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  • I wasn't so lucky, I saw some horrible pictures in Lemmy once, but they were removed immediately.

  • Most to least common 4-digit PINs
  • I'm proud that 1996 seems to be one of the years least used, but damn is it sad anyways how used it is.

  • Using any DE be like:
  • Them using gnome doesn't stop you from using whatever you want actually.

    Right now it's pretty much how you want it to be.

  • iFixit is breaking up with Samsung. ‘Samsung’s approach to repairability does not align with our mission,’ says iFixit’s CEO.
  • I love the displays they put into cheap phones, but other than that they charge too much a premium for features that now should be standard such as fast and/or wireless charging

  • Abbott grants Daniel Perry pardon in murder of Black Lives Matter protester | Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is pardoning Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant convicted in the fatal shooting
  • To be fair he said it's full of garbage people, not that all of you are garbage people. If my house had 2 garbage people in it I would be tempted to take the garbage out as that's full for me.

  • A cool guide to the world as 100 people.
  • Every source i find says north america has more people than south america, what gives?

  • Removed
    Trump Media: Donald Trump just got another $1.8 billion worth of stock | CNN Business
  • Not gonna be due to stupidity but more likely as bribery

  • May La Forge Be With You
  • Cinco de cuatro

  • Removed
  • Mexico, DN-III is an emergency response effort plan from the Mexican Army. The specific city who knows

  • Wholesome community has heated argument over dog breed safety
  • Is it a strawman if someone came and specifically argued that?

  • Grand jury indicts fake electors who falsely certified Donald Trump as 2020 winner in Arizona
  • Is the US a belligerent in the Korean war? That one hasn't ended technically

  • Who's laughing now?
  • Why am I paused tho

  • BYD And Mercedes Coming After Porsche With Panamera-Like Denza Z9 GT
  • Oh yeah those are not barebones, but I am sure they are not necessarily included as they aren't made in china and the telemetry is done by google

  • BYD And Mercedes Coming After Porsche With Panamera-Like Denza Z9 GT
  • To be fair china's electric cars are way more barebone than American ones, so even tho i don't think they are private enough they can work without telemetry (or with it removed)

  • Tracking the temperature drop during the eclipse with Home Assistant!
  • Graph showing big dip during solar eclipse

    We got only 90.5% coverage but my graph also looks great

  • oWo
  • That, and the painting, might be put there by people protesting the spikes and not necessarily the owners of these spikes.

  • Movies that “go from 0-100” in the last 15 or so minutes?
  • The last Carrie has great pace and then feels so rushed at the end

  • e621, a furry image forum, will be forced to verify their users identities if this bill passes
  • I don't know the site that much, but I know that "harmful to minors" can mean anything.

  • Removed
    Cocoon of Self-Righteousness
  • I like your way of seeing it but sometimes it's about the trust you have on the other person not ever betraying that trust.

    You can be wrong about them but it feels great having that kind of intimacy with someone.

  • you don't need consumerism or mass media to be happy
  • We have made it so that having the freedom to choose, a most basic human need, feels like doing incorrect stuff.

    Like, just choosing to leave a relationship subjects you to so much pain and hate that you'd rather not do it.

    It sucks, but sadly a lot of these things are luxuries. Some are getting better but others worse (for example, there are less birds now than in the past, or at least it seems that way).

  • I sent flowers to my best friend, anonymously

    She means the world to me, I just want her to be happy. I don't know if she'll realize they're from me.

    Edit: okay, I let her know it was me

    Edit to add context: I do like her more than as a friend, I know she doesn't and that's why I did it anonymously.

    I don't want her to feel pressured, just cared for. We have been good friends for a long time, I think my feelings can become an obstacle for our friendship and I hate that.

    I wish I didn't feel this way.

    Update: we're not friends anymore

    blujan blujan
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    Comments 155