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we are going to see more boomers being scammed than ever thought possible
  • My dad has given thousands of dollars to scammers and I don’t think people understand how bizarre some of these scams are.

    like what? does he respond to phonecalls/emails demanding money or what?

  • we are going to see more boomers being scammed than ever thought possible
  • what scams are young people falling for?

  • it's firefly season 🤩
  • I have managed to never see one.

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • Also just going "enshittification" and "captialism" without actually looking at the thing itself is fucking stupid.

    I looked at the thing itself, nerd

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • I feel like its lacking the magic of BB and DS.

    It is sadness

    I don't regret buying it, but the experience is extremely hollow compared to DS 1. Just further proof that absolutely nothing in the world is safe from the enshittification of Capitalism.

  • Anyone else feel that their direction in life is more related to being what "they're supposed to do" rather than any conviction or desire to pursue it?
  • I can't imagine doing something 8 hours a day, 5/7 days of the year for the rest of my life. I think 3 shifts a week is more than I could ever be happy with.

  • Looks like someone hit a nerve
  • what are beanis comrades?

  • I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you
  • can I do it as a Canadian or do I need a U.S. social insurance number?

  • For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • hopefully the United Sates will be dissolved by then and nobody will have to think about it

  • I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you
  • They started me at $15/hour and there is hardly any human contact involved unless I have a question about something.

    Can you work as much or as little as you like? or would I have to do like 8-hour shifts of this shit?

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • It's just that Nazis are 90% of Twitter now

  • do you pick "liberal" or "other" in dating apps
  • you guys see other actual leftists on the dating apps? crazy

    I don't put anything for politics because the odds are it won't help me. The only reason for me to put anything would be to discourage conservatives.

  • Sex tourists get the wall
  • typical landlord shit

  • North Carolina House passes revised mask ban
  • Based on available human case data to date, the case fatality rate of avian influenza A(H5N1) is approximately 52%. However, this may be an overestimate given that mild infections can go undetected and under-reported.7 days ago


  • I really hope they dont make MGS political :/
  • How are so many greasy weird misanthrope streamer guys so popular? Do their audiences see themselves reflected?


  • I've been unemployed practically my entire life and I don't know what to do about it
  • hey you sound just like me. except I don't have a degree and it's been 8 years since I last worked. and I just got on disability in February.

  • "Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home" says Canadian police force Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home: RCMP - Better Dwelling

    Canada is facing a number of destabilizing forces—like climate change, disinformation, and young adults never owning a home. That’s the take from an internal RCMP report called the Whole-Of-Government Five-Year Trends For Canada. The report is a “scanning exercise” on evolving risks for law enforc...

    Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home: RCMP - Better Dwelling

    well fucking DUH

    > Canada is facing a number of destabilizing forces — like climate change, disinformation, and young adults never owning a home. That’s the take from an internal RCMP report called the Whole-Of-Government Five-Year Trends For Canada. The report is a “scanning exercise” on evolving risks for law enforcement to monitor. It puts the fact that many people under 35 will never own a home, on par with disinformation and climate change.

    Police Worry Canada May Be Destabilized If Young People Realize They Won’t Own A Home

    > One of the concerns law enforcement is warning about is the impact of eroding economic conditions. Especially when it comes to young adults. > > “The coming period of recession will also accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations,” reads the report. > > Canada may have seen a pandemic economic boom, but it was largely related to rapidly appreciating real estate. Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply to young adults who saw housing get further out of reach. > > “For example, many Canadians under 35 are unlikely to ever buy a place to live. The fallout from this decline in living standards will be exacerbated by the difference between the extremes of wealth, which is greater now in developed countries than it has been at any time in several generations,” warns the RCMP. > > Wealth disparity is bad enough, but what happens when that wealth disparity is driven by shelter disparity? It’s a problem not typically seen in advanced economies at scale.

    The writing is really on the wall now. And yet, the working class sleeps...

