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Retro Mahjong and your preferred games

Two years back i went to Sakuracon in Seattle and they had a whole room dedicated to teaching Riichi Mahjong, and my wife and i found it to be a particularly addicting game. Naturally wanted to find some console versions because we dont really have other people around us who are interested in playing the table game.

ive seen a lot of retro mahjong games and not so much modern console ones. not really a big deal, but there seems to be a lot of import mahjong games and i cant really tell even from gameplay videos are considered ‘good’. So, if you like these games, which ones would you recommend? i have a super famicom, and a saturn. im not opposed to buying another console for a game if it is like the golden goose of mahjong.

Additionally, why do a lot of these games have some sexy overtones to them? i dont mind it, but this game type seems to have it in excess.

Squirrel King?
  • this from ancient aliens on the sega genesis???

  • How to use radio/radio modems to communicate with random people?
  • like ham radio? i think you can find affordable radios to listen, but in order communicate i recall you need like a radio communication license. at least in the USA

  • Squirrel King?
  • wouldn’t have expected this to be a wiki entry but now I’m curious what other animals could he burdened by this circumstance

  • Squirrel King?
  • just followed up after seeing your comment. someone was called out for assistance.

  • Squirrel King?

    During a walk, my sister took a photo of squirrels with their tails matted and knotted together. I’ve heard of rat kings, but would this be considered a squirrel king?

    What weird false belief did you have as a kid?
  • when i was a child, i was told that i would get worms if i ate raw brown sugar. i believed this for quite some time at least until i was 12.

  • The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • what constitutes for a disc golf cap? Honestly didn’t know a thing existed

  • The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • baseball cap yesterday while playing disc golf

  • What is the proudest you have ever been towards your significant other?
  • our first child has turned a year old and it is amazing how my wife takes care of things with child in hand. I couldn’t be more proud at the mother shes become so far!

  • Have you ever cosplayed before? Can you tell us about any?
  • i had a friend who cosplayed as ironman and to sort of help guide/handle him i cosplayed as a s.h.i.e.l.d agent. mainly walked in front of him and prevented people from touching him because he was on some stilts to appear larger. then helped with taking photos with fans. my cosplay was pretty easy. Just a suit and a laminated badge hehe

    I recently got my wife a sewing machine and cosplaying was a good creative avenue. She made a cosplay of Bulma from Dragonball. it was really cool and her own take given her skills. She wants to do another Bulma outfit but likely one from DBZ.

  • Have you ever cosplayed before? Can you tell us about any?
  • i had a friend who cosplayed as ironman and to sort of help guide/handle him i cosplayed as a s.h.i.e.l.d agent. mainly walked in front of him and prevented people from touching him because he was on some stilts to appear larger. then helped with taking photos with fans. my cosplay was pretty easy. Just a suit and a laminated badge hehe

    I recently got my wife a sewing machine and cosplaying was a good creative avenue. She made a cosplay of Bulma from Dragonball. it was really cool and her own take given her skills. She wants to do another Bulma outfit but likely one from DBZ.

  • What's the one music album you would take on a desert island?
  • maybe just a little more clarity, but now im second guessing myself. cant go wrong with either and im not sure why i called out the remaster specifically, maybe cuz it is just in my rotation a lot

  • What's the one music album you would take on a desert island?
  • Pretty Hate Machine Remastered - Nine Inch Nails

  • Retro-bit prototype Saturn stick and wireless DC controllers.
  • i like that the controller is true to the DC design. though retro fighters modern wireless DC controller is pretty great despite its own quirks.

    seems like this is also taking the approach where the VMU will be part of the wireless dongle. must be a challenge to get the sounds and ui to work well wirelessly.

    Cool nonetheless

  • What are the scariest horror movies?
  • so many recommendations already said and im sure many more to go.

    Three that i didnt see mentioned that i enjoyed were:

    Martyrs- French Version The Visit Session 9

    Scenes from martyrs have been memed out of context so i think its fairly familiar. i hadnt watched it until recently and i think one time through was good enough for me. i’m not into a lot of torture style suspense.

    The visit was particularly scary for me because If you’ve ever been in that scenario of being dropped off with familial strangers those initial reservations you have running through your head do make you uncomfortable and blossom into horrific thoughts. in the case of this movie a bit more so ;)

    Session 9 i watched during the golden age of netflix. it isnt amazing but it was enjoyable.

  • The Exciting Return of Backyard Sports: A Nostalgic Revival | Retro Gaming News 24/7
  • haven’t thought about these games in ages!

    Pablo is the GOAT of the franchise easily.

  • Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sun 25 August 2024
  • i got new shoes! i had been running in adidas ultra boosts, but they’re on their way out. i picked up Adidas Boston 12.

    Sadly i fell down my stairs at the beginning of last week and hurt my toe. putting me out of commission. i think by midweek ill be ready to go out again and try my new shoes.

  • What is a product that lived up to it's advertised claims?
  • I think zippo lighters say they’re wind proof. I did enough professional testing a month ago to confirm this. My neighbors can also confirm there was a man in my lawn with a lighter violently whipping it around in his hand until said man was winded.

    Sadly i am not made of zippos.

  • Using Varieties of Sweeteners

    Anyone have good/interesting stories with swapping out or mixing sweeteners in your recipes?

