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xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • Nope. Everything is gas. Range, water heater, dryer, and heat. The only 2 pole breaker I have is for central AC.

    My house was built in the 1940s. 200 amp service didn’t become standard until the 80s.

    I know level 1 charging is there (although I also only have one exterior outlet), ~3 miles per hour of charging is tight. I need to be plugged in at least 10 hours for just my commute.

    And, yeah, you hit on the big problem. EVs are expensive and are only really accessible to those already at the upper end of the spectrum. Belief that gas engines are more powerful or have more instant torque is not what is keeping people from EVs, so the point Randall makes is pretty stupid.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • Purchase price, higher maintenance costs (EVs eat tires due to the increased weight and higher torque), installation of charging infrastructure (some us need expense electrical service upgrades and added wiring; we don’t all have 200 amp panels and garages with 30 amp 240v service already wired in)

    I’d love an EV, but I won’t be afforded Int one for a bit. And used ones, even if cheaper, will have massive battery degradation cutting range way down.

  • Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful
  • And there is no constitutional right to bump stocks. They just ruled there is no current law against it. If there was a constitutional right to them, you couldn’t ban them even with a law.

    I didn’t say he was asking where the ban is.

  • Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks’ ban is unlawful
  • That wasn’t remotely the basis of the ruling. It was essentially ruled that they don’t meet the definition of a machine gun in the law, which limits what the ATF can do. It was mentioned that congress can amend the law and ban them. They just haven’t.

  • Truly a bittersweet moment
  • We called it senioritis. That sudden change of excitement to dread as seniors realize they are going to be separated from the peer group they’re mostly been with for years at their local school and now have to go out and make something of themselves on a new, unfamiliar environment.

  • If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
  • I have read it, and find it bullshit. Libertarians always manage to decide to “strategically” vote for the Republican that promises authoritarianism but also promises low taxes. Again, it’s not about what Libertarians say they support, it’s who they actually support.

  • Reddit derf82
    Libreddit and Teddit are practically dead

    It appears API rate limiting has effectively killed these alternatives. You essentially get nothing but “Too many requests” 429 errors.

    Lemmy sadly does not have the active niche news and discussions I want. But now nothing can be read without going to Reddit. I hate Spez

    Bodycam of Lorain Cop Elliot Palmer shooting a Golden Retriever, including multiple times after the dog tried to run away (warning - animal shot in video)

    What a garbage human being this cop is. I don't even like dogs, and I can tell that dog was zero threat. Yet he shot the dog, and even continued firing as the dog was running away. And it is clear this asshole doesn't even care, and it is clear Lorain Police just want to sweep it under the rug. It is sickening. Sign the petition to remove this officer:

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