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Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • I'd like to hope that by the time Win10 is no longer supported, we have Win12 that doesn't suck. The way things are going, though, I doubt it. I'm expecting that Win10 will be the last version of Windows I use.

    I still prefer Windows over Linux for gaming and software development, but everyone has their limit. I am strongly opposed to advertisements, and when I can no longer block ads from my operating system, it's dead to me.

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • I use a mixture of Linux and Windows 10 LTSC on my PCs/servers/VMs. I will be the first to admit that Windows does sometimes make sense to use. My desktop PC and my dev environment are both Windows 10.

    That being said, what is the advantage in using Windows 11 over 10? As far as I can tell, it's worse in every way. Built-in ads, a crappier UI, forced obsolescence with TPM requirements, and "feature" bloat that nobody asked for.

    10 was a clear improvement over 8, but 11 just seems all-around worse.

  • Perpetual Motion finally achieved!
  • C++ is just as "safe" as Rust if you use modern language features (std::unique_ptr, for instance). I would argue that anyone who says Rust provides better memory safety than C++ most likely is not familiar with modern C++ and still sees the language as "C with classes."

  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • It doesn't sound to me like this really negates the purpose of a VPN, more accurately it provides a way for someone on your local network to snoop on VPN traffic, if I understand correctly.

    From how the article describes the attack, someone on your local network would have to set up a malicious DHCP server/gateway. The average home user who is using a VPN to mask their public IP probably doesn't need to worry about this.

    Or am I misunderstanding?

  • Is it greener to just burn plastic?
  • I think you could make an argument that even burning plastic in a firepit vs sending it to a landfill are roughly equal. Climate change and air pollution are both major issues, but so is plastic waste and microplastics working their way into everything. I have no idea of the overall harm of burning plastic is less than throwing it away; they both pollute the environment. I can see the the logic in thinking burning is a viable alternative.

    Ideally, though, people would just stop using disposable plastic. Plastic is a fantastic material, but it was never supposed to be for "use once and discard" items. For creating durable objects with a decent lifetime, sure, use plastic. Don't use it as wrapping over another plastic object.

  • Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone
  • I really think this depends largely on who you are and what you do with your phone. I have face recognition and fingerprint recognition both enabled on my phone. It's good enough to prevent a thief from gaining access to my device, and if law enforcement asked, there's nothing on my phone that could possibly be incriminating. Realistically, I'd have no issue just unlocking my phone and giving it to a police officer, although I do know well enough to always get a lawyer first. Biometrics add an extra layer of convenience; it's nice to just look at my phone and it unlocks. My concern personally is more about someone stealing my phone and accessing my accounts than self-incrimination.

    If I ever was going to put myself in a situation where I'd run afoul of the authorities, I'd leave my phone at home anyway.

  • U.S. Secretly Shipped New Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine
  • This is certainly good news, and I don't intend to detract from it.

    That being said, my opinion as an American is that the kind of missiles we need to be sending to Ukraine are the nuclear kind. The Russian government has said that they will use nuclear weapons in the event that the existence of their country is threatened. Fine, I understand that. Ukraine needs to have the same leverage. The existence of their country as they know it is being threatened; it would certainly turn the tables for them to say "Yes, we have nuclear weapons, and we'll only use them if our continued existence is being threatened. By the way, you're threatening it; you should really stop."

  • What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound?
  • I certainly don't think it will be easier in a few years, but I also think that after 19 years of using gmail, a few more years aren't going to make a huge difference. It's really kind of sad to think about how far Google has fallen. I started with gmail in 2005. At the time, Google was starting to become the "go-to" search engine. They had better results than Yahoo or AltaVista; the "do no evil" slogan was also a great "feel-good" factor. I don't think anyone at the time expected how different things would be in 2024.

    I can host my own media on my own server. I use Nextcloud Talk for IMs (also hosted on my own server). Just about any online service can be self-hosted, except for email. I have certainly tried in the past, even hosting email on a VPS. You run into so many issues, though. Your server isn't trusted, websites don't recognize your domain, a whole litany of problems. Email is just one of those things that you really can't self-host.

    Sure, I could switch to a new email provider, forward gmail, and slowly over time update my email address for everyone who's sending to my gmail account. What happens then when my new email provider decides to start harvesting my data for profit? Email is one of those things where you can't live without it, but you're forced to use a service that isn't your own and could fuck you at any time.

