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How do we get people on hexbear to read Lenin
  • Can anyone here make a yuri novel?

  • convince me that camo patterns are cool
  • thers no murder in this photo but there is a slay...

  • convince me that camo patterns are cool

    this thing I want is $15 cheaper in camo but I hate camo I associate it with murder is there anything cool about camo. also its got butterfly shapes mixed in with the blobs. is camo y2k

    If you're being mean to me on Hexbear, this is who you're being mean to.
  • I have dug deeper. Moo Deng's siblings are named after pork foods. So "bouncy pork" was probably the intent. Referring to pork meatballs. I think in general Moo can mean a pig or pork.

  • Is this a Jordan Peterson quote
  • I liked my idea better

  • Swiss city councilor apologizes for firing gun at a Mary and Jesus poster
  • I find it hard to believe she didn't know it was a religious work but also I don't know her so I can accept she might be telling the truth

  • Is this a Jordan Peterson quote
  • How do you drink from a skull is it done out of the eye socket or liek mouth-to-mouth

  • Swiss city councilor apologizes for firing gun at a Mary and Jesus poster
  • Sick

    I don't understand posting it only to fold immediately when Catholics do predictable Catholic things though

  • Why is Christman so attractive to me?
  • long hair? dark eyes? maybe the carpenter physique?

  • How it feels to know this thing will set itself on fire in due time wholesome

  • I wonder what the lib solution is to this - *cough* - shitty situation.
  • Advocate for flinging your shit into the sea instead

  • (usa) is it legal to rent a billboard and put up someone's tweets

    scenario: you know a chud at your workplace. he shows you a 'funny' meme on his phone and you peep his twitter handle. it's LoliHitler88. you hate this guy so much. can you put his real name and face on a billboard next to his greatest twitter hits if you don't call him any names on it. is that considered harassment or free promotion. this is a hypothetical

    neurodiverse autism_2 [any, it/its]
    NEET sadness

    I turn 22 this year. I want a job. I have never applied for a job. I know that it does not matter if I embarrass myself in front of an interviewer or if I quit in the first week or get fired. I am still afraid. I wish I could get paid to roll around in mud and have tomatoes thrown at me. This would probably feel less shameful.

    q for Jewish comrades: Could saying a Jewish zionist is going to Hell be considered antisemitism?

    This isn't a claim I've seen made by anyone, I'm just wary about it due to the common depiction of Hell being (at least I've heard) contrary to Jewish faith. Death to Israel, of course, but if my peers are being antisemitic while criticizing it I don't want to let that slide.

    e: thank you for your responses!
