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PSA : refining and warp in freighter

Not sure if it's common knowledge, but I found a bug with the freighter refiner room.

I left stuff running in it (silicate to glass) and immediately jumped through freighter warp. After that my refiner had returned to a previous state (it contained a bunch of ferrite dust from previous rust processing).

Looks like the game "forgot" to save the freighter's state before jumping. Maybe saving before the jump would have prevented that.

I didn't lose anything too valuable, but maybe be careful.

What games have you played due to FOMO?
  • Those aren't really FOMO in my opinion, more like being curious about what the praise was about. It's trying new stuff, and rather healthy I'd say, even if you realize some of those really weren't for you in the end. Yeah, I had quite a few of those too.

    To me, FOMO would be anxiety about stuff that you really can miss "forever" and regret afterwhile.

    In games, it's weaponized with artificially limited stuff because whoever is pulling the string wants you to fear a missed opportunity and make an impulse decision.

    It's stuff like preorder "bonuses" you will never have another chance to get otherwise, time-limited content, battlepasses, daily rewards etc.

    One of the most pathetic recent example I can think of being Nintendo making the translation of a 1990 Famicom game available only for a couple months. "Quick, buy Fire Emblem now, before it disappears forever!!!"

  • Beyond Good And Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Has Been Rated For Switch
  • 😁 Sorry not sorry!

    Nah, I wouldn't even wish it gone, really. I just couldn't care even a bit about anything they had to show that day.

    BG&E was that charming single-player adventure game, with quirky and lovable characters and a tiny handcrafted universe. And with a non-ending that begged for a direct sequel.

    What they showed in that E3 preview was yet another freaking Ubisoft open-world. It was supposed to be planet-level huge, because of course it was powered by boring procedural bullshit. It was always online, multi-player oriented, and "if you really want it, you could play it alone, but why would you?"

    Oh, and it was a prequel with different characters, because fuck your closure I guess.

  • The top 6 best TV shows based on games
  • Long ago I watched the anime based on Tales of Eternia (the Namco "Tales of" game that was also called Tales of Destiny 2 in the US for no good reason, it's not a sequel).

    The anime is awkwardly shoehorned in a very specific and inconsequential part of the game (like, one that would last about 2 minutes). Nothing meaningful really happens in the series. Because of the way it's framed, I also estimate its entertainment value for someone who didn't play the game at basically zero.

    Oh yeah, there's a freaking swimming contest out of nowhere at one point. Women only of course. I'm sure it had nothing to do with having female characters in swimsuits for a while.

    That certainly was one of the anime series of all time.

  • Denuvo security is now on Switch, including new tech to block PC Switch emulation
  • Even if a game is protected against piracy on its PC version, the version released on Nintendo Switch can be emulated from day one and played on PC, therefore bypassing the strong protections offered on the PC version,”

    Are there that many multi-platform games that have denuvo and a switch version too?

    I'd think most games "big enough" for denuvo wouldn't have a switch port anyway.

  • X glitch wipes out most pictures and links tweeted before December 2014
  • I don't think anybody seriously used twitter as storage.

    Rather the point is that, similarly to every time a blogging platform or another online service with user content shuts down, a bit of internet history disappears with it. Links are broken, traces of opinions or bits of knowledge from another time are not available anymore...

    It's not the end of the world, and at that point I wouldn't really care if twitter disappeared completely overnight, but still, some stuff will be lost.

  • Parmigiano-Reggiano makers are putting edible microchips the size of a grain of sand into their 90-pound cheese wheels to combat counterfeiters
  • It is just glued on it. It's just on the label, not implanted inside the cheese wheel. The "you could be eating microchips!!!" part of the article is pure clickbait.

    All they say is they'd be safe to eat if for some reason it ended up in the cheese. Like the rest of the label I guess.

  • WinRAR flaw lets hackers run programs when you open RAR archives
  • Somehow Windows has always been and is still crap at managing archives. Ultra-slow, has trouble opening or extracting individual files inside the archive, etc.

    However, 7-zip has been doing all that perfectly forever now. Not sure why anyone would use WinRAR, paid for or not.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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