  • What happens when every time your browser sends data to a tracker it makes a beep sound?
  • I run uBlock origin on every device I can. I use PiHole on my home network. I've canceled every streaming service in favor of self-hosting, and IoT devices are blocked from the internet. Incoming connections are geoblocked. Meta is blocked at the DNS level. Suffice to say I have put a lot of effort into privacy and security.

    I still can't get rid of Google, though, solely because of Gmail. I've had the same address for so many years (ever since the invite-only days), it would be an absolute nightmare to try to change it.

  • Although not peer reviewed or replicated, a NASA veteran claims their Propellantless Propulsion Drive, that physics says shouldn’t work, just produced enough thrust to overcome Earth’s gravity
  • Are you sure? What you say is true of the EM drive, but this looks like it's a completely different technology. As far as the article is written, it doesn't sound like microwaves are used at all.

    What has me skeptical is that they say the device produces enough thrust to counteract its own mass, which would be revolutionary. Why are we not reading about this all over the news?

  • What is a valid use case for std::any?
  • You bring up a great point with callback functions. I have written plenty of code that uses a 3rd-party library that expects a void* in a callback, and code I write myself is almost certainly never going to be used by anyone other than me (so I already know what types are valid). If library authors would start using std::any instead of void*, that would certainly improve things significantly. void* is really one of the very few C-style language features that I still use, and only because of necessity.

  • What is a valid use case for std::any?

    In c++17, std::any was added to t he standard library. Boost had their own version of "any" for quite some time before that.

    I've been trying to think of a case where std::any is the best solution, and I honestly can't think of one. std::any can hold a variable of any type at runtime, which seems incredibly useful until you consider that at some point, you will need to actually use the data in std::any. This is accomplished by calling std::any_cast with a template argument that corresponds to the correct type held in the std::any object.

    That means that although std::any can hold a type of any object, the list of valid objects must be known at the point that the variable is any_cast out of the std::any object. While the list of types that can be assigned to the object is unlimited, the list of types that can be extracted from the object is still finite.

    That being said, why not just use a std::variant that can hold all the possible types that could be any_cast out of the object? Set a type alias for the std::variant, and there is no more boilerplate code than you would have otherwise. As an added benefit, you ensure type safety.

    Looking for a portable AC with local control
  • I have heard the same thing about ACs, but I think it depends on the unit. The window units that I use have a switch on the front that literally just turns them off; there's no delay time for the compressor. It's the same as pulling the plug.

    I've used single and dual-hose portable ACs in the past, and I only have dual-hose units now. This is purely anecdotal, but when I had single-hose units, they would maintain the temperature throughout the day as it warmed up, but they didn't do a great job of cooling. A dual-hose AC with a similar capacity was actually able to lower the temperature.

  • Looking for a portable AC with local control

    I'm looking for a portable air conditioner (the kind with 1 or 2 hoses that go to outside air). The problem I'm running into is that every single one I find has some kind of "smart" controller built in. The ones with no WiFi connectivity still have buttons to start/stop the AC, meaning that a simple Zigbee outlet switch won't work. I could switch the AC off, but it would require a button-press to switch it back on. The ones with WiFi connectivity all require "cloud" access; my IoT devices all connect to a VLAN with no internet access, and I plan to keep it that way.

    I suppose I could hack a relay in place of the "start" button, but I'd really rather just have something I can plug in and use.

    I can't use a window AC; the room has no windows. I'll need to route intake/exhaust through the wall. So far, I can't find any "portable" AC that will work for me.

    What I'm looking for is a portable AC that either:

    • Connects to WiFi and integrates with HA locally.
    • Has no connectivity but uses "dumb" controls so I can switch it with a Zigbee outlet switch.

    Any ideas?

    Brian Dorsey Deserved to Die
  • My feeling is that our justice system exists to do exactly what the name implies: to enact justice. I think where my thinking differs from a lot of people is in what I consider "justice" to be.

    Sometimes, justice is rehabilitating an offender. If someone steals so that they can pawn the stolen items and get some money for food, then of course they deserve rehabilitation. Give them an opportunity for an education or to learn a useful skill so that they have a better chance of being able to support themselves without stealing.

    On the other hand, sometimes justice is punitive, and sometimes death is an appropriate punishment. I think it ultimately comes down to if your own personal moral code says that everyone deserves a second chance. I personally believe that not everyone does.

