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Is It Possible for Atheists to Have "Objective Morality"?

I've heard this claim before that it is not possible for atheists to have "objective moral beliefs" because many moral claims are based on religious authority, which atheists do not believe in.

Thus atheists are subjectivists when it comes to morality: each atheist may disagree with the other about what is moral. Obviously this opens atheists up to problems of disagreements, with some who might believe very conventionally "immoral" things are acceptable for them.

This is not of course to say that atheists may not choose to live lives that are some what "moral" (moral, as is often defined by religions)

So, what's the status of the idea of "objective morality" and atheism?

Memorial Day National Moment of Remembrance at 3PM on Monday

> Americans observe the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. every Memorial Day (the last Monday in May). It is intended to help Americans spend a brief, but significant time remembering the sacrifices of those who died as a result of military service.

> At 3 p.m. local time on the last Monday in May, Americans are asked to stop for 60 seconds or one full minute to remember those who have died in service to their country.

> While participation is voluntary, the VA fact sheet suggests a variety of ways in which you can observe the moment. These include pausing for a simple moment of silence. listening to “Taps” or attending an organized group setting. If you are driving a vehicle, the VA suggests turning on your headlights in observance of the moment.

Possible Health Benefits of Raw Milk

I saw an "opportunistic" article posted online urging people to not drink raw milk as they might get bird flu from it... which I thought most people would shrug off as obvious propaganda against raw milk, but I saw it posted in earnest elsewhere so I decided to post this here

Raw milk has a lot of alleged health benefits; the author makes the ridiculous plea for "no one to drink raw milk for any reason"...

The problem with pasteurization, as with antibiotics, is the process also kills good nutrients like antibiotics kills good bacteria

So by drinking raw milk you can get the good nutrients without them being destroyed. I know of dairy farmers who would drink pretty much straight from the cow without getting sick. The milk tastes totally different (better, a lot of people think)

The elderly or children or sickly might avoid drinking raw milk, but otherwise it's a healthy consideration for a lot of people

Example pro-raw-milk article:

> Numerous scientific studies have shown that raw milk is correlated with decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, otitis, fever, and respiratory infections. Raw milk also aids in recovery from antibiotic use, and provides many gut-healthy probiotics and enzymes.

Here's the biased fearmongering article in contrast:

Herd of 170 bison could help store CO2 equivalent of 43,000 cars, researchers say Herd of 170 bison could help store CO2 equivalent of 43,000 cars, researchers say

Free-roaming animals reintroduced in Romania’s Țarcu mountains are stimulating plant growth and securing carbon stored in the soil while grazing

I'm confused here because didn't they think cows were causing methane problems (separate issue?) and why don't cows help take CO2 out of air compared to bison? So could just having a lot more big animals (other animals mentioned in article I think?) help take CO2 out of the air, or is this kind of like the trillion trees project which was plants now being applied to animals... will it work? No? Thoughts on the situation?

Bike to Work Week – May 13-19, 2024

I think it's like the second full week in May every year

Discuss also cycling-related topics?

Two Cars Merging From Left and Right to a Center Lane?

So assume three lanes (or more), I guess in some places (everywhere in the U.S.?) the person in the left most lane has the right of way to merge right into a center lane if there is another car that wants to also merge into the center lane from a right lane.

My solution to this is ideally people shouldn't merge if there's a car over directly a couple lanes, but to try to either speed up or slow down to "stagger" the cars so that if you were to merge to center or the other car did, they wouldn't collide with you or you with them.

Is this a standard solved problem on the highways beyond what I've described?

Extreme Water Conservation: Germans urged to use washcloth instead of taking showers amid energy crisis (2022) Germans urged to use washcloth instead of taking showers amid energy crisis

People can save a lot of energy by using a washcloth instead of taking a shower all the time, said the president of the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, on Friday in an interview.

