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It's literally a trap
  • @Shardikprime @freamon damn and my masto instance only has a 500 char limit, but you go and make use of every character you’ve got

  • Why does Apple insist on supporting bullying with the blue/green bubbles?
  • @DirigibleProtein @Nunar kids are assholes, some adults act like children, it’s inevitable

    It’s not because the bubbles are green, it’s not because SMS is bad, it’s because people suck

  • Apple blocks PC emulator from being available in iOS App Store and third-party app stores
  • @simplejack @AProfessional no you have to stick to the “this one company doesn’t sell as much as all of the other companies combined” view of it


  • How do you like to tell people about the fediverse?
  • @technomad I’ve been keeping a lot of my friends aware of what’s going on in the fediverse (especially around Threads, which they’re more aware of) through a discord channel I run on our server that’s dedicated to what’s going on in the world of tech

    Conceptually I prefer using the email analogy for how it actually works since that’s pretty close

    Gatekeeping the fediverse isn’t good for it, get people to join up, you have control over what you see

  • Apple blocks PC emulator from being available in iOS App Store and third-party app stores
  • @neme I like how the devs were like “eh, it’s not even that good of an app, whatever”

  • Apple to call its AI feature 'Apple Intelligence' on iPhone, iPad and Mac
  • @ramune @chiisana I don’t think a little sphere on my phone is signaling that Apple is getting into defense contracting

  • Apple will update iPhones for at least 5 years in rare public commitment
  • @FarraigePlaisteach 99 times out of 100 the reason phones are getting slow is not updates, its a failing battery

    Hold corporations accountable, but also don’t just shit on things to shit on them, device support isn’t that simple

  • Apple will update iPhones for at least 5 years in rare public commitment
  • @FarraigePlaisteach @return2ozma 5 years is way longer than most people keep their phones, and it’s also “at least” Apple has been known to push updates to older devices way past that

    An update to iOS 15 came out not too long ago iirc

    Plus there are so many variables that go into whether a device will be able to actually run a particular version of software so giving a hard commitment at all is going to be conservative

  • Apple will update iPhones for at least 5 years in rare public commitment
  • @return2ozma committing to a number of years of software updates is...odd, not necessarily in the sense that nobody else is doing it, but in the sense that there are so many variables that go into whether or not a device will be supported on an update it’s actually kind of hard to set that kind of deadline and truthfully stick to it

    The same with the claims from Google and Samsung: I’ll believe it when I see it (after all, remember PixelPass?)

  • The iPad’s Land of Confusion
  • @DJDarren @dustyData I used two generations of this thing and it was...bad

  • Apple News+ subscription growth blows away major media sites
  • @misk @yesman also you get three options: pay for news, get predatory ads and unreadable websites, or state funded media

    Scummy fourth option is Adblock

  • [512Pixels] Logitech’s Mouse Software Now Includes ChatGPT Support, Adds Janky ‘ai_overlay_tmp’ Directory to Users’ Home Folders
  • @DavidGA @AusatKeyboardPremi hush, you, this is Lemmy, where we get mad at anything and everything and ignore any appeal to reason because we just want to spend our time yelling at companies instead of dealing with real problems

  • Apple elaborates on iOS 17.5 bug that resurfaced deleted photos - 9to5Mac
  • @ozymandias117 I see now

    Then how would they be training AI on it? If they don’t have it? If it’s on device what’s the problem? Deleting a photo doesn’t wipe the bits to 0, it never has

  • Apple elaborates on iOS 17.5 bug that resurfaced deleted photos - 9to5Mac
  • @Valmond @ozymandias117 oh so we’re still doing the baseless-accusation-without-knowing-how-it-works thing?

    They keep deleted photos for a time in iCloud in case someone comes looking for them

    Every cloud storage provider does it, every mail server does it, it’s incredibly commonplace

  • Apple elaborates on iOS 17.5 bug that resurfaced deleted photos - 9to5Mac
  • @NightAuthor @simplejack I dislike when people get mad about the wrong things, there are plenty of valid reasons to criticize a company, no sense in wasting your energy

    Just because they are a multi-trillion dollar company doesn't excuse willful ignorance

  • Apple elaborates on iOS 17.5 bug that resurfaced deleted photos - 9to5Mac
  • @Screemu @dohpaz42 this is most reactions by techies to anything a company does

  • countablenewt Sam 🍄

    🏳️‍⚧️ | Writer for AllThingsTech blog | Occasionally a YouTuber | I like to talk about tech in the context of real life use | Primarily an Apple user but I play around with a ton of different tech | USBC shill | Can’t eat bread | Think of this as my story stream: I will curate content I think is interesting along with my own thoughts and articles

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