  • Brian Dorsey Deserved to Die

    Yesterday, Brian Dorsey was executed for a crime he committed in 2006. By all accounts, during his time in prison, he became remorseful for his actions and was a "model prisoner," to the point that multiple corrections officers backed his petition for clemency.

    In general, the media is painting him as the victim of a justice system that fails to recognize rehabilitation. I find this idea disgusting. Brian Dorsey, in a drug-induced stupor, murdered the people who gave him shelter. He brutally ended the life of a woman and her husband, and (allegedly) sexually assaulted her corpse. There is an argument that he had ineffective legal representation, but that doesn't negate the fact that he is guilty.

    While I do believe that he could have been released or had his sentence converted to life in prison, and he could have potentially been a model citizen, this would have been a perversion of justice. Actions that someone takes after committing a barbaric act do not undo the damage that was done. Those two individuals are still dead, and he needed to face the ramifications for his actions.

    Rehabilitation should not be an option for someone who committed crimes as depraved as he did. Quite frankly, a lethal injection was far less than what he deserved, given the horror he inflicted on others. If the punishment should fit the crime, then he was given far more leniency than was warranted.

    Parents Should Pay Higher Taxes
  • I don't hate children. They're brought into the world whether they like it or not, and they should have every chance to succeed as long as they put forth some sort of effort. What I do hate are parents who have a child without any consideration to what they're doing. No couple should ever have more than 2 children, at least until the population declines. Children should not be punished because of their parents poor reproductive choices. Parents should be punished, not rewarded.

  • Parents Should Pay Higher Taxes
  • I was a drain on society until I started working. My parents should have paid higher taxes to compensate, or perhaps thought twice about having a child in the first place. I can't go back in time 40 years and change tax laws to support what I've learned as an adult, but I can certainly advocate for better laws now.

    Furthermore, I will not be a drain on other people's children once I reach the age that I can no longer work. At some point, I will reach an age where my physical and mental state no longer allows me to be a productive member of society. With any luck, that will be very close to my death; hopefully, I'll die while still gainfully employed. If that doesn't happen, though, my retirement savings will be more than enough to last me through the very few years between the point that I stop working and pass away.

  • Was Jesus a man of color? Why this question matters more than ever
  • I seriously doubt that "Jesus" from the Christian bible actually existed. Most likely a man with the same name existed and eventually morphed into a folk hero of sorts. That being said, the individual whom the Jesus myth is based on was absolutely from the Middle East. Even Christians won't argue this. He had to have been some shade of "not white."

  • Invidious - Can't Subscribe

    I just set up a local instance of Invidious. I created an account, exported my YouTube subscriptions, and imported them into Invidious. The first time I tried, it imported 5 subscriptions out of 50 or so. The second time I tried, it imported 9.

    Thinking there might be a problem with the import function, I decided to manually add each subscription. Every time I click "Subscribe," the button will switch to "Unsubscribe," then immediately switch back to "Subscribe." If I look at my subscriptions, it was never added.

    My first thought was a problem with the PostgreSQL database, but that wouldn't explain why some subscriptions work when I import them.

    I tried rebooting the container, and it made no difference. I'm running Invidious in a Ubuntu 22.04 LXC container in Proxmox. I installed it manually (not with Docker). It has 100GB of HDD space, 4 CPU cores, and 8GB of memory.

    What the hell is going on?

    Parents Should Pay Higher Taxes

    As is stands, parents are able to claim their children as dependents on their tax returns, which lowers their overall tax liability and in effect means that the parents either pay less in taxes or receive a higher return at the end of each year.

    Until they reach the age at which they can work, children are a drain on society. They receive public schooling and receive the same benefit from public services that adults do, yet they contribute nothing in return. At the point that they reach maturity and are gainfully employed and paying taxes, they become a functioning member of society.

    If a parent decides to have a child, they are making a conscious decision to produce another human being. They could choose to get a sterilization surgery, use birth control, or abort the pregnancy (assuming they don't live in a backwards state that's banned it). Yet even if they decide to have 15 children, the rest of society has to foot the bill for their poor decisions until the child reaches adulthood.

    By increasing taxes on parents instead of reducing them, you not only incentivize safe sex and abortion, but you shift the burden of raising a child solely to the individuals who are responsible for the fact that that child exists.

