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Tagline material? The Rogue Dunk_Tank, a Game of Comms story
  • you're such a fucking loser dude lmao

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • in fact, speaking of a ball rolling down a hill, i have a fantastic problem for these AI bros to work on. see, there's a big hill and there's a big rock that's at the bottom of that hill which id really prefer to be at the top instead. you think they'll volunteer? sisyphus

  • Pull over
  • Hexbear says no being horny for cops, be they bunny or kitty

  • Follow me for financial advice 😎🫰
  • Ok I got it. So I need to gamble more than double my current net worth and get lucky enough to win the jackpot. And then inherit millions. Then I too can bootstrap my way into being rich

    I'll get right on that

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • Neither of those zombies are warm right now

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • hope you had a good poop comrade mario-thumbs-up

  • holy shit i switched over to .ml while the hexbear admins were off couping Bolivia and it was so fuckin bad
  • Well that's just cause is like straight up fash

    It's ok though friend we still love you, read theory though

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • It just comes down to the fact that reading is active and listening is passive. If you're reading a book, the book proceeds at precisely the pace of your understanding. If you have to read a sentence five times to understand it, then you do, and nothing provides any pressure on you because you're the one in control. If you're listening to an audiobook and you don't understand a sentence or lose focus or whatever, it just keeps on plowing ahead. And while it is possible to rewind and listen again, it just can't possibly deliver information as effectively as reading.

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • they also do for everyone else, that's why people who don't like reading but think that it's a prestigious activity like them. they can not-listen to an entire book and then be like "oh yeah i read that one"

  • Mythbusters
  • I just looked up the elephant vs mouse segment. The way the elephants reacted, I kinda feel like they're being cautious because they recognize a harmless lil animal and don't want to step on it. Like they behave pretty much exactly how I do when I see a little spider or frog or cricket or something. like "whoa there buddy, you dont wanna be under my feet"

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • Well, books 1 and 2 were very different and didn't really contain anything that could be considered remotely similar twists IMO. But there are a ton of prequels and sequels and stuff made after the original trilogy that I'm probably not gonna read and that as far as I know Asimov kinda didn't intend to write, so it sounds entirely likely that some of those were phoned in lol

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • I've been reading through Asimov's Foundation series. I found the first book quite dull and the premise kind of difficult to buy, and a little too 'great man of history'-y. The second was much better though, and actually featured a female character. How progressive!

    I remember reading The Caves of Steel a long while back and I liked it a lot, so I was overall slightly disappointed here. But if the trend in quality continues in this way then the third book ought to be pretty good.

  • 27% of Americans Are Skipping Meals Because of Skyrocketing Food Costs
  • Oh yeah definitely, more subtle food theft is no problem for the most part. Especially keeping in mind the thing you quoted about detention. Legally, nobody is allowed to keep you from leaving a store except, like, literally a cop if there happens to be one around. I've never intentionally shoplifted and I still just walk past receipt/bag checkers. Usually they don't even bother saying anything, if they do I just say "no thanks" and keep walking. It's my shit, not theirs, they got no right to rifle through it. And they can't prove that the same doesn't apply to you, unless you give them permission

  • The mythologizing of Killdozer continues
  • some guy got big mad over some small business owner drama shit and (very calmly and rationally of course) turned his bulldozer into a shitty tank with a bunch of concrete armor, sealed himself inside it, and then went and smashed up some buildings before getting stuck

  • 27% of Americans Are Skipping Meals Because of Skyrocketing Food Costs
  • hey, nothing inherently wrong with being security. retail security sucks ass though since it's mostly looking for petty theft and then snitching. a lot of security is almost literally "i sit here and do nothing and then you pay me" which is kinda a sweet deal

  • 27% of Americans Are Skipping Meals Because of Skyrocketing Food Costs
  • You can probably only do that like once or twice before they post your picture everywhere and somebody bans you from the store (at which point they can bring the cops next time and have you arrested, talking US law here) but damn that looks satisfying lmao

  • DuckDuckGo is serving AI garbage now
  • and what part of that required an AI?

  • I so wish we lived in the world liberals think we live in

    Where things like "freedom" are a sincere part of governmental decision-making, and not just an excuse for a few rich old fucks to hoard more wealth. Where there exists a temporarily flawed but fundamentally good organization in every single city in the country devoted only to keeping the community safe and in harmony. Where the people in charge are truly doing their best to make the lives of the common person better.

    If the world worked the way liberals think it does I'd have become a cop straight out of high school, I swear. I still harbor thoughts of trying to become a firefighter, but I'm not sure I've got the discipline for it.

