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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • @mkultrawide I'm pretty sure we do, but it's not very common to be asked to be linked

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • oh damn, that "reliant... on the technology improving at an unrealistic pace".... not to give too much info on myself, but i have a background of research in aerospace in the West. The amount of academic cope that exists around hypersonic rockets and commercial supersonic jets is astounding, and it feels exactly like that. Every article about how close we are just says "we just need materials to maintain the exact benefits of current ones and be 60% lighter, then we are there, so we are basically already there". I wrote one of those papers with that conclusion and just felt like I was just lying for the credit, then everyone was excited like it mattered at all lol

    I think this is just a super broad phenomenon when it comes to slowed research held back by other fields. But I also dont think western capitalist countries have many methods to get around this except for secret and centralized organisations, but those have dwindled to almost not existing in the context of scientific and technological creation

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Sorry, I'm not understanding your comment I think. What do you agree with and agree less with? The video or something in my comment? For now: assuming you meant the video, in which case: yes Comrade, good agreement with me, who is always correct.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • I was surprised about the anarchist's positions on all of the heriarchical resistance movements of Palestine. Didn't once call them authoritarian, I think. Seems pretty good in that regard. But the glorifying of the protests in the US seems weak. I wanted them to do good and be good but they ultimately achieved little if anything at all, and should be seen in that light. Not as some glorious bonking of police heads.. Otherwise its good agitprop in that this person clearly speaks and understands Hebrew, is jewish, knows of Israelis that lost family, and is taking the correct side on genocide anyways.

  • Trump threatens 100% tariff on countries that don't stick with the dollar
  • I literally can't imagine a better method of destroying the US empire than these sanctions

  • I don’t work for your store, pay employees
  • Maybe, but this principle feels still reactionary in this case, depending on your presented solution. For now, we are more progressive towards our communist goals and better off with the self-checkout. It is a more centralized and efficient option in general. The problem isn't the fact that we are doing work for free that someone else should be paid for, it's that we should socialize the results of that free work in dropping prices and investing that labour elsewhere. Otherwise we're just re-privatizing the half of a process that's closer to socialization.

    I don't think I'm necessarily complaining about your position here, you could just be using this phrase and agreeing, but I often see this phrasing followed by the reactionary "we can finally have normal lines and clerks like we used to have". Giving them that job back now (in full amounts, like before self-checkout lowered the amount) just results in even lower pay for those people and decreases every other benefit from it. There's never a going back in these cases which won't result in much worse things and further from a workable position strategically..

  • Maduro: Javier Milei is a "homo nazi"
  • Proud of our strong filter. It's the strongest filter, isn't it?

    But I also have no idea what word that was. It feels weird to be thinking so hard about it but "...rdly" just gets me. I have no idea what word could come before that and be a slur

    I guess my slur-dar is not very good

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • Lokomotiv? I know nothing of hockey and KHL but that team has my vote too. Keep me updated on our success

  • I don't even know where to begin with this steaming pile of biotruths that has labeled as "REICH EFFECT." (CW: ableism, eugenics euphoria)
  • What makes you come to that conclusion? Nietzsche loved the ruling-class culture of his time (with sexism, racism, etc at the center) and defended it against those who "weakly" or "impotently" raged against it (while simultaneously hating anything that empowered them to possibly change that). Nietzsche only rebelled in favor of aristocratic values, those that were falling out of favor even to the new ruling classes. These Muskie people are the most Nietzschean of any, and that's an insult.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 26th to September 1st, 2024 - Ruto Must Go - COTW: Kenya
  • How does this work? The size of the circle is the amount of people who donated and the location/color (both the same here?) indicate what percentage of that total donated to the given asshole? So like tons of engineers donate but only like 60% to Biden?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis
  • My assumption: He's super irreverent when he disagrees. He states his position as fact and challenges others to present critiques to his works at that level. It's arrogant to do when your work is worthless, and people have little idea of what to do when someone's work is valuable AND they take the position associated with that arrogance. It seems to me that he is just taking himself and his positions with the sincerity and seriousness needed if we ever want to apply this to truly make a worthwhile communist party and movement. We're just so used to everyone accepting differences of opinion without trying to work towards better positions through critique. He places his work in front of people who have a different position with a claim like "I think your position is wrong and wrote about it here," and tries to get people to engage by reading the article and then responding. People hate to be told to read an article instead of a short tweet

    What was literally said in DMs: He decides his position and finds a way to rationalize it afterwards instead of the other way. Also he starts beef with leftists unnecessarily.

    As a response to that I asked for an example because I hadn't noticed this trend of rationalization. I was called a fanboy and puppet and debatebro for it. To be fair, I also started out saying that their critique seemed to fail on its own merits because they also baselessly (with no example or reference to his work) argued that he lacked any basis for his positions and that I won't take their critique seriously without seeing a reference to a case. That wasn't the nicest way to start the convo. Still think I was right though, based on the avoidance that came afterwards. That person just never read a single article on redsails.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis
  • I've definitely had it said to me multiple times, even in private messages. He's definitely controversial in some circles here for some reason.

  • I learned something new about the DPRK while listening to the radio
  • Is it possible that that also was a sort of score handicap? Like for every hole he took a 1-2 stroke handicap? Then with that addition he got 5 at one above par?

    Could also very easily be he cheated to get 1 above par. Honestly couldn't give less of a shit but exploring the possibilities

  • Read Baudrillard
  • "I am an idealist" :he-admit-it:

    But seriously, I have no real stakes in platonism, though if you ask me, platonism is just misplaced materialism because numbers very obviously exist in the interactions between themselves within material reality. But I do not care at all about this and find it entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand

    I think you're entirely incorrect in thinking that philosophy isn't based in logic. Sometimes that logic is flawed, and sometimes I think someome is wrong but rational anyways, and that the useful thing is to find out how that rationality is based on something real to critique that. But this idea of a "logic" which you think just beats philosophy is sophomoric and gives away that you've never studied it outside of a math book. Taking a philosophy of science class from a non-maths professor would be useful, I think.

  • Help sending an American help for food from europe

    Can't figure out a goddamn way to send money for food or gift card or whatever to someone using Euros. Insert Stalin quote about hunger not waiting. Anyone got a nice way? Or a way at all? Like do i have to use fuckin Bitcoin?

    Any help appreciated
