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hardcore youtubers where chosen for this
  • It's like something you'd expect to see out of Saw...

    I want to play a game...

    No really...

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • Oh cool, a bunch of soldiers whos only military experience is goose stepping in front of their glorious leader and filling up balloons with shit to float over South Korea...

    They're the global equivalent of the stereotypical trenchcoat wearing, wannabe-nazi bullies that leave flaming bags of shit on people's doorsteps and couldnt spraypaint a swastika if they had a gun to their head.

    I hope Kim rations them extra pants, cause given their track record, they're going to be filling up more than balloons.

  • Hearing these Again
  • And above all that "CURSE YOU, BAYLE!!!"

  • Dark art drawn from nightmares I’ve experienced
  • That's not really a shitpost. That's fucking good!

    Reminds me of a stinger for Adult Swim or something from the early days of MTV animation or the art style Liquid Death uses.

  • Coffee recalled nationwide due to risk of fatal food poisoning
  • I thought exactly the same...

    Drink 2 of those a day and you're up to pack a day smoker levels of frivalous spending! Then again, I've seen people drop that much on a glorified chocolate milk at Starbucks...

  • Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant
  • Always on the lookout for new irrational fears!

  • Coffee recalled nationwide due to risk of fatal food poisoning
  • Canned, already brewed coffee from a company called Snapchill.

    Looking at their site, a 6-pack is $30... No thanks...

  • Ironing
  • Step outside into the heat and your sweat will instantly steam them out. Thanks global warming!

  • Ironing
  • "Dry-cleaners hate this one millenial secret!"

  • Biden stung by student loan legal loss days before taking effect
  • Except this wasn't done by the democrats... Literally the first sentence of the article.

    A Republican-led effort to block one of President Joe Biden's student loan debt relief programs in court has succeeded just days before it was set to go into effect.

    You're voting for the people who just put your head on the chopping block...

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • And, to this day, I still crave that super thin wedge of pizza once in a while.

  • I'll apply for the job, just to get my foot in the door.
  • So that's how you get into porn...

  • Trump Says Foreigners Who Graduate From US Colleges Should Get Green Cards
  • Hey idiot... It's called a student visa and all of the people I know who were here on one got their green cards shortly after graduating. That's not some new genius idea... It's how the system is meant to work...

  • Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12
  • What a weird thing to add all of a sudden...

    Totally imagine that's going to make the fight a cakewalk.

  • The BIG List of Video Game Randomizers (now open source)
  • Honestly, one of the most impressive out of all the ones I've tried. Entirely new game maps, plus soul and weapon randomization. Totally random effects, so you can end up with weapons that are completely useless and won't hit anything, or ones that fire like handguns. So much customization to make it as hard or as easy as you want. Also, I absolutely love that they also randomized the dialogue too. Sometimes it's gibberish, sometimes it's actually funny. Totally worth giving it a try!

  • The BIG List of Video Game Randomizers (now open source)
  • Love this site. I check it almost every week to see if anything cool has been added. When retro games started getting boring for me, randomizer gave me a whole new way to play. One of my go to "I'm bored, but don't know what to do" games is rolling up an Aria of Sorrow seed or one of the DSVania games to see what I get.

  • ‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age
  • Gonna leave a bit of advice for any young folks that might see this. Something I wish to god someone had told me when I was 20.

    Start an annuity plan. They're generally stable, all but guaranteed to accrue money. You can set a percentage of your paycheck to be deposited automatically into the account. If you have the option to do this through your employer, do it, find out if they match the deposit like mine. Put 10% of your paycheck in there. After 10 years, I have $40,000 sitting in a retirement account with a progressive series of bonds set to mature in between now and my retirement age. Those bonds will roll back into shorter term bonds as they mature, and add more value to the account. My projected retirement age is still 72, but at least I know that money is there.

    Also, after 4 years, the account matures and you're able to borrow against it, like collateral for a loan. So if I wanted to right now, I could take that money and use it as a down payment on a house. I'll be expected to put it back, but the interest is generally lower than a home owner's loan.

  • Beans in jeans!

    Because he's too cute to leave in a comment thread!

    I swear to god she's alive

    Dogsitting for my wife's uncle for a week. I come home and l she's like this on the bed, staring off into nothingness like she's trying to solve the world's problems.

    Libby Download the Libby App: ebooks & audiobooks FREE from your library

    Bring the library to you! Free digital books, magazines and more! Available for iOS and Android devices.

    Download the Libby App: ebooks & audiobooks FREE from your library

    Don't know how many folks have heard about Libby, but I've used it for a couple years now.

    Libby let's you browse your local library's digital catalogue, including all of their audio books. Books can be borrowed for up to 3 weeks, with the option to extend it a sling as there's no one waiting for it. Works on Apple, Android, and in your browser. Best of all, it's all free! I dumped Audible for it and haven't looked back.

    New Jersey Capt. Wolf
    Obligatory Lantern Fly thread

    Holy crap, they're the worst I've ever seen them this year. Fucking nymphs are all over my patio, the house, the car...

    For every one I kill, I find 4 more. Also, I don't remember them jumping like fleas!

    capt_wolf Capt. Wolf

    Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude...

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