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[Solved] Help wanted
  • I was kind of getting really desperate, as I usually, IMO, take good care of the machine. And usually I know hoe to solve issues. But in hindsight, and after checking timestamps, I do believe it is the slicer. When I updated it earlier this year I printed some figs, but couldn’t troubleshoot during to time constraints, and I parked it. So recently I picked up printing some more, but it didn’t connect immediately.

    So yeah, I blame the slicer, and my lack of time.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.

    Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.

    After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.

    Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.

    Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.

    After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.

    Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Hey, I cleaned the z-axis: no change I replaced the nofep (again): no change I removed my old slicer (Chitubox Basic 1.9.5) and installed the latest (2.1). I cleaned up my profile, so it was vanilla config: what do you know: it seems to work now!

    Still running some prints to monitor any changes, but it’s looking good!

    Thank you for your time!

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.

    Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.

    After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.

    Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.

    Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.

    After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.

    Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.

    Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.

    After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.

    Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Well, it seems you might be right.

    I installed the latest version of Chitubox Basic (2.1) and now it works just great.

    Thank you very much, kind internet stranger!

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • The glass is half full, yeah? 😉

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • So you think is is maybe a software issue?

    I’ll check if there are any known issues and possibly update my chitubox

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • I did select different settings for the other resin. I checked both in the app and on Epax’s website, and my settings are aligned

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thank you for your reply! I hadn’t thought of the mechanics!

    I’ll check the screw and clean it.

  • [Solved] Help wanted

    Update: TL;DR: I cleaned the z-axis, replaced the nofep, installed the latest Chitubox (2.1) and cleaned up my profile to get it working

    Hello, I hope someone will see this and be able to at least point me in the tight direction. As at this point I’m becoming desperate.

    My Epax E10 4k is acting up, and I do not know why.

    Part of the print is fine (see images) and then other parts are just stopped at a certain layer, with the rest stuck to the noFep.

    I tried different prints, to make sure it wasn’t a layering problem, but alas… each single print suffered from the issue. The larger prints would ‘hang’ over non-printed layers…

    I recalibrated my printer, changed the fep…

    The one difference from before is the resin. I used to buy epax hard and tough, but my regular resin dealer doesn’t sell them anymore, heck it seems it is no longer available in europe. So I switched to the next best thing on the Epax compatibility list: eSun hard and tough.

    Anybody have any clever idea?

    Why don’t you like Apple?
  • As long as the OS was supported, updates were available.

    But yes, I loaded a nice Fedora on it… 😉

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Overpriced hardware comes with a boon: It lasts longer. I am by no means an apple fanboy, but when I discovered the 12 year old Mac of my dad still performed like mid-range PCs with Windows, I was quite surprised.

    Still not buying their hardware though…

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    ignore this post
  • Ok

  • How do people plan for their deaths in terms of account & device secrets (passwords, 2fa etc.)?
  • This is exactly the same question I asked 3 years ago when my brother died, and left all his tech stuff to his non-tech wife and kids.

    Fortunately I was able to migrate whatever was important to cloud-based services.

    But what will happen if this happens to me? I have no other siblings, and I made it a habit not consorting with techies: I don’t like nerds 😉, and I prefer to talk about other subjects in my spare time.

    One of the reasons I used to self host a lot is privacy, and because I am an Open Source advocate. So I migrated everything important to commercial offerings which supported both, or at least the Privacy part.

    I share a passwords through a password manager with my wife and kids, which gives them the keys to the kingdom. They can use my master password to unlock the doors. I also keep a paper with my most important passwords in a place my wife knows about, and can access without any proof of my death. Joint safes in the bank typically get sealed until the tax people have released the accounts.

    Everything which I host myself now is disposable, and my wife knows she can turn it off without a second thought.

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