I've come across this idea among backpackers or campers but don't see too many articles about it... it seems like a simple and convenient idea, but any tips on how to clean one's self (like with a washcloth and sink) without taking a shower or a bath?

The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way

If you look at the VAERS data by vaccine type, and look at the time of onset of symptoms, you gain insights into the vaccines that nobody else pays attention to. Why are doctors ignoring this data?

Well Lemmyverse, how did he do?

U.S. Debt Around $35 Trillion: Are National Debts Wrong?

Number from

Do you think national debts to be immoral or wrong?

On the one hand, the country is strained and if the debt is not paid, it's basically like stealing from future generations to pay for the present; it's not "their money" to borrow.

On the other, "good debt" enables people the ability to build at a profit; wealthy people do this all the time: for example, take out a loan for $9 million and buy some properties, wait a bit, sell at $10 million, have a net $1 million gain... in the meantime they are $9 million in "debt", but it's "good debt". Is the national debt "good debt" though (I don't really know).

On the cynical end with this though I guess is the realization that this was likely to be a problem, it's the "tragedy of the commons" applied to government: elites get in power and put the government in to debt for their pet projects, and they don't really care if the government goes bust because it's not "their money or problem". Does this imply a necessity of "anarchism" (anarcho-capitalism) with modern governments being inherently tending towards self-destruction? Or banning taking on national debts to prevent this problem?

Opinions on if national debts are wrong or how they are to be managed?

Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death ⋆ Brownstone Institute Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Overtreatment with drugs kills many people, and the death rate is increasing. It is therefore strange that we have allowed this long-lasting drug pandemic to continue, and even more so because most of the drug deaths are easily preventable.

"Does having choice make us happy? 6 studies that suggest it doesn’t always" | TED Blog Does having choice make us happy? 6 studies that suggest it doesn’t always | TED Blog

We have all been there: standing in aisle five of the supermarket trying to decide which jar of mustard to buy. Do we go organic, or for the brand with whole mustard seeds? Or do we simply pick the one in the brightest yellow bottle? In a fascinating talk at TEDxStanford, “Sometimes it’s ...

If they ban TikTok, is Apple next? (Rand Paul | Reason) If they ban TikTok, is Apple next?

Sen. Rand Paul: The censors who abound in Congress will likely vote to ban TikTok or force a change in ownership. It will likely soon be law.

"Banning companies for doing business with China is a bad path to start down."

It's hard to even think of them banning Tiktok (although didn't India?)

the politicians seem completely oblivious to how popular it is and what kind of content is on there

"Bernie's Failed Four Day Work Week"

Actually I do think four day work weeks will probably become more common especially in certain industries because more time working does not necessarily mean more productivity... but I don't think it should be a law that you have to structure work that way because it also probably doesn't work well for everyone or certain fields of work

"Let the Kids Work": States Are Rolling Back Child Labor Laws Let the Kids Work

We push these kids through the school system. Then we tell them to scrape together $100,000 for yet another degree that will somehow gain them entry into the workforce. It’s time we stop congratulating ourselves for taking away opportunity from kids. It’s time to let the kids work again.

"Democrats' Normalization Of Property Theft Led To Squatter Crisis" Democrats' Normalization Of Property Theft Led To Squatter Crisis

The ultimate goal of Democrats and their far-left allies is to destroy property rights and replace capitalism with socialism.

mutualism go brrr

Fireworks should be banned on the 4th of July in America
  • there are some alternatives popping up like drone light shows (which can do some interesting displays fireworks can't?) and if they got popular enough maybe people wouldn't feel a need for fireworks as much

  • BannedBooks...Bans Books?
  • The widely cited "paradox of intolerance" is invoked erroneously; the tolerance of "disagreeable information" does not require that one agree with intolerant uses of force against a person. It is quite a different thing to allow someone to read someone write positively about "the virtue of stealing" (a philosophy which most people would reject), and quite another to say that one must allow a thief to steal from them.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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