    The Landlord Heckler ‘Will the landlords get enough to eat?’: Heckler interrupts Finance Minister Nicola Willis

    Nicola Willis was answering questions after a lunch at the Auckland Business Chamber.

    ‘Will the landlords get enough to eat?’: Heckler interrupts Finance Minister Nicola Willis

    > The Minister of Finance has been heckled by a man who repeatedly shouted “landlords” at her as she hosted a press conference. > > Nicola Willis was answering journalists’ questions after a lunch at the Auckland Business Chamber when the man began interrupting her. > > Willis was saying “one of the reasons we were elected was to ensure that, when we are investing, it’s going to the right places”. > > The heckler called out: “The landlords.” > > Somewhat thrown off, Willis continued “and for us, our priorities are ...”, and the man interjected with his quip again. > > He called out “landlords” two more times before saying “entitled people getting more entitlements”.

    > Willis tried to answer questions put to her by the media but the man continued heckling her. > > “School lunches? > > “People in wheelchairs? > > “Will the landlords get enough to eat?”

    very based !costanza-maoist

    $1,000,000.00 donation pays off "lunch debt" for 7,000 grade school kids Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

    Students in four Georgia public school districts will get their lunch debts paid after a $1 million donation from the Arby's Foundation.

    Over 7,000 students see their lunch debts wiped after $1 million donation

    whoa heckin' wholesome r/UpliftingNews am i right !so-true

    only in this epic Land of Freedom™ could such a blessed thing happen. if this was Bad Country, those children would still be in debt for needing to eat lunch at school.


    >2. disabling extensions (though i've had the same for years, it shouldn't have changed anything) Something has changed. Using an adblocker goes...

    High CPU / PC Stall When Using Youtube on Chrome

    I know reddit is low hanging fruit, but I just can't with these dweebs.

    > Something has changed. Using an adblocker goes against the YouTube ToC, so Google has started to detect them. You need to disable Adblock for YouTube, and it should go back to normal.

    > > fuck google for doing this. > > Well, Google has every right to do so. It has to pay the content creators for their work, so people need to pay either (as you and I do) through Premium or by having advertisements. When people use an ad-blocker to watch YouTube, they are freeriding on the creators' work, which is disrespectful to say the least.

    !so-true why yes, I talk about people who use ad blocker to not have their consciousness invaded by advertisements using "welfare queen" language. how did you know?

    > > They don't pay creators on YouTube as much as they used to. > > I'm not surprised. People are blocking ads all over the place.


    > YouTube has recently been cracking down on ad-blockers, because they deprive content creators of their rightful fees. Recent changes have caused ad-blockers to misbehave.

    > Or just, you know, pay for the content? It's called YouTube Premium. People don't complain about Netflix or Amazon Prime charging money. > > Anyway, it's your decision what you choose to do. I choose to pay.


    "umm actually it's not child slavery because he was free to quit any time" ~ reddit Are some people just freakishly strong?

    Nah it was basically the only job in his town when he was a child. Likewise no, you can watch anything he's said about his time there most of the...

    Are some people just freakishly strong?
    The man could tweet

    > Donald J. Trump > @realDonaldTrump > > O.K., Christmas is over, now we can all go back to the wars of life. Focus, focus, focus-never accept defeat -push hard for total victory! > > 11:25 PM · Dec 25, 2013

    The "Socialism is when no iPhone" adage has come true

    > China orders government workers to stop using iPhones amid heightened tensions with US

    reddit shit-libs gloat smugly as one of their favorite catchphrases, "socialism is when no iphone", has come true.

    car-brains be like

    > A lot of progressive leaning regions are actively trying to slowly legislate cars out of existence, see the camera system in the UK that's being sttacked by the so called "blade runners". > > Fact is cars are real freedom, and the next time the government declares a pandemic and determines that public transit is too dangerous, a car is your only movement option for going outside of bike range.

    the gubbermint is coming to steal our cars so we have to live in their bicycle dystopia !brainworms.

    bigboopballs bigboopballs [he/him]

    It's all a load of hog shit, if you ask me

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