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North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson says he wants abortion to be illegal at ‘zero’ weeks, in new audio released by Democrats
  • Every woman I know hates him but they aren't conservatives anyway.

    I know a couple conservative men who dislike him (and even his stance on abortion)...but they still plan to vote for him because he's the Republican and most voters just vote Red/Blue no matter who.

  • The worst place in the galaxy
  • Considering the vast majority who are protesting against him are doing it for reasons other than seeing Palestinians as people deserving of equal rights. Yes, for most of them.

    They're all colonizers, they're just arguing over the best way to colonize. The enemy of my enemy is a useful ally, not a friend.

  • Cheney endorsement tests just how many Republican votes Harris can get
  • "You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Republicans, not join them! Bring balance to the Political landscape, not leave it in darkness!..... You were my brother, Democratic Party. I loved you."

  • India: Man Dies After Being Thrown Out Of An Ambulance While Trying To Stop The Driver From Molesting His Wife
  • The entire point of this thread is that from an outsiders perspective, you're only going to see the news articles and form biased opinions.

    What? I'm not talking about an outsiders perspective. I'm American, I'm familiar with our school system.

    meanwhile there were 82 deaths from school shootings last year out of 49.4 million students, or 0.000165% of the student population. Even looking at injuries, we only get to 0.00054%.

    Going back to 2020 there have been 157 school shootings, we have 115,171 schools in the US.

    Theres a 0.14% chance that over the course of 4 years your child's school will experience a shooting...that's dangerous.

    Even beyond the physical danger, what does that do to for the mind? How many students have lost friends and now suffer with PTSD or Anxiety etc even if they weren't technically "injured" by the shooting?

    Is that number too high? Fuck yes. Any number of children injured or dying due to violence is unacceptable. It's disgusting and the lack of response from our leadership is abhorrent. But are schools in the US dangerous because of this? Absolutely not.

    Yes that number is too high, and yes it makes schools dangerous. Idk why you're trying to act like school shootings aren't a serious danger in American society, while admitting that it's a problem (and it's a problem because it puts too many kids in danger...)

  • Side by Side
  • and the Republican party shrinks,

    Is it shrinking? The popular vote doesn't suggest so.

    2004: Bush 62M (W, 51%) Kerry 59M (L)

    2008: McCain 60M (L, 47%) Obama 69M (W)

    2012: Romney 60M (L, 48%) Obama 66M (W)

    2016: Trump 63M (W, 48%). Hillary 68M (L)

    2020: Trump 74M (L, 46%) Biden 81M (W)

    Edit: added the Republicans percentages.

    eventually the Democratic party will fracture too, and we might get a real progressive party out of it.

    When will this happen? How would this even be different than now? If the "Democratic party" turn into Republicans on the issues to get rid of the "Republican party", you didn't get rid of Republicans. You rebranded them and gave them victory on the policy front just to claim victory on the optics front...

    It seems much more likely that the Democratic parties policy of appeasement leads to normalization of right wing policies and we get full blown facsism first.

  • Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • If you can't explain your points without using antisemitic dogwhistles I don't know what to tell you, man.

    I never said otherwise, man.

    There's literally tons of ways to describe the same thing without turning to antisemitic dogwhistles.

    Sure, but those ways aren't common and rooted in the community they belong to/are referencing, and its not necessarily anti-semitic just because it is associated with a Hebrew word, just like it wouldn't be anti-german to call it "UnterSlop".

    If you can't think of them, and need to reach for the word that's clearly rooted in racism, maybe that says something about you.

    I never said these people or the culture they dwell in were the pinnacle of humanity we should all aspire to be like. Just that instantly dismissing them and all they say as anti-semitic 1) isn't necessarily true and 2) doesn't help, just further isolates them and isolation is a recruitment grounds for real and dangerous anti-semitic/racist/fascist communities.

    Look at this from an outside perspective.

    Hypothetically, he isn't anti-semitic, what is the result of your words? Are they constructive and intended to help them grow and learn not to repeat the incident or are they dismissive and self serving, to make yourself feel better/superior? What's the best/worst outcome in this scenario?


    Hypothetically, he is anti-semitic, will your words change that? Was he about to recruit others to the anti-semitic cause until you chimed in? In this case, what is helped?

  • Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • consumed by the hardworking goyim

    Why even use the word goyim then, if the implication isn't that Jews run the world, have all the money, and dole out slop to everyone who isn't?

    Are you not allowed to use words that were originated from other cultures? Would calling them Proletariat carry the implication that French people run the world?

    As I said, "goy posting" and the like is a terminally online thing. It already exists in the culture it's not a specific phrasing chosen by this person.

    and give your friends (pharmaceutical companies) money

    The implied friends here are the "Jews who run the world" you absolute fucking buffoon.

    Is that implied? Id say it does quite the opposite, it literally states the 'implied friends" to be pharmaceutical companies, not "the Jews"... do know that Jews don't actually run the world, right?

    Sorry that you're so stupid and hang around such stupid people that you blindly repeat antisemitic propaganda because you can't be fucked to do a half-second of research.

    Lol, they aren't my friends and I don't hang around them, I'm just aware of the cultures existence precisely because ive done more than "half a second of research" into online isolation and the communities spawned from it.

  • Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • From your link


    1. The absolute barebones nutrition required by goyim to stay alive and continue working/wagecucking. Usually composed of overly processed food, soy filler, and artificial colors/sweeteners. NPC 1: What's for lunch, friendo? NPC 2: Goyslop! My favorite!
    1. Goyslop/Zogchow/Goyfeed refers to heavily processed foods meant to be consumed by the hardworking goyim so that they can maintain their productivity and give your friends (pharmaceutical companies) money in case they get sick from their goyslop heavy diet. Usually comprised of products derived from crops heavily subsidized by the government such as soy and corn which are then cooked in seed oils because they are cholesterol free and heart healthy.

    Quentin: wowzie, look at this new beyond meat Big Mac by McDonald's™!

    Chad: that's a literal goyslop

    It's not anti-semitic to oppose fast food and the like. What you posted doesn't prove it's anti-semitic at all.

    It's a terminally online term, not an anti-semitic one. I've never seen it being used in reference to Jews.

    It's like "pepe the frog" being a hate symbol. I'm sure some people use it that way, but the vast majority don't.

  • Israel accused of killing its own civilians under the 'Hannibal Directive' to avoid them being taken hostage
  • The Oct-7 story is the ultimate piece of pro-genocide hasbara.

    There has been video evidence of helicopters firing on crowds and multiple ground reports including from the IDF themselves (as shown in the article) since the day it happened but its been "anti-semitic blood Libel" to talk about or post in most places.

    Because the entire premise of the "right to defense" argument is built on that lie.

  • Side by Side
  • So you think it's a good thing that today's Democrats are yesterday's Republicans?

    What does that tell you about tomorrows Democrats?

    We have to stop catering to and priding ourselves on how much Republicans like us, Republicans only like Republicans.

  • Side by Side
  • It's a business as usual vs. Chaos election. Cheney being in favor of someone playing by the normal rules isn't that surprising.

    This doesn't actually oppose their point that

    I think it's indicative of just how far right the "left" have gone. We have no real representation.

    "Business as usual" is right wing politics, even to the Democratic party at this point, which is supposed to be the left wing.

    If you keep shifting right to pick up people like Cheney, eventually your policy will just be the same as Cheney and if anyone wants to go further right they have to go "just that insane" to seperate themselves because republicans are never going to shift left.

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