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Neighbors looking out for each other.
  • I like how they crossed out catstrap and rewrote catstrap. "no, that's not what it's called... Hey frank what's that thing called to strap down the cat converter? A catstrap? Oh OK that was it..."

  • World Naked Bike Ride returns to Madison despite controversy
  • For like maybe an hour... Only downtown.

    I live in Madison and I didn't even know it was back on, and I didn't see any naked people that day. Pretty easily avoidable if it bothers you.

  • Which is which?
  • Ditto for me on both counts. I was trying to figure out if he was your wifes dad who is also your MD or what. So doctor father is more like drag mother.

  • Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower
  • Can I get those STL files? I'm gonna print one for each of my neighbors

  • The state of things
  • 60% of the time, it works every time

  • It was worth a try
  • Hahaha I also tried this for the wordle today. Glad it's not just me.

  • Someone has a sense of humor
  • snapped this stopped a light a few months ago

  • How to pickup girls 101
  • If that opinion was unpopular we wouldn't talk about Wayland literally everyday

  • NSFW
    Maia has a cute one
  • 🙏

  • What's your favorite J.L. and the Dees song?
  • They shaka'd so hard at that show, the walls practically fell down

  • Does this plan make sense? v2
  • I would add patent law reform, and remove the ability to hold private and public office (ie you can't be a board member of Monsanto and be on the EPA), oh and no campaign donations allowed; everybody gets an equal stipend to campaign, we have the internet you don't need to go shaking babies and kissing hands.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is amazing. Dude would have to wear one of those quick coin dispensers on his belt. He would need them for all the tolls he would be crossing too.

  • Game derulepment
  • Developer skilled enough to make a prototype game in a week... Github account is only 3 weeks old

  • Kentucky Republican pushes bill to make sex with first cousin not incest
  • By progressive I mean a step in the right direction for shit place like KY. Source: am from KY

  • Kentucky Republican pushes bill to make sex with first cousin not incest
  • So I do not endorse this guy or any GOP member in any way. But if you read the article he says dropping the first cousin from the list was an error of omission and not intentional, and he is re-filing the bill to include it. The intent of the bill was to expand the classification of incest beyond just intercourse to include any type of sexual contact. Which seems like its actually progressive, just not clickbait worthy.

  • Generational differences
  • Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I suppose to do with these?

  • Generational differences
  • When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

  • Which pill do you choose?
  • Wait like restart as in go back in time to the year I was 6 or restart as in become a 6 year old in 2024. Because if it's the former hell yeah stocks, bitcoin, sports betting back to the future style. If it's the latter fuck that.

  • craigers craigers
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