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Prove you're not a Warforged
  • What if the guard answers "I don't know" ?

  • Prove you're not a Warforged
  • I did do that about 800 comics ago ;)

  • Prove you're not a Warforged
  • When drawing this, I eyeballed it, but I tried to aim it to leave these tiny portions - because that's more accurate to the CAPTCHA experience.

  • Prove you're not a Warforged

    Both of the guards have a handle. If the guard that always lies pulls his handle, then the minecart will divert to the second track. If both guards pull their handle, the prisoners will be released. One of the handles is covered by a wooden box, where half of the wooden planks of the original box have been replaced by new ones cut from a tree that fell when nobody was around. If guard A is taller than guard B, are we getting paid for this quest?

    Spice up your adventures by making side-bets on whatever's happening.
  • That's why her hairpin is a sewing needle :)

  • Spice up your adventures by making side-bets on whatever's happening.
  • It's a very dangerous power to have people underestimate you.

  • Spice up your adventures by making side-bets on whatever's happening.
  • I suppose you should have a bonus Konsi. Just a tiny one though.

  • Spice up your adventures by making side-bets on whatever's happening.

    This comic follows on from the Previous comic which will almost certainly provide context.

    Zero consideration given to the possibility that Konsi realized this herself and said it deliberately.

    Why are our characters the protagonists everywhere they go?
  • I do have a plan to do another piece of pride art this year, but for now, here's a token

  • Why are our characters the protagonists everywhere they go?
  • It's her level 20 capstone power.

  • Why are our characters the protagonists everywhere they go?
  • Never gamble against a Tymoran.

  • Why are our characters the protagonists everywhere they go?
  • Extra Konsi for the comments.

  • Why are our characters the protagonists everywhere they go?

    This comic follows on from the Previous comic which might help provide context.

    Audience entry cost is a silver piece, which you flip. You get to keep it if you call the flip correctly.

    To the smallest detail
  • Gambling can be Deception vs Insight, or Sleight of Hand vs Perception... or raw INT, or Strength (if it's arm wrestling) or Intimidate or-
  • We basically run a system where we deal texas hold'em, and if you succeed at a relevant skill check, you get handed an extra card to use. It's not quite the same outcome for skill use as it would be, but it's a reasonable method to "skew the odds" in your favour.

  • Gambling can be Deception vs Insight, or Sleight of Hand vs Perception... or raw INT, or Strength (if it's arm wrestling) or Intimidate or-

    This comic follows on from the Previous comic which might help provide context.

    Why would Konsi play with such a handicap?

    1. Growing up as a street urchin, she never really had access to lots of clothes. When not wearing armour, or dressing up for an event, she’s still most comfortable wearing just a simple robe.

    2. She’s trying to practice keeping her cool under pressure, and that’s not effective if you have a lot of safety.

    When you get your ideas from the Bards' Guild
  • I don't have a huge following, but the link in the watermark should show you the rest of my comics :)

  • When you get your ideas from the Bards' Guild
  • as a DM, I normally give situational advantage to anyone who makes an argument that appeals to the values of the person to be convinced.

  • Choose Your Own Adventure™
  • Why hello Mr. Elminster.

  • When you get your ideas from the Bards' Guild

    This comic follows on from the Previous comic which might help provide context.

    Technically any poker depicted in a comic strip qualifies for this.

    Crawford won't answer my calls.

    The rules, in this case are pretty clear. The spell never mentions mirrors or reflections, it “summons illusory duplicates." Spell names aren’t indicative of their mechanical effect. See Chill Touch.

    There’s also vampire wizard statblock that has Mirror Image on its spell list.

    It would be funny if the spell just failed though.

    Hey, it fits the brief...

    That's just... all goblins, right?

    Other than Fireball, What's the best spell for cooking?

    Remember to always check creative uses of spells with your DM.

    When you apply your spell list to... other situations.

    Going through the spell list, there's an awful lot of spells that are incredibly funny in the context of bedroom pastimes, here, let's assume it's heroism and Bear's Endurance.

    When you need to change the subject.

    She's forever going to have the reputation of "the character who made out with the NPC"

    The question on everyone's mind.

    This comic is the third installment in a three-part joke. Here are the first one, and the second one

    When you fail a skill check, but you get a chance to try again.

    This comic is a direct follow on from the last one, maybe it's a setup for a rule of three joke...


    Recently, I replaced my entire computer, but I've got my art flow working again.

    When you're late for breakfast.

    You can't really hide from these questions, Konsi.

    Throughout October, I've been drawing a piece of Konsi art every day as a Drawtober challenge. Here's the prompts I've be using.

    You can find the art on Mastodon, Tumblr, Bsky, or Twitter. First two are best.

    When you post a 30 comic story, but randomly missed one in the middle.

    This comic happened in the middle of the long story I posted, but I somehow missed it. It occurred while the characters were traveling (a little after Konsi met Razira, but before Razira asked her on a date.

    If you want to read the whole comic in one go, it’s easiest on my site. (These are “newest first”, so start at the end and work backwards.)

    Throughout October, I'll be drawing a piece of Konsi art every day as a Drawtober challenge. Here's the prompts I'll be using.

    You can find the art on Mastodon, Tumblr, Bsky, or Twitter. First two are best though.

    I'm really really out of new comics for you now, so if you want to see more Konsi's you'll have to go to one of those socials.

    ----- Why you gotta be like this Razira?

    When the cleric playbook only has one trick in it.

    This comic is the last part of an ongoing short Halloween story that might make more sense with full context.

    First comic in this story \ previous comic in this story

    Throughout October, I'll be drawing a piece of Konsi art every day as a Drawtober challenge. Here's the prompts I'll be using.

    You can find the art on Mastodon, Tumblr, Bsky, or Twitter. First two are best.

    ---- Weapon Proficiencies: Greatsword, Lumberjack axe, Girlfriend.

    When you minmax too hard.

    This comic is part of an ongoing short Halloween story that might make more sense with full context.

    First comic in this story \ previous comic in this story Next comic in this story

    Throughout October, I'll be drawing a piece of Konsi art every day as a Drawtober challenge. Here's the prompts I'll be using.

    You can find the art on Mastodon, Tumblr, Bsky, or Twitter. First two are best.

    ---- This is the joke idea that spawned this mini-comic. "what big eyes, what big teeth, what big ears"... That's just a goblin.

    You can never be too careful.

    This comic is part of an ongoing short Halloween story that might make more sense with full context.

    First comic in this story \ Next comic in this story

    Throughout October, I'll be drawing a piece of Konsi art every day as a Drawtober challenge. Here's the prompts I'll be using.

    You can find the art on Mastodon, Tumblr, Bsky, or Twitter. First two are best.

    ---- If you weren't following along when I started posting Konsi comics, it's fairly important to the story that you know Konsi has a overwhelmingly powerful phobia of dogs.

    ahdok Ahdok

    I make comics sometimes:

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