the otherwise secure city limits. we would have completely missed out on all of that if those dice were fudged. i guess it all down to context- fudging to prevent the GM railroad from being derailed robs you of experiences, but we also have GMs at the table for a reason, and i'm ok with them using fudging when they feel it's warranted so long as they're not abusing it to the point where there's no risk to anything. at the end of the day, if we're all having fun, i trust the GM with whatever they're doing, and if we're not, fudging is probably a symptom of whatever actually is the issue

  • The ninth Rule of Acquisition states, "Opportunity plus instinct equals profit."
  • there's a good joke in here somewhere about Babylon 5's canonically lesbian XO throwing a fit when the station got a gift shop. "we're not some deep space franchise, this station is about something!"

  • Get to Civic, I must.
  • he was doing his civic duty

  • Quick, reward this with some inspiration!
  • i've always believed, i just couldn't get a damn word in edgewise!

  • Star Trek: Discovery Beats Picard & Rises Higher In Nielsen Streaming Top 10
  • if you combine the ratings for Discovery and Knuckles, you get to the third position on the chart. Paramount, you know what must be done...

  • _NetNomad _NetNomad

    FM Chiptuner and Retro Computer Nerd

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