    I am a strong advocate for social programs: Single-payer healthcare, welfare programs, low-income housing, etc, but for adults who in turn contribute what they can. A child should only be supported by the individuals who created it.

    homelab corroded
    When is a storage VLAN or SAN necessary?

    The majority of my homelab consists of two servers: A Proxmox hypervisor and a TrueNAS file server. The bulk of my LAN traffic is between these two servers. At the moment, both servers are on my "main" VLAN. I have separate VLANs for guests and IoT devices, but everything else lives on VLAN2.

    I have been considering the idea of creating another VLAN for storage, but I'm debating if there is any benefit to this. My NAS still needs to be accessible to non-VLAN-aware devices (my desktop PC, for instance), so from a security standpoint, there's not much benefit; it wouldn't be isolated. Both servers have a 10Gb DAC back to the switch, so bandwidth isn't really a factor; even if it was, my switch is still only going to switch packets between the two servers; it's not like it's flooding the rest of my network.

    Having a VLAN for storage seems like it's the "best practice," but since both servers still need to be accessible outside the VLAN, the only benefit I can see is limiting broadcast traffic, and as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong), SMB/NFS/iSCSI are all unicast.

    Share your favorite automations

    I've been running HA for a while, and it's been working well; I haven't had to change much in a few months. That being said, it's fun to tinker with it, and I'm curious to hear what kind of automations the rest of the community is using. What automations are you most proud of? What are your favorite? What kind of interesting automations have you written?

    My personal favorite is an automation that displays the current "apparent" temperature on a Hue bulb. It takes an average of the temperature, humidity, and luminance around my property and uses the average to compute an "apparent" (feels like) temperature. Then it applies a cosine function to the apparent temperature (to approximate how people feel temperature change), uses the resulting value to calculate a level between blue and red in CIELAB (a perceptually uniform color space), converts the results to RGB, and sets the color value of the hue bulb. The result is a bulb that changes color so that the change in color (as perceived by the eye) mirrors how the temperature "feels" outside. Ultimately what that means is that we can look at a small lamp with the hue bulb and say "It feels cold outside; we should put on a coat." It's probably overkill, but it was a fun programming exercise. We've started saying things like "It's really blue today, I don't feel like going out."

    I'd really enjoy reading what kind of interesting automations everyone else has written.

    Hosting private UHD video

    I have a decent amount of video footage that I'd like to share with friends and family. My first thought was Youtube, but this is all home videos that I really don't want to share publicly.

    A large portion of my video footage is 4k/60, so I'm ideally looking for a solution where I can send somebody a link, and it gives a "similar to Youtube" experience when they click on the link. And by "similar to Youtube," I mean that the player automatically adjusts the video bitrate and resolution based on their internet speed. Trying to explain to extended family how to lower the bitrate if the video starts buffering isn't really an option. It needs to "just work" as soon as the link is clicked; some of the individuals I'd like to share video with are very much not technically inclined.

    I'd like to host it on my homelab, but my internet connection only has a 4Mbit upload, which is orders of magnitude lower than my video bitrate, so I'm assuming I would need to either use a 3rd-party video hosting service or set up a VPS with my hosting software of choice.

    Any suggestions? I prefer open-source self-hosted software, but I'm willing to pay for convenience.

    Zigbee Cluster 0xEF00

    I've been going through my system logs and working on resolving the miscellaneous errors; mostly it's just due to poorly-written automations where the automation would be called while it was still running. Easy fix.

    What I can't seem to fix is a constant stream of "Unknown cluster command" errors on cluster 0xef00 coming from ZHA. I've discovered that the 0xef00 cluster is a manufacturer-specific cluster. All of my errors come from Tuya mmWave sensors; apparently Tuya uses this cluster for inter-device communication.

    All of my devices work, but this error is polluting the logs to a large degree; right now it's showing over 100k instances of this error. Is there a way to have HA just ignore this cluster completely? It's not causing any issues with functionality, but I would rather the logs just show actual errors so I can more easily identify problems and fix them.

    I've read that Z2MQTT doesn't have this issue, but swapping from ZHA to Z2MQTT is not an option for me, especially for what amounts to a logging issue. It would require re-pairing almost 100 Zigbee devices and modifying nearly every single automation.

    Understanding the purpose of Android Auto

    I upgraded the head unit in my car recently. The head unit itself runs Android, and it supports Android Auto. So far, I've been using Android Auto via bluetooth, and it works great. I have no complaints.

