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it's not a's a feature

i mean, a tool that makes the work of hackers easier has been hacked...such many cases!

How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • well, given that there's not too many news of trans people of lgbt+ people being murdered in china by policemen or reactionary neighbors being known, maybe they're not so conservative. or maybe they treat romantical relationships of any kind equally strict as something that you should keep in private, but maybe i'm wrong

  • NSFW
    I just found out I will be a parent... (one big emotional rant & vent)
  • well...i don't have kids, but i only can say that you need to have strength, and try to make the best you can do with you know...try to give support to your partner in the best of your ability and try to think in how to get money and give a good upbringing to your child.

    or always can think about an abortion if both of you are not prepared, just another option to consider

  • Came up with this bad joke and wanted to share
  • it needs some work...

  • Anthem of the Soviet Union - Neco Arc (AI Cover)

    it's difficult knowing if it's a homage or an insult...

    Chicago Police won’t discipline nine officers who signed up for extremist group Chicago Police won’t discipline nine officers who signed up for extremist group

    Mayor Brandon Johnson and Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling had earlier vowed to rid the department of officers on the anti-government group Oath Keepers rolls

    Chicago Police won’t discipline nine officers who signed up for extremist group

    i mean: if you're gonna be a bastard, you have to do the part...

    Corporate Philanthropy of Robber Barons

    why porkies get into philantropy? it seems that the answer is not "because they're philantropists!"

    Amerikkka’s thirst for war is endless
  • it's pretty strange having thirst for war, but in the end losing basically all of them

  • Colombia Cuts Diplomatic Relations With Israhell
  • the only colombian government not being a comprador regime

  • Why did the USA fund ISIS?
  • i mean, a middle east in peace would be bad for the oily aspirations of usa...a dozen of little terrorist groups with a islamic fundamentalist framework are another tool for desestabilizing the region and invading everywhere blaming "islamic terrorism" as the origin of the "need of intervention to restore democratic ideals"

  • ‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel
  • 94.3 b on weapon money

    but we sent 1b for the people that can be able to survive! we're good people!

  • innovation under capitalism
  • the malthusians: endgame

  • NSFW
    Thoughts on the whole Chris Chan phenomenon?
  • well...the development of events showed us many things:

    -the homophobia was founded on mimicry and misunderstanding of sarcasm in TV more than rightist ideas from her old parents

    -chris's trolls made a parasocial relationship with her, so the old trolling was subverted into a bizarre flavor of simping, giving her vast quantities of donations basically for no reason that pushing her to do more extravagancies (because she never finishes anything commissioned)

    -her hipersexuality and failures to get a girlfriend in previous times made her a creepy pervert who abused her mother

    chris is an idiot and her trolls became her simps

  • Where do y'all get your books? What ya reading right now?
  • well...physically i do thriftbooks too, but usually i prefer to read a pdf from wayback machine, or an open directory

  • deng cena John Cena Chinese Theme Song - Red Sun in the Sky

    John Cena Chinese Song used as his new Chinese Theme Entrance music as another apology to the Chinese People from John Xina Big thanks to @Senator Armstrong for recommending Red Sun in The Sky and allowing this new version of the video. Previous version of John Cena Entrance song meme: https://yo...

    John Cena Chinese Theme Song - Red Sun in the Sky

    now you can see him!

    But at what cost!?
  • at what cost? it seems that it's a lesser cost than you anyways!

  • Rule
  • ferdinand lasalle

    pierre joseph proudhon

    saint max

  • working hard

    hustler life isn't easy...sometimes you have to do what you have to do to feeling better against the rest of proles

    Tips on 'hiding your power level'?
  • i mean, too much water kills the flower, it's good imo start with some questioning on the status quo using not so overtly marxist lingo, and go increasingly more scientific, unless you're revealed as a communist, so i think a balance of giving some lessons and break reactionary "arguments" are a good idea to start

  • Critical support to the Japanese Communist Party
  • i mean, anime based on fanservce is absolute trash plot-wise, just look: to love ru, highschool dxd, agent aika, harem "comedy" et al

    it's more like "mangaka service" bc they're people too horny

  • Good Soviet Union era movies?
  • there's a lot in youtube, like this:

    i had another with subtitles, but i forgot its name

  • How can foreigners support the Cuban people?
  • yeah, they're kinda annoying trying to use the issues that cubans face to try another "bay of pigs"

  • Despair
  • duwang

    present day...

  • The East is Still Red, and I'm up at 4am because of jetlag
  • I'm up at 4am because of jetlag


  • Boeing whistleblower who exposed unsafe practices at the company found dead.
  • it's just a coincidence that a whistleblower is dead...i mean, it's not like capitalists would do such things! i mean, things like epstein, wikileaks and such are just random events!

  • Europe must be ready for US to quit Nato, diplomats warn. Sweden and Finland must be feeling real smart right about now. 😂
  • idk if quitting a place where you have veto powers would be a good idea if other countries still have those powers

  • Florida Senate passes bill banning local heat protections for workers Florida Senate passes bill banning local heat protections for workers

    The Florida State Senate passed a bill Tuesday that would prohibit local agencies from implementing heat protections for workers. The GOP-controlled Senate voted 28-11 to pass the bill, which would…

    Florida Senate passes bill banning local heat protections for workers


    >you don't need it!

    >you don't need it!

    about police and decriminalization

    well...i've found this opinion in mastodon, i think it has a point and i'm mostly agree with it, what do you think about it? i'd like to read more opinions about this concept

    Awesome list of Cuban opensource projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba. GitHub - cuban-opensourcers/cuban-opensource: Awesome list of Cuban opensource projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba.

    Awesome list of Cuban opensource projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba. - cuban-opensourcers/cuban-opensource

    GitHub - cuban-opensourcers/cuban-opensource: Awesome list of Cuban opensource projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba.

    are you ready to program for the revolution, camarada?

    rebel toothbrushes

    they said that in communism you'd have to give your toothbrush, but in capitalism you'll have a hacked toothbrush and you're gonna enjoy it!

    penn jillette Penn Jillette Wants to Talk It All Out

    The outspoken magician/comedian/writer talks to Cracked about leaving behind Libertarianism, why he’s worried about the future and how Trump is even worse than you think

    Penn Jillette Wants to Talk It All Out

    penn jillette discovers that libertarianism is also...bullshit

    no bully zone

    when you buy a social network trying to avoiding that it becomes an echo chamber but it ends becoming an echo chamber anyways

    but the inflation!

    ingredient suppliers: pay us more bc inflation

    restaurants: ok

    property owners: pay us more bc inflation

    restaurants: ok

    CEO's: pay us more bc inflation

    restaurants: ok

    workers: pay us more bc inflation

    restaurants: are you crazy? we'd have to raise prices! it would ruin us!

    big_spoon big_spoon
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