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[USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • On iOS hold vol up (or down) and power at the same time. It starts SOS but you can cancel. At this point Face ID is disabled and you must enter your pin to reenable it.

    So yeah. As soon as you see lights, hit that cop button.

    Just make sure you have all your docs on paper so you don’t have to open your phone.

  • The world is running out of soldiers
  • What are you on about?

    I was in 2011-2016 (enlisted) and it was a great start to my career.

    When I was in we made plenty to live on and save up. I got into a job that translated well to the civilian side and I now make over 250k a year without a degree. Not that I couldn’t pay for it, because that would also not cost me anything if I chose to do it.

    Try recommending this to people complaining about their lack of options on Lemmy and you’ll get crucified because they don’t like the military.

  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • If it’s vegan (is fetal bovine serum still an input?) then yes.

    Any vegan who says no is saying so for some other reason besides veganism (ick factor, no desire, environmental considerations).

    If your knee-jerk reaction to this is to downvote because "what kind of vegan eats meat?" - consider why you went vegan. Was it for the animals? Well, if lab meat allows us to produce meat without animal suffering then it's vegan...

  • The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think (2016)
  • I post this a lot but it’s true. Younger people definitely have problems with this.

    My aunt is a teacher and I remember when she started talking about how her school was getting Chromebooks I thought that wasn’t going to be good for learning how to use “real” computers. Same with phones and tablets. Everything is too abstracted away from the user so they never have to know what a directory is.

  • [UPDATE] Could use some recommendations for a (usually) quick typist.

    At home I have a Das Keyboard with Cherry MX browns and they feel great. I think this is the quickest I've been able to type on any keyboard.

    I type a lot for my new job and no one cares if I bring in my own keyboard but for my coworkers sake, I don't think I want to bring in browns. I'm a heavy typer and frankly I'm loud on browns.

    I searched for quieter keys and found Cherry MX Red Silents (Durgod keyboard) but after typing on it a few days at work, I'm making way more mistakes, I'm typing slower, and my hands are more fatigued. That's when I learned about linear vs tactile... I think tactile is what I need.

    So with that, I'm looking for:


    • Tactile
    • Light switches (should not take much force to activate? idk. Browns are good for me, for reference)
    • Quiet
    • 100% layout


    • Switches I can put the Draula keycaps on that my friend bought me. I just know they fit fine on Cherry MX Browns and Red Silent.
    • USB-C port. I have a coiled cable I want to use already.

    Nice to have:

    • Hot swappable PCB

    Open to other info I'm not thinking about.

    Edit: After looking around some more this evening, I'm leaning toward grabbing a Keychron K10 Pro, grabbing some Zilents V2's and sticking those in there, then popping on the caps I have. This would be the most building I've done for a keyboard. See any issues with that?


    Based on the recommendations here and some other threads I read, I went with a Keychron Q6 Max and the Zilent V2's.

    I confirmed that my poor speed and accuracy on the (previous) new board I had gotten was definitely due to my not being used to linears. After a day of using the new Keychron with Zilents I did a typing test and got a new PB.

    Thanks for all the suggestions! Now I'm in trouble because I want to replace my home keyboard with the same...

    A newbie helping newbies - Launch Firefox profile from shortcut.

    I recently switched from Windows 10 to ZorrinOS (after a quick detour to NixOS... OOF) and in the course of setting things up how I like, I ran across some interesting stuff relating to flatpaks and shortcuts. I wanted to get this written to provide a resource for other people who might be switching.

    This is a guide to making a shortcut to launch a particular Firefox profile, on a Ubuntu based distro, while running Firefox as a flatpak. This is just how I did it, put the files where you want.

    1. Make a directory to hold the launch script and a shortcut icon. My script:

    #!/bin/sh flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p youtube

    Obviously, make it executable.

    Because Firefox is running as a flatpak we can't just launch it using firefox. They're actually stored in /var/lib/flatpak/app and can be launched like this.

    1. Create a text file in the Desktop directory with a .desktop extension like this:

    [Desktop Entry] Name=YouTube Comment= Launches Firefox Youtube profile Exec=/home/user/Documents/firefox-youtube/ Icon=/home/user/Documents/firefox-youtube/youtube-app-icon.png Terminal=false Type=Application

    1. Once saved, make it executable. Right click > "Allow Launching". Done.

    Just for fun, this is the image I like for it.

    Personal Finance capital
    [USA] Index Funds Have Officially Won

    > The inevitable at last arrived. Last month, for the first time, passively managed funds controlled more assets than did their actively managed competitors.

    I honestly thought this happened a while ago...

    [Solved] Reno 911! episode where they stop chasing a (naked?) man as soon as he crosses out of their jurisdiction.

    I seem to remember this was a Reno 911! episode but my YouTube searching hasn't been able to find the episode/clip.

    I think they were chasing a naked man but none of the cops wanted to touch him for obvious reasons. They made a half-hearted attempt to cuff/capture him but as soon as he crossed out of their jurisdiction (county line or something) they throw their hands up because that's not their job anymore.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    reddit refugee

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