    I started using Android Auto just because it seemed logical, but I'm not understanding exactly what the benefits are. Since the head unit runs Android, couldn't I just install the apps I need on the head unit itself and just tether my phone for internet access? It also supports a 5G connection, so if I installed a SIM card, I don't think I'd need my phone at all. To be honest, I'm leading toward that; it just seems easier and a lot more straightforward.

    I have no complaints about Android Auto, I just don't really see what it brings to the table other than a layer of abstraction over the head unit's native interface. It might be worth mentioning that the only thing I do in my car is streaming music and navigation.

    What features am I missing? Surely there is a compelling reason for Android Auto to exist.

    Presence Detection - Multiple People / Sleeping People

    I'm using a variety of PIR motion sensors and mmWave presence sensors; most work fairly well, with a few exceptions. At this point, I have all the lights in my house automated, but with one exception: the master bedroom. I'd like to automate my bedroom lights so that they turn on when someone enters the bedroom unless someone else is already in bed sleeping. So far, none of the sensors I've used are precise or reliable enough to do this. I've thought about using the status of our phones (charging/not charging), but my girlfriend doesn't always plug in her phone when she's asleep. Scheduling won't work, since we both sleep at random times when we're off work, sometimes during the day. Maybe a pressure sensor under the mattress?

    Aquara makes a device that's advertised as being able to detect multiple people as well as sleeping people. This would be perfect if it worked, but Aquara devices seem to be the ones that always cause me the most problems.

    Any suggestions?

    How Does the Default (not logged in) Youtube Algorithm Work?

    I've found that when I'm logged into Youtube, the algorithm works fairly well to suggest videos that are at least somewhat related to my interests. I'm specifically curious about how the "default" algorithm works when not logged in.

    If I open a private window and look at the front page, it almost feels like the algorithm is doing its best to show me the opposite of what I want to see. Obviously this isn't true, but I just don't get how it chooses the videos it shows. As an example, I almost always get:

    • Right-wing news clips (I'm not a Republican)
    • Sports (I don't watch or play sports)
    • Gaming streams (I've not once watched a gaming stream)
    • Christian content (I am not a Christian)
    • Gen-Z and Gen-Y entertainment (I'm almost 40)

    I feel like some of this is geographic. My router load-balances between two internet connections, and I can sometimes tell if it's using my "local" connection or my satellite connection (with an endpoint in another state) based on what videos it shows. Regardless, though, the content I see isn't really appropriate for the demographic in either location. Out of curiosity, I tried it with a VPN using an endpoint in Canada (I'm in the USA); the front page was mostly really crappy reality TV content (think stuff on TLC).

    If I was programming the algorithm, I'd want to have it show content that applies to a broad audience, but that really doesn't seem to be the case. While I don't intend on ever using Youtube without being logged in (and having a ton of browser plugins active to improve the experience), from a technical standpoint, I'm very curious how it chooses what to put on the front page.

    Reading the Value or a Potentiometer

    I have a rainwater collection system that feeds into several water tanks. I'd like to be able to monitor the tank levels for a variety of reasons, first and foremost because of the fact that we get almost no rain in the summer, and I have run the tanks to empty before.

    In the past, I have used Milone eTape connected to an Atmel microcontroller to monitor water levels for a few different applications. I'd like to use this again if possible.

    The eTape essentially acts as a potentiometer in a circuit. I've done some research on various ways to feed this into HomeAssistant, but I'm not really sure what's best. My water tanks are just behind the wall from my HA server, so I could connect directly with USB, serial, or ethernet. WiFi or Zigbee or also options; nearly every other device I have connected to HA is Zigbee.

    What I'm ideally looking for is a device that can take a voltage level between 0-5VDC, or a 5k potentiometer, and feed the result into HA. Building something isn't out of the question (as long as I can program it in C or C++), but an off-the-shelf solution that integrates with HA would be ideal.

    Resetting Hue Bulbs

    I recently found a box in storage that contains about 10 Philips Hue bulbs; I had completely forgotten that I used them in the past. At the time, I had them paired to a Hue bridge. The newest is probably at least 6 years old, maybe a bit more.

    I now have a Zigbee network with HA, and so I figure I might as well use the bulbs; they all still work. I can't figure out how to reset them so I can pair them to my Zigbee controller, though. Every article I read assumes that they're already connected to a bridge, to Amazon Alexa, I have a Hue dimmer controller, or something of the sort.

