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The Reich Side Of History

Germany Once Again Mandates Allegiance to Fascism
  • #SupportGenocideOverThereSoNoGenocideOverHere #OutSourcing #Offshoring #NeverAgain #SeeTermsAndConditions #OnTheReichSideOfHistory

  • "Why aren't all lives equal?" Mehdi vs Congressman on killing Palestinians to save hostages.

    Democrat Jewish liberal Dean Phillips really says ‘Americans First’ in the context of this discussion. Haven’t even finished the whole interview, but this extended exchange is such an example of the clumsy rhetorical tools of modern libs. Mehdi doesn’t let him try to wiggle away even though he tries very much.

    Diabetes 'cured' for first time in stem cell study - but there's a less expensive alternative
  • but if China cures it this way how will I keep billing all my custome- I mean patients?

  • Kenya designated as a major non-NATO ally of the US
  • Ya, just saw the headline about anti-tax protesters shot dead. Interesting context to say the least.

  • Caption this.
  • JesuSoda has the everlasting refreshing taste of the blood of the Son of God that washes away the aftertaste of sin. Enjoy the blessing of Christ from our can to your lips!

  • Caption this.
  • volcel-kamala

  • Questions about the "Holodomer"
  • Here's a post of mine about how the propaganda narrative was orchestrated using Nazi friendly newspapers and reporters, and then was reinforced via CIA funded publishing house led by a Ukr Nazi recruited by the CIA. It's really quite the long con being pulled to make the USSR look as bad as possible.

    The Village Voice piece about it is also a good read on this process of historical myth-making.

  • Cool Bicycles: Wheelchair Accessible Cargobikes
  • Reverse-trikes are damn cool and have so much potential to be useful in many contexts like this. They fit nicely into the large gap in transportation options between micro-cars and standard cargo bikes.

  • Short selling spice derivatives based on future forcast retirement community being built in order to afford the $5/bottle surge after the petrochemical train devalued its load into the aqueducts.
  • cap-think

    You know what the hilariously fragile Rube Goldberg machinations of global capitalism needs to be more efficient?

    Spot pricing on groceries! porky-happy

  • The stupid asshole who said this morning hexbear isn't funny is an utter dolt.
  • beanis is vegan, so they must hate it so much

  • The stupid asshole who said this morning hexbear isn't funny is an utter dolt.
  • Whenever I go browse, I find a few gems here and there, but there is so much garbage to sift through coming from mostly other instances.

    Hexbear is such a unique respite from the wider internet.

  • For some reason I really like Piccolo from DBZ
  • green, antennas, kinda surly but also a pretty fully realized character for DBZ, what's not to love? shrek

  • Lmao owned
  • By the transitive property:
    most Israeli citizens serve in the IDF at some point
    the IDF are found to be doing war crimes
    any Israeli citizen potentially could be involved in war crimes

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • Every time someone at one of those encampments cried out “Free Palestine” I’d be tempted to yell “From Hamas!” I’d surely get kicked out of the group that wants to kick other people out. They don’t want troublemakers.

    Calling yourself a troublemaker for being tempted to regurgitate genocide talking points at a protest.

    Really brave! improve-society illegal-to-say

  • Yo automated KKKommunity note$$!?
  • This effort post has a lot of links and videos related to the various incidents of Hannibal Directive on Oct 7th:

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • I think the old American Exceptionalism idea has mostly died at this point. Sure, older folks might still believe it, but it doesn't seem to hold sway in the mainstream like it did in the past. This turn is reflected by the grim dark realism trends in media. Idealism is shown to be childish these days, and only the adults making tough choices are going to save the world. 'The cruelty is necessary' is the new message of exceptionalism these days. You can see a turn starting with GW Bush's 'compassionate conservatism' to Obama's 'hope and change' to Biden's 'nothing will fundamentally change'. The 'neoliberal turn' is another example of what I'm talking about.

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • Just remember that the fascism of the USA has always been in competition with other fascism in other countries. "Only the strongest survive" is at the core of their shared worldview. So "the cruelty is the point" is really at the core of many older Americans (and many others too) ideology about American Exceptionalism. USA is special in their minds because of how willingly cruel we can be/have been. This is the core that animates so much "I got mine, fuck you" attitude. Individualism is the basis of all their "enlightened moralism".

    Never forget that the USA is a fascist state. There will be many reminders.

  • Being against colonialism=wanting an ethnostate
  • all live in a more liberated society in the future


    lEftOiD eThNoStAtE !!!

    not sure how to interpret this any other way in my view

  • In this post we know that climate change is real …

    That capitalism is anti-life

    That private property is theft

    That political power flows from the barrel of a gun

    That Palestine will be free from the river to the sea

    That gender rights are human rights

    That love is love

    That a liberal scratched bleeds fascism

    And that the choice is between Socialism or Barbarism

    A Tribe Called Quest - We The People.... (Official Video)

    still as highly relevant as it was when it released

    Liberals are like Charlie Brown and fascists are Lucy holding the football

    inspired from comments here:

    blank template if you want to do your own spin of it:

    genocider's triangle

    Trump wants Biden's job

    Bibi wants Biden's continuous supply of weapons to keep doing genocide

    Biden wants Bibi's Zionist Final Solution of Greater Israel

    Bibi wants Trump to win over Biden, but both options are acceptable for continuing the genocide

    very low effort - Biden's 5 year plan

    hadn't seen these put into a single image yet


    because it's really just a project of fascist gooning

    the funniest part of the UN shredding moment

    Zionist Gilad Erdan saying:

    >You have opened up the United Nations to modern day nazis

    yes you are fascist speaking in the UN, you are correct

    He goes on to talk about 'genocidal jihadists' murdering 'every Jewish man, woman and child'.

    That's exactly the Zionist dream but for Palestinians and arabs in the region.

    They really can't just tell on themselves every time they speak.

    video of his remarks here:

    Time Is a Flat Circle

    and the ruling class want to slow down the speed at which the circle turns

    culpritus culpritus [any]
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    Comments 1.2K