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12 mo. ago

  • The likeliest explanation is that games press lie about how good games are and not that they just have a different opinion than you? Also, this isn't even a major outlet. It's just some guy's blog, not even exclusively about games.

  • To be fair to the author, I knew the AAA game publishers were ticking time bombs too, and it took like 6-8 years longer than I thought for them to start seeing major declines in their increasingly homogeneous offerings.

  • If consoles cease to exist as we know them because they just became PCs, then what does that mean for a console war?

  • Tell that to PC's growth and consoles' decline. Plus the new Xboxes mentioned in this very article are seeking to be exactly that, much like what the Steam Deck does today. It will play PC games but will be called an Xbox.

  • Different strokes for different folks. I love the way NRS games look, especially post-MKX, but I can't stand looking at GranBlue.

    Assists are called Kameos in this game, and they're selectable. They're just showing off the newest character and Kameo.

  • That's comparing Pro to Pro. I meant all PS5s were trailing behind all PS4s by several million units at the same point in time as of a few months ago. Allegedly, after that report was published, Sony had their best PlayStation quarter ever, but I don't remember if they disclosed which metric they were measuring that in, and there's a good chance their best quarter ever still didn't make up that deficit.

  • Not even a competitive edge, as I don't really play multiplayer shooters anymore. It just feels more intuitive (though some additional bothersome setup is often required to tune it right). You can also move it via your elbows rather than wrists. But in any case, gyro would be nice to have in Xbox controllers. I found playing something like Returnal on an analog stick to be a huge pain, and it's great when you can get that extra oomph out of your input device.

  • It's published by EA. There's always the hope that they learn what people like and stop doing the lousy things, which they have done in a handful of different things, but then when they don't, you just shop elsewhere.

  • Gotcha. It still might not be the best sample set for getting a feel for what the controls have to offer, if you have the means to give it a try in other games. I think it's better at aiming/shooting than the right analog stick has ever been.

  • Did Mario Galaxy use gyroscopic controls? I thought it just used the IR sensor. If I'm correct, these are two different things. If you've played Splatoon with the gyro controls, you might see the benefit. Alternately, you can do this with Steam input on just about anything if you have a controller with the feature.

  • Sony's not doing great right now either. They're either matching or several million units behind where they were with the PS4 at the same point in the console generation; given that their closest competition has been decimated, that's not great for them. They don't make games as quickly as they used to, which means they don't make as many as they used to, and their margins are slimmer on their successes while the failures like Concord and PSVR2 hurt more. Both of those consoles are rapidly headed toward a future that only looks like personal computers for high-end gaming. Nintendo is at least mostly immune to this for at least the Switch 2 generation.

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  • I hear you on the trailer. I think Fallout and Outer Worlds are both inherently dark comedies at their core, and I think that trailer lets the potential audience know that it's a comedy in a way that Fallout trailers typically don't, but Fallout has a legacy at this point. For me, the touchstone of The Outer Worlds' humor is right at the beginning, with a man coughing up blood in his dying breaths, trying desperately to remember and recite his company's motto, and I think that tone holds true throughout. Meanwhile, I'm playing Borderlands 2 right now, and while the comedy does often land for me, it can sometimes devolve into calling a creature a "bonerfart" as the punchline.

  • What part of it did you find to be Borderlands humor and not Fallout humor?

  • It's the only method of game development that ever made sense to me.

  • They still average out to be very positive scores, so I don't think we can say most people don't want what they're making, and no viewpoint is universal, so don't put words in my mouth.

    But you'll see the same people asking for a more sustainable game industry complain about what they find when they see it.

  • And has mandatory online anyway, so that would be DRM.

  • Obsidian getting dinged in reviews for making more focused games that don't waste your time and don't bet their company's entire future on its budget and scope has been very frustrating to see.

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