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  • some people are just unable to go to college due to finances, physical/mental health, or other things like being a single parent. i was never able to go to college because i couldn't mentally handle the stress due to serious trauma of various kinds that i was just coming out of. i couldn't find a job to adequately support me and i had health issues and undiagnosed learning disabilities preventing me from having the energy or time to focus even on part time studies. i had no family, so no safety net. i tried taking college thru a work program but the college ended up being unaccredited.

    and keep in mind some people have several/all of these things to deal with.

    so to say that seeing someone went thru college shows they can stick to something, it's negating all the hidden struggles that the rest of us work every day to get thru. I'm on year 7 of my current job, so i can clearly commit. but saying that college is the measuring stick is kinda disrespectful for those who had a different path.

  • What is the most enjoyable disease/illness?
  • dude. that super sucks. i had just graduated high school fortunately, but i was on bed rest for 7 months, i didn't have a choice. i was unable to walk. didn't help that i had pneumonia and bronchitis at the same time. lol

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • same with public school custodial dept. i make over 20 an hour with no degree. but I'm pretty capped now because I've been here 7 years and the union isn't strong enough to leverage the QOL raises we need and deserve.

    i highly prefer blue collar but I also have medical limitations and there's just not enough regulation for things like extreme heat in these physical type jobs, which has kept me from seriously considering working construction.

  • How to deal with post-work exhaustion?
  • you sound a lot like me, until i got scared i would lose my job. i haven't tried talking to doctors about this for years because i was dismissed without tests or anything and i didn't have a frame of reference to tell them how bad it was. i finally just laid it all out to my doctor, almost crying because i was taking at least 1 sick day a week at that point. i waited WAY too long and my body literally said "fuck this" and stopped. but i have a more active job, so i am literally unable to perform my job duties at times now.

    I'm really hoping for some help, but neither of those suspected conditions have a cure, you basically just learn how to live with it.. good luck to you on your journey.

  • How to deal with post-work exhaustion?
  • I'm no doctor but I've been living with this my entire life. I'm only realizing recently that is not normal to be in constant pain and so chronically exhausted that even my libido has almost completely died. i am now seeing a cardiologist and had to wear a heart monitor for 2 weeks and get an echocardiogram, because i was nearly passing out from very light work in the heat. my doctor suspects POTS and i know that I'm hypermobile, but having trouble qualifying for testing for Ehler Danlos. these conditions commonly present together and pretty much take you out of commission. definitely see a doctor.

    doctors will probably give you the run-around at first and say it's depression. well, let me tell you from extensively researching my symptoms, that depression can develop from these symptoms, it's not always the cause. i am depressed and anxious because I'm constantly in a state of pain and exhaustion and nothing i do is ever enough to keep up. it's a horrible way to live and I'm hoping for answers so i can at least have guidance from doctors on minimizing these things.

    EDIT: i now see what community this post is in. POTS and EDS are higher in the autistic community. read a bit into those conditions and see if you relate.

  • Adopting a stray cat
  • i could throw in my own anecdotal experience of being raised owning dozens of cats over my life, that the outdoors is very dangerous to tame cats. my dad counted it as a win if a couple kittens from each litter of our tamed barn cats would make it a year. even out in the country we had "traffic" kill a decent amount, and the wild animals did the rest. not to mention eating partially rotted dead animals and getting sick, etc.

    but I prefer data, which shouldn't be that hard to find. :)

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • thank you for the informative reply. i was unfortunately homeschooled with very white washed Southern Baptist curriculum so i am still learning basics about how our government ACTUALLY works. and the more i learn, the more i hate it here.

    it seems so obvious to me that life terms themselves are extremely prone to corruption, especially in a capitalist society. isn't this the whole reason Washington refused a third term? it is very interesting, albeit terrifying, to see the same principal held for certain parts of government, but not for others, with no discernable way to fix it at this point.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • i know this is a dumb question, but why isn't there some kind of law mandating equal amounts of SC Justices from each party? that way, they would HAVE to work together and one side can't take control. i thought this country was sooo proud of our checks and balances, but it seems to me that they aren't working.

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