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What email client are you guys using?
  • I flip flop between emacs and Thunderbird I use protonmail and both work great Integration with protonmail calendar and drive either is poor or non existant, but I don't use/care about those features anyway

  • r/linuxmemes in a nutshell
  • I unironically also do this, Windows 8.1?! Get outta here

  • Flatpak haters seem to believe that if an app isn't on their distro's repos, it's the developers' fault.
  • False, if it exists in the Linux ecosystem it also exists in AUR

  • micrulesoft
  • False, I tried pop!OS nearly 5 years ago then Debian then arch and have been here for ~4 years The community is what made it possible actually

  • amw3i7dwgoblinlabs G0ne
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