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maybe the woke was inside us all along
  • Oof okay I guess it's worse than I thought. I swear they had some provision for non-binary people, but i guess they just hate queer people.

    I don't agree with dismissing everything as a distraction. I think some conservatives legitimately do care about this stuff. I also don't think people would suddenly turn anti-capitalist from just not having distractions. People are generally dumb as shit, and most the alternatives to capitalism are also shit because again people are dumb. If you are going to replace capitalism you need to come up with something that's both actually better, explainable to the public, and overcome the baggage of all the experiments that failed.

  • maybe the woke was inside us all along
  • Pretty sure it doesn't ban single occupancy bathrooms. It bans multi-occupancy gender neutral bathrooms - like bathrooms with stalls that share the same set of sinks. Don't get me wrong it's still dumb, but not as bad as you are thinking.

  • ‘I am starting to panic about my child’s future’: climate scientists wary of starting families
  • COVID lockdowns weren't sustainable and while they reduced pollution to some extent they didn't come close to eliminating it. Like in my country we turned off coal, but only because we don't have much coal to begin with. We were still using plenty of gas power, as that's our second largest energy source. Here in the UK our largest energy source is Wind, and we aren't even doing that well compared to France or Spain on the energy front.

    Things also still got manufactured and sold, and that's where a lot of pollution comes from. Food and goods production. Eliminating transport pollution would help for sure, but it's like 14% of the problem. Electricity generation, heating, and agriculture are the things we need to fix the most. Fixing electricity generation would also help with transport emissions as we could use more electric vehicles and trains.

  • This Doctor Won’t Take Health Insurance - and Charges Just $35 a Visit | AJ+ (5:46)
  • This would be totally normal to do in a European country and aren't part of the local healthcare. I went to the dentist in Spain because finding one in England where I live is a nightmare and kind of expensive. I had a checkup, cleaning, and two x-rays for about €40. You had to book only a few days or maybe 1 week in advance instead of waiting months or having to go private. Didn't even ask for an x-ray either, that's their default standard of care for that price. They were able to confirm that I had a wisdom tooth and where it was located thanks to that x-ray. All for less than a good bottle of single malt.

    If you need medical care in America or some services like a dentist in England your best bet is to get a cheap flight and leave the country for somewhere cheaper and with higher standards of care. That's how much better it is. You all need to stop making excuses for your shit healthcare system in places like America and England.

  • Everyday thoughts
  • Yes and no. We don't have school shootings so that's a plus. I guess not having guns is the cost of that, which is pretty fair. Some people are allowed guns, but you need a special license for it.

    Edit: also we actually have stronger unions and more strike action even without guns. They don't actually help outside of a revolution. If anything we have less police violence because we don't have guns, so the most of police don't either. As a police officer you have to have special specific training to even handle a taser, nevermind a gun.

  • „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”
  • Looking at the votes suggests no one else agrees with you or that no one understands you. You started this conversation coming out swinging. It's on you to explain your position, not on me or anyone else to read your mind. Winning an argument means either convincing the person your arguing with, or better yet convincing everyone else. You have done neither.

    No one apart from you thinks making kids do an exam on installing web servers and writing shell scripts before being able to use basic technology they will need for the rest of their lives is a good idea. A smartphone is a basic and essential tool in the modern world and there isn't a real workable alternative to the iOS and Android duopoly.

  • „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”
  • Why would learning how to fix a PC make you hate computing? If anything it makes you more confident in your ability to fix things if and when you break them. Likewise I don't get what's wrong with learning about Virtual Machines and emulators. PowerShell can't be that bad lol.

    What it sounds like to me is you teaching your kids to think computing with Linux/FreeBSD is hard, and to hate using it. You're also teaching them to hate you for putting unnecessary barriers in front of them doing normal things like using a smartphone. Having a smartphone is necessary for modern life, as it does everything from communicating with family, finding out information, banking and booking appointments, ordering a taxi or takeout. Gatekeeping that behind arbitrary things like learning shell and setting up a web server is fucking dumb.

    A taste of real things I'd want to give to help them connect their inner abstract idea of how the world works with actual material things. They will have that idea, I absolutely trust every person to develop that on their own without help. Without that they might not believe themselves when they should.

    I don't even know what this is supposed to mean or how it's related to the things you are asking them to do.

    I've said once that I want to give a taste of something. I was more general with things one can't avoid, as in "one can't avoid computers and the Internet". And this was pretty clear from the context, either you are playing dumb or you want to defeat someone in an argument, in the latter case I don't care because I see you are not doing that.

    Not it wasn't clear at all, especially given the other nuts things you have said. You're also not winning this argument, look at who's getting downvotes here.

  • Locked
    Harm Reduction Rule
  • I am not an American. We don't have a DMV. Why the heck would vehicles and elections be organised in the same place? It takes actual time to register here (up to several months).

    Unless it's a general election people don't take that much notice, and it's hard to find out about one when people only talk about American elections online and you also aren't always in the country.