    I don't really have a point, I've just been chilling and drinking tea and thinking about this. I think this line of thought stemmed from having been mistaken for a cop once or twice and trying to think of exactly the best way to word exactly why I would never in a million years consider it regardless of what you paid me, and thinking about how that concept is kind of hard to understand from a liberal's point of view. To them, saying "cops are fundamentally bad" is like saying "firefighters are fundamentally bad" or "farmers are fundamentally bad." In liberal propaganda, cops are just as necessary (and as enduring) as either of those jobs.

    "Why you always wear that mask?"


    "There ain't no covid no more--there never was no covid!"

    It protects me from a wide variety of things.

    "What, you believe in aliens too?"

    Sure, why not?


    An actual conversation I had with a trucker the other day.

    You guys checked out Rabbit & Steel yet?

    !bunny-vibe bnuuy !bunny-vibe

    !reisen-dance It's like if Touhou had a baby with FF14 raid mechanics. Everything is adorable. It'll make you hate your friends for coming near you when they were supposed to stay away, and it'll make you hate them 5 seconds later for running away from you when they were supposed to stack. I highly recommend it. It might even be a fun game to try to get some people from here to play together, since it's pretty low time investment, intuitive, and doesn't necessarily require voice chat. (It's better with voice chat, funnier without it)

    !bunny-cop !all-ears !reisen-dance !bugs-stalin

    Sharing the gift of Vintage Story

    Vintage Story is what happens when one of those people who make the ridiculous complicated Minecraft modpacks gets tired of working with jank ass Minecraft and decides to go make their own engine and do whatever they want with it. It's a beautifully complex, (optionally) brutally unforgiving, wonderful little game that I love immensely. You start out by banging rocks together to make stone tools and foraging for berries and wild carrots and trying not to get murdered by weirdly aggressive wolves and completely normally aggressive pigs. But it quickly opens up into a whole world of making pottery, learning the right ratios of copper and tin to make bronze, accidentally collapsing mines on yourself or accidentally setting entire hillsides on fire because you forgot the hill was made of peat, farming (don't forget to rotate your crops!) and facing evil hordes of eldritch monstrosities.

    Also, I just love the mindset of the devs. Check out the "held to high standards" header on that main page I linked.

    Anyway, getting to the point: I've already bought the game for myself and a friend, paid for the optional account upgrade that just gives me a different color name and a forum badge, and paid for the "pay what you want" soundtrack. So, the only thing left I can do to give money to this great game is to give it away to some of you guys, if anybody's interested in trying it out!

    So, I have three giftable game account key things. First three people to say they want one will get one. So if you're a fan of this sort of silly Minecraft modpack, try it out!

    Hirbawi Kufiya Update

    I just got an email from Hirbawi which reads as follows:

    >Dear [Name] >We are delighted to announce that all pre-orders prior to the 16th October will now be shipped, and those who ordered will be emailed today with their tracking details. >It was an adventure to say the least. >After many pickups and dropoffs, our drivers were eventually able to pass through the valleys around Hebron by using dirt roads. >Despite being blocked at four different Israeli checkpoints, we kept trying, and eventually succeeded in passing through the fifth checkpoint.

    With another section down below:

    >Next Shipment? >We are now working on getting our next shipment across the West Bank border and past the Israeli blockade. >The factory is working flat out to resupply Black & White Kufiyas as these have been the most popular choice for wearing in support and solidarity for Palestine. >We are forever grateful that so many of you were willing to pre-order a Hirbawi Kufiya, despite the uncertainty due to the ongoing blockade.

    In other words: They're making it work somehow. Get yourself a fancy handmade scarf for way cheaper than you'd expect, and directly support Palestinians.

    If you're a white devil like me and concerned about the optics of wearing traditional middle-eastern clothing, maybe take a look at this article for the opinion of the Palestinians in question themselves. In short: It's a good opportunity to start conversations about Palestine and normalize visible support for their struggle. Go nuts.

    Any of the ones that don't say preorder are available for the next shipment they can get out there.

    hexbear booty [he/him]
    What's the deal with the buddhism comm creation and removal?

    I was pretty excited to see where that comm went and learn some stuff about cultures and philosophies I'm not familiar with. Just curious about two things I guess: Why was it created in the first place, and what changed to cause it to be deleted?

    Pathfinder 2e General Discussion booty [he/him]
    Winter Sleet impulse for Air/Water kineticist

    Might be an oddly specific post, but I've seen this recommended, and I'm just not sure I understand how it would be used effectively. Surely an air/water kineticist should be acting as a ranged spellcaster most of the time, in other words, not being within 10 feet of an enemy and especially not of multiple enemies. Furthermore, this impulse doesn't discriminate, so even if you were within 10 feet of all your enemies, you'd probably be within 10 feet of your allies too, subjecting them to a bunch of slippery bullshit as well.

    Am I missing something about what makes this useful / not a detriment?

    booty booty [he/him]
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