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Any temprory free OTP number sites you know that works ?
  • a vpn doesn't protect you if an app is compromised. vpn is just putting your device into another person's or organization's Network.

    I am not really familiar with how android sandboxes apps but I wouldn't trust my phone not being compromised after installing a potentially compromised app.

  • Linux user share on Steam breaks 2% thanks to Steam Deck
  • this is why i use debian for work/servers where i need reliability anfd slow paced stable software and fedora at home where the odd bug or faulty update (which rarely happens) don't bother me that much. debian is awesome though

  • Best ways to bypass anti-cheat on a Windows 11 VM?
  • that is of course an option. not my cup of tea though. if I need to do things like that to play some games, I'd rather not play them at all and put my time into games from devs which don't actively sabotage linux compatibility. That doesn't mean I don't miss playing for example pubg or valorant

  • Suggestions for Linux Distribution
  • I switched from ububtu to fedora kde about a year ago. really solid for gaming and the differences are not that big.

    for work I also use debian and it is really cool to be able to understaand deb and "enterprise linux"(fedora/suse) differences

  • New Linux user, here is my use case. Distro recommendations?
  • I am very happy with fedora KDE, although I have weird flickering issues since fedora40/plasma 6 and so i temporarily switched to cinnamon (which was really easy) untiljthe nvidia 555 driver releases. I can really recommend this combination

  • Choosing Next OS
  • i have used arch with kde plasma for about a year on my ThinkPad. so far it is working (and updating) without a hitch. I think the Potential, that your OS breaks somehow is higher on rolling release distros but i think Arch isn't bad as daily driver if you take the time to install and customize the system to your needs. it is not so far away from a current fedora.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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