    In my recipes I generally use pure maple syrup. which ultimately adds that flavor into the ice cream, but i’ve been swapping it out with whatever I have in the house.

    recently tried unrefined granulated sugar which seemed to stay in it’s crystalline state for some time. it wasn’t bad, just different. the flavor was not affected .

    My latest batch I tried confectioners sugar and it was super sweet with a weird drying effect on your tongue.

    I think my next try is a sugar alternative called allulose and then maybe start playing around with various combinations.

    coffee ice cream!

    One of my favorites! Finally found some time to make 2 quarts this week.

    Easiest way to make it is to just add some premium instant coffee crystals into your favorite vanilla base.

    Though I’m sure you could get a lot more fancier.

    Fess Up or Call Out

    I’ve heard people say it is therapeutic to reflect on your actions and interactions with others.

    So relieve that mental burden and let us know the retro game(s) you took/borrowed and never gave back. Or let us know the game(s) that were taken and never given back to you.

    Are you still friends with that person? did you confess to them or call them out? How do you feel about it now? Did you make out like a bandit in today’s retro economy? Spill the beans!

    I have three occasions:

    I ‘worked’ all summer doing chores so that i could buy RPG Maker 3 for the PS2. Once I received it i had troubles figuring out how to play it. it didn’t come with a manual so a friend offered to make me one by playing it. I believed him and gave him the game. Shortly after, my dad lost his job and we moved. I never got to truly play the game that I had worked so hard for that summer. I was very young and i do not talk to that friend at all. However, that memory stays with me and I’m still pretty miffed. perhaps i would have found an early passion for game development! who knows!

    I apologize to my good friend who I accidentally sold his copy of harvest moon 64 before i left for university. I fessed up years later, and he just laughed. still good friends to this day.

    I apologize to a childhood friend’s brother for borrowing both Alundra and Alundra 2 on PS1. Even after 22 years I still have them and keep them in my home office waiting to return them someday. I don’t talk to the friend, but I have been trying to reconnect. to make it more difficult, I’m pretty sure his brother moved to Japan and i don’t want to pay postage.

    I think i got $25 for harvest moon at the time, and I don’t think the Alundra games are all that sought after these days. Same for the loss of Rpg maker 3, but I remember paying at least $45, and I felt that missing as a tween! If anything I’m in the hole or broke even.

    How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going?

    What have you been playing and hows it going? Anything got you stuck? What high score are you going for? is this the first, second, (n+1) play-through?

    I’ve been slowly getting through Shadow Run for Genesis when i have free time. thanks to some feedback from this community i restarted the game but I’m on a lot better footing. still on my first play-through. Sadly my free time has come to a halt as my child is going through a sleep regression. Looking forward to getting back into it soon.

    Hope everything is well!

    What’s Your Oldest System?

    when did you get it and why? how often do you use it?

    If you don’t own a retro system or console, what is the oldest system you emulate or which system would you like to own in the future?

    For me, my oldest system is an Atari 800xl (i’m counting early home computers). I purchased it on a whim when Netflix’s Bandersnatch interactive movie was briefly popular. I was studying (and still am) computer science and was curious on what you could all do on a home computer from the early 80s. Turns out, quite a lot and I’ve had a lot of fun sifting through the 50+ floppies i have finding everything from home finance software, a plethora home brew games, and even floppy magazines (a bunch of articles on a floppy. not sure the proper name)

    when i first got it i was on it more than my modern computer, but after moving it has been gathering some dust in its box. i’m hoping to eventually find a home for it in my home so i can use it more.

    a fun thing of note is that it still has the saran wrap on its chrome parts, and it has a Sears Service sticker on the bottom of it when one of the previous owners had it serviced.

    Have experience with ShadowRun for Genesis, chum?

    Started playing this game today, and with retro games I hate looking things up. So, if you've played this, could you be my friend at the lunch table and clarify a few things:

    • Am I imagining this games difficulty? I feel like I am making little progress and I'm always getting ganged up on.

    • Does this game require a lot of grinding or repeating tasks before moving on?

    • Should I be killing these innocents I see on the street? I try to get shadow runs but they seemingly always involve killing ghouls, which bend me over and spank my samurai butt. I've put my morals on hold and have been tediously murdering the population for the little nuyen and items they have.

    • is the samurai class the all-rounder character or should I just restart as a shaman or netrunner?

    I really like the atmosphere of the game and despite my Initial confusions I'm having fun. Do you have any insights you could provide me? Do/did you like this game? How is it compared to the Snes version?

    Thanks in advance chums.

    Classic Chicken Nuggets

    I finally found some time to figure out my meat grinder. I wanted to start simple so I figured i could try to make chicken nuggets. ended up making about 50 good-sized nuggets.

    Thoroughly impressed with the grinder and the breading stayed on the chicken marvelously. better yet (for me) these are gluten-free and grain-free. instead of panko or other breading, i used pork rinds that i blended up into a coarse powder to coat the chicken. I baked these, but i certainly would like to fry them some time.

    I am very happy with the result! Especially since it allows me to enjoy something i haven’t had in a long while.

    Gluten-free Grain-free Weekly Breads

    Basic loaf in the back and blueberry in the front. I try to make them every Sunday to be used in breakfasts and lunches throughout the work week.

    comfyquaker comfyquaker
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