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I heard we're wizard posting...
  • your nan reaches for a hug as the monkey's paw curls all but one finger: the middle

  • Deleted
    Car free cities should be the future.
  • i don't really know the general consensus around here but my take is that vehicles are massively useful tools but that personalized vehicles are causing and have caused massive problems. the vast majority of people don't need them (if public transportation wasn't terrible) but i wouldn't expect firefighters to take the bus down to a burning house for example

  • Cute rule
  • my dog doesn't piss and shit in toilets 🤠

  • 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances
  • it's peak 'argument i had with myself in the shower' for sure

  • I Want Better Games With Worse Graphics And I'm Not Kidding - Aftermath
  • starsector deserves so much more popularity. 10/10 would cause the collapse of civilization using hyperillegal ai cores that accelerated the collapse in the first place while getting blackmailed by those self same ai cores again

  • Should we tell him?
  • when she calls me imperator 😍

  • How's your transition coming along?
  • that's awesome and yeah I was in a similar boat (deep voice with vocal fry). if your experience will be anything like mine, there will come a moment where it just clicks and while it won't immediately give you an angelic voice, manipulating your voice will feel so much more intuitive (and that's where it gets really fun ime).

  • How's your transition coming along?
  • I've been doing voice training recently with quite a bit of success. don't forget to have fun with it and play around! the lions share of the work is figuring out which muscles in your neck you want to use. voice training doesn't have to be all doom and gloom, it can be an actually fun thing to do! and trust me, it'll be worth it when you finally hear your true voice <3

  • Firefox discovered a security breach in Windows
  • windows is now opened source

  • Asylum Rule
  • no, obviously not

  • Fortnite will let you hide "confrontational" emotes, including the game's most popular
  • on the flip side, one of my favourite parts about muting emote and chat in certain games is that the idea of a person wasting time flaming the shit out of me while I remain perfectly oblivious to it is fucking funny

  • Love rule
  • but what is love?

  • Getting up to speed
  • my first dose of adhd meds was atomoxetine and instead of gaining clarity of mind all that happened was 56 hours of insomnia with gut wrenching nausea

  • transBSD
  • i love the one blahaj taking a peek at your hyfetch output

  • me rn :3
    he's all in (rule)
  • how can people know if you're bluffing if you don't even know if you're bluffing?

  • me rn :3
    me rn :3
  • confirm that 'bongo obliterator' mia will be allowed to 'play [client] like bongos': y/n