  • „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”
  • The shell used on most Linux is bash, a GNU project. Not a part of Research Unix. ZSH is newer than both Unix and BASH and is also not a part of Unix.

    They still can spend a few hours on something useful for life. I know hundreds of little things like this from various areas even less useful specifically for me. While this is useful for everyone, as we can see every day from normies not knowing how anything in computing works and getting scammed.

    None of this is going to stop someone getting scammed. You can have plenty of technical knowledge and still get scammed. I got scammed trying to sell a laptop for example. Teaching them how paypal works and to avoid using the friends and family option is much better for this purpose.

    This is about upbringing and introducing people to things they can't avoid. Not about making them interested (but I'm almost confident that actually it will make a kid interested).

    You very much can avoid using a Unix-like shell. Your average Windows user has never used one, and neither do most macOS people even though it's included with macOS. Likewise most people will never have to setup a web server.

    If you want to give people practical skills start with adblockers and how to reinstall Windows, macOS, and Linux Mint if it goes wrong. If you want to teach them command line skills, maybe start with CMD and PowerShell, since they are more likely to see those in real life than Solaris or FreeBSD. Heck your average person probably needs a Virtual Machine or an emulator more than a web server. Being able to pirate and play old Nintendo games or Play Station 1/2 is pretty cool. So is running Windows stuff on mac or Linux. Could save them buying another PC for that one software program. Likewise learning to work on desktop and laptop PCs can save them buying a new one every few years. Especially useful for PC gamers.

  • „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids”
  • If I ever go as far in the relationship area as to have kids, they are not going to have anything Apple\Android until they can think for themselves.

    That's actually not unreasonable. Getting kids using Open Source platforms which aren't trying to manipulate or spy on them is good.

    That would be 12 years old or so at least, and before that they'd have to pass an exam (with me evaluating) on how to write simple Unix shell scripts, set up a web server, write simple SQL queries and, well, install and set up the system on which they are going to do this first. Non-computer parts would probably involve some media literacy and symbolic logic. And I think control theory would be required.

    What does any of that have to do with media literacy or using those devices? You are just being a curmudgeon, not everyone needs to be a systems administrator. Unix isn't even used anymore. Linux and the BSDs are Unix-like, not actual Unix. What if your kids are physicists, chemists, or mathematicians? Are you going to say they aren't good enough to use a fucking smartphone just because they don't know specific things about a certain specific area of tech? How do you know SQL specifically will even be relevant then? NoSQL is already making headway.

    This isn't how you get people into Open Source software or interested in technology. You can't do it by forcing them to do things that are esoteric to the majority of people.

  • Locked
    Harm Reduction Rule
  • Also it's not 30 minutes. It requires registering to vote whenever you move address, and for you to actually be in the country. Then there is setting reminders it's election day, which requires watching the news to know there is an election.

  • Locked
    Harm Reduction Rule
  • Yeah I've only actually been able to vote once. Missed one (forgot which day) and was out of the country for another. I wouldn't have left for as long if I actually knew there was an election, but that's hard to know when you don't watch the news. Plus moving around a bunch means I am rarely actually on an electoral register to vote.

  • Locked
    Harm Reduction Rule
  • I have read some theory and I do know those are the main two currents. Doesn't mean I know enough about them or politics in general to choose either them or something else. Most of the books people actually recommend are ancient and hard to understand even if they are relevant. We have actually spoken about politics before somewhere if I remember correctly.

  • Broken home configuration in NixOS

    How do I fix my home dir with nix? It seems I have messed something up and now I can't install home manager. Anytime I try to install a package with nix-env it gives this error too:

    error: this derivation has bad 'meta.outputsToInstall'

    How to sync local and remote calibre servers

    I have a calibre server setup on my home server and was wondering how to sync it to the version on my desktop so I can upload books to an ereader using USB.

    Best way to do aria2 on Proxmox

    Trying to figure out how to setup an aria2 server. It seems to rely on XDG dirs which isn't normally setup on LXC containers. I don't want to setup a whole GUI VM just for one application.

    Real debird issues

    I have been having issues using real debrid. One of the big issues is downloads getting stuck continuously retrying. I think this is because I am using 5G internet that has issues with latency and occasional packet loss. Similarly I get buffering issues when using Stremio.

    Another problem I am having is with the permission set by the real debrid client if I use the docker version. It doesn't allow for changing the UID and GID the real debrid process uses. This causes problems for the other services, though I can work around this using a manual installation in an LXC container.

    Does anyone with more experience know how to fix this?

    Edit: I can't edit the title to fix the spelling. You will just have to deal.

    Edit2: Fixed the permission issues. Also managed to work out that the problem isn't 5G. The download client is just bad. Apparently you can use external downloaders, but this requires deploying services like aria2c, which it turns out is actually quite hard.

    Should I use authentik with or without nginx proxy manager?

    I am a bit lost as to how you use authentik to do single sign on.

