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Iceland allows whaling to resume in ‘massive step backwards’
  • You did a racism, you did an imperialism…. No one cares anymore.

    Your whole woke thing is over. Trump will take 2024 and then normalcy will return.

    If I am a Nazi, then every average person in the US and the whole of Europe is.

    We don’t want liberalism, we don’t want leftism, we don’t want immigrants and trannies.

  • Blood-Swapping Tech Bro Extends Eternal Youth Ambitions to Penis
  • We’re on a crusade to sterilise and debilitate confused young gay and lesbian people

    Why are you obsessed with us, bigot?

    You’ll pay for everything you’re doing. The public’s tolerance for your degeneracy is gone.

    But this is good news for you! You’ll soon be healed, the way you should have always been healed with a nice long stay in the psych ward and some Thorazine injections.

  • Blood-Swapping Tech Bro Extends Eternal Youth Ambitions to Penis
  • Inject hormones and do a bunch of weird but ultimately benign things in a futile attempt to reverse aging: freak.

    Inject hormones, get your penis turned inside out and made into a unhealed would you’ll dilate with a dildo for the rest of your life, voice train, get your Adam’s apple shaved in a futile attempt to approximate something that approaches a natural woman: stunning and brave.

    Nobody is trying to get any of your power because you have none.

  • The dreaded ring (by Pedro Arizpe)
  • I don’t want to “coordinate” phone calls with my friends and family as if we’re at work.

    “Cold calling” is a marketing term. When I call my friends, it’s a warm call. A friendly call.

    What a sad and cold world you live in. I honestly feel bad for you.

  • I'd saw off my leg for my grocery store to start carrying something besides shitty IPA's and Budweiser
  • DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

  • Mastodon is Rewinding the Clock on Social Media — in a Good Way
  • A big part of it is just choosing the right instance. If you have any niche hobbies or interests, try to find an instance catering to that. My first mastodon account was on and I really didn't like the experience, since most posts seemed to be about American politics and IT.

    But then I found an instance catering to heavy metal fans, and the experience has been much better. When you find a good instance, you can find interesting accounts to follow just by visiting the local timeline. Then, as other said, there are hashtags. And sometimes, you can open the federated timeline too, and just look randomly.

    I really like that aspect of Mastodon because it feels like the old old Internet where you found interesting stuff mainly accidentally and by searching for things you're into.

    Now that I'm mentioning the very old internet, I'm reminded of StumbleUpon and I wonder if some implementation of that would work on the Fediverse for finding communities and accounts. Basically you'd tell the system your interests and then it would give you random stuff based on that.

  • I Tried Reddit Again and it Sucks Now
  • I still believe all the big subs are just bots. Yes, social media communities tend toward an echo-chamber (that's true on Lemmy and Mastodon depending on your instance and the people and communities you follow) but Reddit's echo chambers are on another level. It's basically that "danger to our democracy" video in written form.

    I like to be surprised on the Internet. I like to hear and read something I haven't heard or read before, and on Reddit, outside of some niche small communities, that's not possible anymore. I suppose a part of it is because the powermods have way too much power on Reddit and they're very ban happy even for total bullshit. So over time, only bots and people who can conform to the ever tightening rules stay on.

  • The dreaded ring (by Pedro Arizpe)
  • Uh, you kind of hit on and conflate several different points here. I am younger than you (33) but I do remember that era of "dumb cell phone" when people expected you to be able to pick up their call at any time. And yes, it was annoying.

    But that's what it was. Annoying. Not traumatic or upsetting, just annoying.

    Hell, I know a lot of people whose boundary is “no phone calls unless (list of super serious things like someone died) or we text first and agree on a phone call” and when someone potentially has that boundary and then panicks when they get a phone call outside of it, the solution might be a little more advanced than “seek help”.

    Nope, the solution is still "seek help" because that's an unhealthy and maladaptive boundary. You should be able to take a phone call as an adult without panicking. At most, it should cause you annoyance and dealing with annoyance properly is one of the main skills of adulthood.

  • What are your favorite single player games to go back to?
    • Dragon's Dogma (over 400 hours across different platforms)
    • Metal Gear Solid V
    • Sleeping Dogs
    • Hades
    • Oblivion
    • Deus Ex

    I find these games have so much variety and replayability I'm still being surprised with what I can do in them.

  • Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??
  • They know. The fact that targeted ads leveraging so-called "big data" are not more effective than standard advertising is now known to the public. We can bet Google knew this years in advance. But they can't abandon their whole business model since that would freak the stock market and investors out. So, they need to squeeze as much as they can before the entire model becomes unworkable and they'll be forced to switch to something else or disappear.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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