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North Korea drops balloons carrying trash in South
  • Doesn't it sound like a prank?

  • Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize a Palestinian state in a historic move
  • Before that the Zionists, not the "normal" Jews, where doing terrorist attacks on Palestine. Just like they do now. This shit comes from XIX century. And Zionists have always have the same relation with Judaism like AlQaeda with Muslims.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • Voluntary Mandatory rule
  • The appropriate answer to that is the full staff making a chorus and singing to the bosses "FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU! WE'RE LEEEEAVING!"

  • Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • Get a live-USB and check it. Maybe you get a surprise.

  • Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • Get a live-USB and check it. Maybe you get a surprise.

  • Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • Win7? I've seen public computers still using XP.

  • 2024: The Year Linux Dethrones Windows on the Desktop – Are You Ready?
  • I stopped using Windows in the XP era. Later on I started working in a job that required me to have a Win8 laptop. 2 years later I reverted back to Linux once I stopped working there and had Win8/10 as a game OS. But my main "serious" usage was on Linux.

  • 2024: The Year Linux Dethrones Windows on the Desktop – Are You Ready?
  • Windows usage is decreasing every year. Slowly but... And it will reach a point where it will have not enough critical mass to be "THE OS" but "another OS".

  • toxic help forum
  • I think the better use is create with Krita, retouch with GIMP.

  • Why do Millennials hate Gen Z fashion so much?
  • "Look better" != "look good"

  • A cool guide to Top U.S. Food Imports by Origin Country
  • I don't mean Italy doesn't export olive oil. But they buy lots of tons of olive oil from Spain and rebrand it as Italian.

  • A cool guide to Top U.S. Food Imports by Origin Country
  • First thing I check and it's not right: olive oil comes from Spain. Italy just rebrands it.

  • Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize a Palestinian state in a historic move
  • The true reason of the Alhambra Decree was that the kings had to return a lot of money to the Jews and the fastest way to cancel that dept was to kick them out using the religious card. Just like France did to the Templars.

  • Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize a Palestinian state in a historic move
  • How nice of you to forget the other 70 years of Israel killing Palestinians.

  • ‘FUCK the LAPD' Shirt Maker's Entire Shop Sold Out After Cops Threaten Him
  • Some day Wikipedia will learn how to use the "media" tag in CSS.

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • In the books, the role of the Atreides family was not to be the good guy but the necessary evil to reach the final step of saving humanity. Even Paul can't stand his own role in the story.

  • bufalo1973 bufalo1973
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