    I can connect things that have external access quite easily using the reverse proxy provider that's built into authentik. I am struggling with how I would connect things that are on a docker network and can't be accessed directly. Normally with nginx proxy manager I would put it on the same network, but I don't think this is correct for authentik. Am I supposed to create a docker outpost?

    Other people are using authentik + nginx proxy manager and I am a bit lost why they are doing that.

    Working around lack of router settings

    I am currently living with my parents and we have just started an Internet contract with a 5G wireless company.

    The issue is the MFND settings are behind a password and likely not allowed access by the ISP. Even if they weren't doing port forwarding on 5G likely isn't possible because of CGNAT. I think I can use cloudflare tunnels or tailscale to get around this, and not many things need to be directly accessible from the Internet.

    The more annoying thing is that setting DHCP reservations likely isn't possible without getting access to the settings. It's going to make setting up static IPs difficult too.

    Before anyone asks fixed line Internet almost certainly isn't practical in this area. Getting our own modem while possible is more expensive and potentially difficult, and would mean cancelling the contract.

    Is there a reasonable way to work around these issues?

    Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    Music streaming for BSD

    Hello based people of lemmy,

    I have recently started trying out BSDs as an alternative to Linux and found out that Spotify isn't supported. Before you say try it in a browser this doesn't work as spotify has DRM that doesn't work on BSD OSes.

    Now is there a way to stream music similar to Spotify? I know there is a downloader program available.

    Furthermore do you know what self-hosted options are available? I already have a basic *arr stack and am always up for convoluted server and Linux hijinks.

    Jellyfin on FreeBSD

    I am having issues with Jellyfin not finding ffmpeg on FreeBSD. Is there any solution to this?

    I am lost on chemical stabilisation

    I have been struggling to stabilise things in my last few brewing attempts. I had been using a combination stabiliser (sorbate and sulfite) from the department store Boyes. It doesn't seem to work.

    I know have sorbate powder and I already had campden tablets. I am wondering how you dose them correctly. From what I understand it's dependant on the ABV and the pH. Is there an easy way to calculate this? I take it there is no easy and cheap way to do a free SO2 test.

    I am begging to think buying a sous vide and doing pasteurization is easier and more reliable at this point.

    Proxmox + nvidia without subscription

    I've setup proxmox, and switched to the community repos.

    The issue is the kernel it's now running doesn't have a headers package in said community repos. This means I can't install nvidia drivers properly. I can only install older kernel versions and headers. I tired removing the newer kernel and it tried to remove proxmox-ve meta package.

    Do I need to remove proxmox-ve package and install community version or like what?

    K50/K50 Pro and

    Chinese ROMs come without support for many languages. Even when using English there are still things which are in Chinese.

    The people selling the devices on AliExpress are selling then with a "global rom". The issue here is that the rom doesn't exist officially. So no updates are available and you don't know what's actually inside it. provide a modified version of the Chinese rom with language support and some other things. The issue is they charge for this through patreon for any mediatek devices. You have to keep paying if you want security updates. This is immoral and probably illegal as they don't own MIUI or Android and copyleft is designed to prevent this kind of thing.

    To add insult to injury they started offering some mediatek roms for free. When people stopped paying the patreon they removed them from the download sites.

    Shame on them and shame on the AliExpress sellers. If anyone knows a good course on building android roms and reverse engineering them let me know. Maybe I can fix this situation.

    Looking for a modern, usable Linux OS preferably immutable

    I have been trying some of the immutable linux OSes because from what I understand they are more modern and feature better security and reliability. What I have found so far is shocking. Half of these don’t support my laptop (probably because it’s nvidia optimus). Some I tried like guix were very difficult to install, configure, and use with sprase documentation. Good luck trying to use KDE, wayland, or pipewire for example. BlendOS was notably better and could at least run on my laptop but chocked with nvidia driver issues.

    I have switched to pop os on my laptop for now but looking at alternatives and what to install on my desktop.

    Looking for a modern, usable Linux OS preferably immutable

    I have been trying some of the immutable linux OSes because from what I understand they are more modern and feature better security and reliability. What I have found so far is shocking. Half of these don't support my laptop (probably because it's nvidia optimus). Some I tried like guix were very difficult to install, configure, and use with sprase documentation. Good luck trying to use KDE, wayland, or pipewire for example. BlendOS was notably better and could at least run on my laptop but chocked with nvidia driver issues.

    I have switched to pop os on my laptop for now but looking at alternatives and what to install on my desktop.

    Two yeast mead

    Was running out of Kveik yeast (my last brewing yeast), and too impatient to wait for more to arrive so decided to co-pitch the one gram I had left with some sourdough starter.

    What does anybody think will happen?

    The starter has worked well at fermenting strawberry wine in the past, but it was looking a lot less healthy this time.

    Honestly this was an impulse decision to do this but I will be interested to see what happens. Maybe it will sour? That would be exciting.

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