    Is my only option to sign up for a Hue account, set up my old bridge, and reset them through the Hue app? Surely there must be some other way. I found a thread on [that other site that isn't Lemmy] that gives a routine of switching power on/off to cause a factory reset, but it doesn't work after several tries.

    UPDATE: I was never able to find a method that worked without using my old Hue bridge. I ended up connecting the bridge and manually deleting each bulb. I few I had to add and delete again, but after about an hour of work, I was able to pair them all with HA.

    Sonoff Motion Sensors - These are Really Bad

    I installed 6 Sonoff SN-ZB03 motion sensors this morning, and I'm getting so many false positives that they're essentially useless. I could understand having one that's bad, but 6?

    Three of them seem to randomly trigger for no reason at all. One triggers any time the heater comes on, regardless of where I place it. The last two usually work but still give random false positives.

    From what I'm reading, there are a lot of complaints about these. I probably should have done some research before I bought them. I can't shake the feeling that I'm doing something wrong. Is ITEAD really selling a motion sensor that just doesn't work properly?

    I don't see any commands listed under "Manage Zigbee Device" that allow for a sensitivity change, and I can't find a datasheet or a manual for these other than the basic "quick start" guide. As far as I can tell, there's no firmware update available, either.

    Am I stuck replacing all of these? If so, any suggestions on better ones? I've read good reviews of the Hue motion sensors, but they're not cheap.

    EDIT: I've had some time to experiment with these a bit more. They can be made to work, but only in very specific circumstances. The ones I had outside would trigger constantly, as would the one I had in a room with a heater. They also seem to interfere with each other if they're too close to each other. I placed one in an attic area, and one in the stairs leading up; these are working flawlessly. So if you need a motion sensor for an indoor area that isn't climate controlled, doesn't have another sensor nearby, and doesn't have frequent lighting changes, these might work. Maybe for a closet? I won't be throwing these away, but there won't be a lot of cases where I use them.

    DIY Pellet Stove Control

    Based on a number of excellent suggestions I got in previous thread, I have decided to convert all my smart home devices over to ZigBee. I have about 50 switches and sensors on-order at the moment.

    One thing I can't seem to find is a controller for my pellet stove. My stove is installed in my workshop, and during the winter, I usually have to run out to the shop in the morning, turn the stove on, then wait for a hour or two for it to warm up.

    I'm thinking that I'll most likely need to build a controller for the stove. I had some issues with the mainboard in the stove last year, so I'm fairly familiar with how it works. There area few sensors and relays.

    • An on/off sensor for the lid.
    • A safety sensor for the hopper (makes sure flames aren't feeding back into the hopper).
    • A pressure sensor to detect if the door is open.
    • An external temperature probe.
    • An internal temperature probe.
    • A relay for the igniter.
    • A relay for the motor that rotates the hopper.
    • A relay for the induction fan.
    • A relay for the fan that blows warm air out from the stove.
    • A potentiometer that switches the stove on and controls the temperature set point.

    I have built a number of custom PCBs in the past, and I'm confident that I could build a replacement for the mainboard that includes a ZigBee radio. This requires a significant amount of design work for the PCB, programming for the microcontroller, etc. I'm also just now learning about how the ZigBee protocol works, so there would be a fair amount of research involved.

    My other idea was to build a PCB that essentially acts as a programmable potentiometer, replace the pellet stove's pot with this PCB, and leave the mainboard as-is.

    Has anyone here tried integrating a pellet stove into your home automation? How did you do it?

    UPDATE: This was actually very easy. The potentiometer that controls my stove acts as a voltage divider. At 5V, it signals the stove to shut off, and at 0V, it's fully on. I just leave the potentiometer in the "off" position, and I added a zigbee relay in normally-closed mode in series with the wire feeding from the center. When the relay is "off," the stove sees 5V and does its normal shutdown routine. With the relay "on," the stove starts up. HA switches it based on temperature from a temperature sensor in the room. Depending on your stove, you might need a pull-down resistor (if it expects GND instead of an open), but it works perfectly for me.

    Property Taxes Should Not Pay for Schools

    I do not have children, and I never will, yet my property taxes still go toward paying for schools. I'm happy to have my taxes pay for roads, infastructure improvement, fire, police, and all the other municipal services that benefit me as a resident of the county.

