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Valve-compatible HMD rec
  • I think GameStop was selling them for around $600 a while back for a full kit. You could probably go cheaper on eBay or something, but there's always a higher risk factor there.

  • Valve-compatible HMD rec
  • Yeah, the Index is still you're best bet unless you can afford the Bigscreen Beyond. Also, if you go with an Index, I strongly recommend you buy used or refurbished as new models are still $1000 which is not worth it anymore imo.

  • What do the reputation points we earn here on help us with?
  • If you have a decent amount of upvotes, it's a good sign you're not a bot or a troll. At least that's how I use it.

  • Do any of you fine gentlepeople know of a good way to alert a person in VR that you want their attention?
  • You're right. I'd almost completely forgotten this existed.

  • Do any of you fine gentlepeople know of a good way to alert a person in VR that you want their attention?
  • Depending on the headset you're using, she could just message you either through Steam or the Meta app.

  • Meta Servers Broken, All Quest Headsets Unusuable Meta Servers Broken, All Quest Headsets Unusuable

    Meta's servers weren't working correctly earlier today, and the issue rendered all Quest headsets temporarily unusable.

    Meta Servers Broken, All Quest Headsets Unusuable

    This is resolved now, but it's still ridiculous this could even happen. A good reminder of how "open" the Quest line is Zuck.

    What do you think about privacy services like Incogni?
  • The only 3rd party I can find connected to this is Have I Been Pwned. Are they not reputable? Or is this not who you're talking about? Genuinely curious as I was thinking about trying out Mozilla.

  • Check out EmuVR if you haven't yet, its free and VR is not required!
  • Coincidentally, I spent about two hours last night just finding pictures I could use for posters. Then I downloaded all kinds of user made content, and haven't even gotten into doing anything with it yet. I've only actually played one game so far. Lol

  • Viverse Joins The Fediverse? "The Fediverse Explained: Social Media’s Next Form" The Fediverse Explained: Social Media’s Next Form

    The fediverse is a network of social media platforms that are interconnected. Find the answers to fediverse FAQs here.

    The Fediverse Explained: Social Media’s Next Form

    Apparently HTC's "Viverse" is adding Mastodon integration and more in the future. Very interesting.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you're in to VR, "The 7th Guest VR" came out last fall, and it's actually really good.

  • That Portal 64 demake we liked so much has been kiboshed by Valve: 'They have asked me to take the project down,' creator says That Portal 64 demake we liked so much has been kiboshed by Valve: 'They have asked me to take the project down,' creator says

    It looks like Valve doesn't want to get involved in a potential dispute between the creator of Portal 64 and Nintendo.

    That Portal 64 demake we liked so much has been kiboshed by Valve: 'They have asked me to take the project down,' creator says

    Honestly, a bit surprised by this. It wasn't even on Steam. Hopefully switching to an open source SDK will get this back up.

    I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • You see? That's literally not what I said. I seem to have struck a nerve with you here and I'm not sure why. But go ahead. Give me my downvote that I apparently care so much about.

  • I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • Fair enough. I tend to think downvotes are warranted when it's not adding anything to the conversation and/or are somewhat hostile. Not that it's worth anything at this point, but the downvote was because I literally just explained myself on the very post they were responding to. People are just putting words in my mouth at this point just because they want to disagree, and at some point it's easier to downvote that to repeat myself.

  • I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • Oh, I'm aware. I've just never heard of "Downvote Fairies". In any case that was never my point, as I've explained.

  • I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • Who's freaking out my dude? My point was this wouldn't have happened if THEY didn't know who I was. You and others make some good points about some how this happens regardless, and how there are upsides to seeing who downvotes you. I honestly wasn't aware this was a common thing until now. It's why I asked if this has happened to anyone else. Chalk it up to me being a bit naive.

  • I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • I don't. That's why I called them imaginary internet points. Lol. My point was about the fact that you can see who downvotes you.

  • I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.
  • True, but if they hadn't seen it was me that downvoted them in the first place, they wouldn't know who to stalk, and I wouldn't have to call anyone out at all. Really though, I can still see both sides here. I'm just bitter it happened to me. Lol

  • /kbin meta billothekid2
    I'm starting to see some serious downsides to being able to see who downvotes you.

    A few days ago I downvoted someone's comment, and the next day I happened to notice every single comment I've ever made had at least one downvote. All from the person I dared to downvote the ONE time. I straight up asked why they did it, and they seem to think I'm an "obvious" troll account that "apparently just exist to downvote other people". I assure you I'm no troll account, and ironically don't really downvote all that often. I know the topic of public downvotes has been discussed before, but I never used to care either way. Now I'm kinda leaning in the "I don't like it" side. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little offended, maybe even attacked. Also, there goes all my imaginary internet points. Lol Has anyone else had something like this happen to them, or am I just unlucky?

    Light No Fire Announcement Trailer
  • What the actual fuck? One downvote is all it took and this dude thinks I'm a troll. (Make that two, lol) If anyone else is reading this, I'm very real and this is my main account. Lol. Jesus Christ.

  • Light No Fire Announcement Trailer
  • Hi there Dark thoughts! I'm just curious as to why you've downvoted every single comment I've ever made on Kbin. Is this something you do to everyone who downvotes you one time? Seems a little extreme and immature don't ya think?

  • Beautifully Rebuilding a VR Headset To Add AR Features Beautifully Rebuilding A VR Headset To Add AR Features

    [PyottDesign] recently wrapped up a personal project to create himself a custom AR/VR headset that could function as an AR (augmented reality) platform, and make it easier to develop new applicatio…

    Beautifully Rebuilding A VR Headset To Add AR Features

    Another cool DIY headset.

    Virtual Reality billothekid2
    Behold a DIY VR Headset its Creator Will “Never” Build Again Behold A DIY VR Headset Its Creator Will “Never” Build Again

    Unsatisfied with commercial VR headset options, [dragonskyrunner] did what any enterprising hacker would: gathered parts over time and ultimately made their own. Behold the Hades Widebody (HWD), a …

    Behold A DIY VR Headset Its Creator Will “Never” Build Again

    I love this stuff. A bit beyond the scope of anything I could do, but nice to know it's possible.

    billothekid2 billothekid2
    Posts 7
    Comments 43