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Goldback ATMs! If we can get these to accept cryptocurrencies, it will be the holy grail of ATMs!
  • Goldback works with the state governments to ensure legal protection from the feds. Hense why they only issue goldback in gold friendly states.

    They are expensive to make since they could be almost double over spot, but it is the best solution currently for fractional gold in the form of a usuable currency. Adoption seems to be picking up, but slowly like bitcoin adoption was in the early 2010s.

  • Goldback ATMs! If we can get these to accept cryptocurrencies, it will be the holy grail of ATMs!

    If we can get these to accept cryptocurrencies, it will be the holy grail of ATMs! Cryptocurrencies are borderless unlike the USD and other fiat currencies. If these ATMs can accept crypto, they can be deployed around the world.

    I never thought I will see the day of a Goldback ATM, especially now. So is it really a pipe dream for a crypto to Goldback ATM?

    I would prefer a Monero to Goldback ATM personally since I prefer Monero when it comes to cryptocurrencies. but even a Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash or Litecoin ATM will be an amazing leap forward.

    Goldback ATMs! If we can get these to accept Monero, it will be the holy grail of ATMs!

    If we can get these to accept Monero, it will be the holy grail of ATMs! Monero is borderless unlike the USD and other fiat currencies. If these ATMs can accept Monero, they can be deployed around the world.

    I never thought I will see the day of a Goldback ATM, especially now. So is it really a pipe dream for XMR to Goldback ATM?

    Nostr needs a Monero Takeover
  • We need more monero devs to develop monero relay payment integration on nostr. Lightning payments on nostr can remain for all I care but lightning is not the answer.

    Same goes for integrating other relay paymemt options like Haven protocol, BCH and LTC.

    I like to see others, not just crypto people but more people of all kinds flock to nostr.

  • Instance graveyard website
  • If you wanted a lemmy graveyard instance community, would you create it, find others to help moderate it and get the ball rolling? The answer is most likely not. That is why I make these communities, so they exist and to get them going.

  • Looking for moderators

    This Lemmy community is looking for moderators. If you wish to become a moderator, please message me or leave a comment in this thread.

    Pen Pal Community Pen Pal -

    A Lemmy community for finding a pen pal and discussions around pen pals. * * * Stranger Danger Remember, you’re on the internet and the people you are communicating with are strangers. Use common sense and never give out your personal information to strangers. The moderators of this community and ad...

    Pen Pal -


    We need a more user-friendly approach to telling people about the Fediverse
  • ! is a community I created for others to join and share ways of promoting Lemmy to Redditors.

    Essentiallly an elevator pitch is the best way to promote Lemmy. Don't make it a long speech on why Lemmy is good. Keep it short and exciting.

  • User flooding instance with (mostly) empty communities
  • Hey @comcreator here

    It is not against the rules to create a community. And I invite people to help moderate these communities and try to get 3-5 people moderating them, I will step down and hand it over once others take them over.

    I not here to get power, I want to create communities so they exist, so content can start appearing in them. Many people do not create communities they want to see since they have the responsibility to moderate them.

    I even try to contact moderators on reddit asking if they wish to moderate or even take over communities I created on lemmy.

    I started ! and now no longer control it. Same goes for ! and !

    If you wish to help moderate, leave a comment in any of my communities.

    Lets make Lemmy great and full of content!

  • Looking for moderators

    This Lemmy community is looking for moderators. If you wish to become a moderator, please message me or leave a comment in this thread.

    Fallout 4 comcreator
    Fallout Mods community

    I made a community that anyone can use to share and discuss mods for any Fallout game.

    I am also looking for anyone who wishes to help moderate the new community.


    Fallout Mods community

    I made a community that anyone can use to share and discuss mods for any Fallout game.

    I am also looking for anyone who wishes to help moderate the new community.


    Starfield Mod Community Starfield Mods -

    Welcome to the Starfield Mods community on! - Follow instance rules (no spam, keep it civil and respectful, be constructive, tag NSFW) - For discussion of the game, please head over to the Starfield [] community. Helpful links: - Official Website [

    Starfield Mods -


    Starfield Mod Community Starfield Mods -

    Lemmy community for Starfield mods. * * * Rules - All posts must be about Starfield mods - Any posts containing sexual content (mods, images, video, etc) must be marked as NSFW

    Starfield Mods -


    90s comcreator
    90s comcreator
    90's Commercials Vol. 244
    Ancient Greece | Ancient Egypt | Ancient China
  • I have started many communities and got them going to were I stepped down as a moderator and let others run them. Maybe lacking engagement right now but in time I am sure it will get itself going.

  • Ancient Greece | Ancient Egypt | Ancient China




    Decade communities















    Alternative to Google Wallet/Google pay?
  • Do not know of any open source alternatives and it is surprising to me there are none. To my understanding, all that is needed as a mobile app that one can store their credit card on (number, expiry, cvc) and have NFC for permission for tap payments. The app should be able to function offline since the payment is done though the NFC, not your phone's internet connection.

  • SimpleX Chat > all?
  • Monero is a privacy coin that allows for multiple subaddresses.

    The reason I prefer having identities (subaddresses) and to recover these addresses using a single 24 word seed phrase is for a simple one-time backup of your addresses. This will not backup anything else.

    Lets say you generate a subaddress for every single friend you have and then a few years later your phone dies and you did not make a backup in over a year. The seed phrase will be able to recover your subaddresses. You may not know who address is for which friend, but as long your friend knows they can contact you and you will still receive the message.

    If simplex implements multiple reuseable addresses that are generated by a seed phrase like a cryptocurrency, it will be a killer app. I am not against removing the single use one time codes to establish communications, that is a cool feature, just not possible to backup these communications on paper.

    Paper backups are considered the most secure since it is not backup using a computer.

  • Halo Communities

    Some halo communities to join



    Is the Android Protonmail app on F-Droid safe?

    Is the Android Protonmail app on F-Droid safe? Protonmail is not available on F-Droid and I would like to get it on F-Droid to receive automated updates.

    Nature Wallpapers Nature Wallpapers -

    Lemmy community for nature wallpapers. Rules - Only large images of nature are allowed - No porn, no nudity - No people allowed in the images, animals are allowed - Must be JPG or JPEG image files - Posts must contain image

    A place to share desktop and mobile wallpapers of nature.


    How long should I wait before I send my Monero?

    If I recall, there is a bug in Monero were your XMR could be traced when you send monero within a short period of time. If I recall one should wait 2 hours or 10 blocks?

    Privacy coins community | Community to discuses private cryptocurrencies like Monero, Haven, Firo, etc Privacy Coins -

    Lemmy community for digitial private currencies. Notice - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS - NEVER SHARE YOUR SEED PHRASE OR PRIVATE KEYS


    Cheapest smart chain for transaction fees in 2023

    What is the cheapest smart chain when it comes to transaction fees? I know Ethereum is out of the question with ridiculous fees and I want to use a L1 solution.

    Would like to keep fees under 10 cents if possible when moving tokens around.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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