    The government needs to determine the cost of educating a child from kindergarten to high school, divide this by 18, and apply it as a yearly tax to parents. Children deserve an education, but children also put an additional strain on society. I should not be forced to pay for someone else's decision to procreate.

    Finding Something that "Just Works"

    I have tried Home Assistant several times. Each time I try it, I get it installed on a VM under my Proxmox hypervisor and start configuring my devices. I'll use my most recent try as an example. I have several Wyze WiFi power switches, and two "Smart Life" (Toya internally) combination thermometer/switch devices. The Toya devices integrated with HA after I signed up for a Toya developer account and did a bunch of configuring. I was able to read the temperature values, but switching the devices on/off did absolutely nothing. I didn't even try the Wyze devices; apparently Wyze doesn't integrate with HA.

    I'm not opposed to buying new "smart home" devices, but I want something that actually works properly. What I'm looking for are:

    • Devices that don't require internet access and an external API; I want to control them directly over my LAN.
    • Devices that have built-in integration with HA.

    Is there a list of devices that just "work" with HA? I've looked at the list of available integrations that "technically" work, but they often require signing up for API access with a 3rd-party company and jumping through hoops to get the devices working. I want something where I can assign it a static IP or DHCP lease and HA just talks to it. I was able to get my BlueIris DVR integration working, and it can double as a motion sensor, so I'm specifically looking for plug-in switches, thermometers, sensors, etc.

    Can I disable Direct Play?

    I have the settings on my Jellyfin server mostly dialed-in, but one of the only problems I have left to fix is HDR and subtitle transcoding. My server transcodes HDR10 and DV with no problem, but often times the client devices don't properly report their HDR capabilites. My Android TV box and my phone can't play DV, but it tries to direct-stream Dv anyway. My desktop PC can't display HDR at all, but it still tries to direct-stream HDR content. Subtitles don't always work on my phone unless they're burned-in.

    There's an option to force HDR transcoding on the Windows client, but not for Android. Workarounds like lowering the bitrate to below the source bitrate or activating burned-in subtitles work, but I don't want to lower the bitrate, and I don't always want subtitles.

    What I'm looking for is an option on the server to force transcoding to h264/SDR and burn in subtitles regardless of client. An option to disable direct play and force transcoding for every stream would be perfect.

    So far, I can't find any way to do this on the server. Is there any way to to disable direct play or at least force transcoding based on source content and not client capabilities?

    The Eugenics War and Why SNW and PIC are a Separate Timeline

    Up until the "modern era" of Trek, my understanding of canon is that the Eugenics War happened in the 1990s and was immediately followed by WW3. It seems like that has changed.

    Picard season 2 took place in the 2020s, and there was no evidence of widespread devastation that would have taken place in a major war, although it could be argued that it wasn't shown to us on-screen. At the end of the series, we see a folder labeled "Project Kahn," hinting that either Kahn has yet to be born or that the season's "bad guy" is planning to continue Kahn's legacy.

    In Strange New Worlds Season 2, Episode 3, the focus is on Kahn and how he affects the timeline. We see Kahn as a child, meaning the Eugenics War has yet to take place, even though the episode takes place in what is obviously 2020s or 2030s Toronto. Even more telling is that the Romulan spy says "This should have happened in 1993." Might have been 1992; still, early 1990s.

    This leaves me with a few questions. If the Federation time-cops are so set on preserving the timeline, why did they allow the timeline to be altered to such a degree that the Eugenics War, a major event in Humanity's history, happened at least 30 years after it was supposed to. In addition, what event actually altered the timeline so that Kahn was born/created decades later than he should have been? As far as I remember, we haven't seen anything to show why this happened.

    Since we now know from SNW that the Eugenics War happened some time after the 2020s, how does that fit into the timeline for Zefram Cochrane's first warp flight? Assuming the Eugenics War is still followed by WW3, that only leaves a max of 49 years between the start of 2 major conflicts and first contact with the Vulcans. In "First Contact," Cochrane and company assumed the Borg attack was from a hostile force on Earth. Perhaps WW3 was still in progress, and the events of 2069 were what ended the war?

    On a side note, the destruction of a single ship spawned the Kelvin timeline. Since SNW shows us that events in Earth's history no longer match up with the timeline established in TOS, TNG, VOY, and DS9, does this mean that SNW (and possibly PIC) are also in a non-prime timeline?

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