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What ridiculous history fact is your favorite?
  • The most interesting thing is that he wasn’t the only one. A guy who called himself Victor Lustig did the same thing with the Eiffel Tower.

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
  • You know what? Maybe keep that kind of comment for the porn communities.

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
  • Well, it fully depends on the effect you’re after. In this case there was no background to blur and I wanted her body fully in focus. The flashes are by far powerful enough to work with f/4.5 which makes focusing a lot easier. For other shots I did use the f/1.4.

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
    • Camera: Canon EOS 6D Mark II
    • Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4
    • ISO: 100
    • Shutter speed: 1/80s
    • Aperture: f/4.5

    Lighting is mainly a soft box on either side, both slightly above head height and set back a bit to create the shadow in the middle of the face. The rest is quite a bit of fiddling around with the RAW. For comparison, here's what it looked like straight out of the camera:

  • [OC] Venus in Blue 1
  • Same project at least. This one is from day 2. I think you helped on day 5 or 6.

  • [OC] Venus in Blue 1
  • When I updated my lemmy instance, I forgot to update pictrs as well which broke the uploads.

  • NSFW
    [OC] Venus in Blue 3 [CW: artistic nudity with body paint]
  • I shut down my pc for the day but I‘ll try to remember to post it tomorrow.

  • Photography dfyx
    [OC] Venus in Blue 1

    Finally found out what kept me from uploading photos directly to lemmy so hopefully it will work this time.

    This is part of a series that I shot in 2020 and now I’ll finally have the chance to show them in an exhibition on Berlin later this year.

    NSFW Deleted
    [OC] Venus in Blue (second attempt, CW: topless with body paint)
  • Ah damn… it worked when I posted. Imgur must have broken it again. And for some reason I can’t upload directly to lemmy, I get a weird error.

  • NSFW Deleted
    [OC] Venus in Blue (second attempt, CW: topless with body paint)
  • Okay, I‘m honestly confused why this is collecting downvotes without comments? Do people see the NSFW tag and downvote without looking at the photos, thinking I‘m abusing this community to post porn? I marked it as such because the photos technically contain nudity though I wouldn’t consider them erotic art.

    Or are my photos really that bad?

  • Already 61 servers updated to Lemmy 0.19.5!
  • I just made it 62.

  • Deleted
    100 developers enter a bar…
  • The 99 bottles of beer song is (was?) a popular programming exercise to teach beginners about loops. Singing it in real life would be pretty annoying because you would essentially repeat the same two sentences for a couple of minutes. Apparently, the PHP developers were planning to order one beer each, sing the song and get on everyone's nerves. The C++ dev stopped this by buying all the remaining beer at once.

    The choice of languages is probably OP's own prejudice. These days I'd say PHP devs are on average older and more experienced than JS and Python devs, just because almost nobody learns PHP as their first language anymore.

  • What people do you personally know of who have broken world records?
  • The bakery down the road from where I grew up used to hold the Guinness world record for the largest version of a local specialty.

  • If you didn't have to work, how would you spend your time?
  • I'd finally finish some of my personal projects.

    Over the last few years, I've had so many ideas for stuff, both video games and just basic useful software. This is where the curse of being a professional software engineer kicks in. I know that I'm experienced enough to actually make those things but after a full day of work, preparing dinner and getting the apartment in order, there is just not enough time and energy left to get my ass in front of an IDE again. I'd love to have the opportunity, even if just for a year or so to pause my day job and spend my energy on something that is actually mine and has emotional value for me.

    On top of that, I have a couple of hobbies that would benefit from having more time. Photography, HEMA (fencing with proper swords), board games, 3d printing and painting miniatures... one thing is for sure, I wouldn't get bored any time soon.

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • My first OS was most likely DR DOS 3.41

    For my daily driver desktop PCs that was followed by

    • MS-DOS 5.0
    • Windows 3.11
    • Windows 98 SE
    • Windows XP
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 10

    On the linux side, I got started with Gentoo, experimented with several lightweight distributions for an old laptop and had a Mint VM for a few years. These days I run Ubuntu on a couple of servers and in WSL. Never got around to using it as my main desktop OS.

    For university I had (in order) an iBook G3, a MacBook and a MacBook Pro, so you can add most of macOS 10.x to that list.

  • What's the hardest lesson you've learned?
  • Learned that the hard way. Within less than a week went from happily living in the house that I had grown up in, that I was renting from my father and that I was planning to eventually buy or inherit to having to look for an apartment because he sold it. The worst thing? That he never gave me a reason or even acknowledged how much he had hurt me. Quite the opposite, he later asked me to help the new owners set up their tv as if it was nothing.

  • ALAB.
  • See, that kind of ambiguous abbreviation is the exact reason why I made a t-shirt with "ACAB - Assigned Cute At Birth" with the ACAB in the non-binary colors for a friend.

  • When did you get hit by "the tetris effect" AKA playing a video game so much that you get the urge to do moves/actions from the video game in real life?
  • I got hit really hard by 2048. I didn’t even play it that much but my brain started looking for groups of identical things and imagined how they slide into each other to create something new. Plates on the kitchen table, seats on the train to work, identical cars…

  • Hot Potato License
  • And I'm pretty sure that the name "hot potato license" and the comment above the license are very strong indicators for this not being the case. The license is meant to mimic a game of hot potato where you get the code for a short moment (one commit) and have to throw it to someone else. Sure, the analogy doesn't quite work because you can't decide who has to make the next commit but it would make even less sense if you were able to keep control over the code and add more and more commits. That would defeat the whole point of naming it "hot potato license".

  • Hot Potato License
  • Yeah, that should read "all other citizens of earth".

  • I made a list of parts to replace to decolor the 10327 Dune Ornithopter (explanation and text version in description)

    I made this list based on the instructions PDF that's available from LEGO's website. For most of these, it doesn't really matter if they are black, dark bluish gray or light bluish gray so I picked them based on what will most likely look good with the surrounding colors and what is cheapest on Bricklink.

    Two notable parts: Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Double with Axle Connector 2L is only available in white (the same color as in the set) and for the Technic, Axle 1L with Pin without Friction Ridges "old" light gray is significantly cheaper than any of the newer colors except the included tan.

    In general, if you want to save a few bucks, you can probably leave all tan and white pieces as they are. For me, the complete replacement (250 pieces) cost about 35€ plus shipping.

    |Count|Number|Name|Original|Replacement(s)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |2|6346389|Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Double Split, Reinforced Sides|White|Dark Bluish Gray| |5|6058177|Brick, Modified 1 x 2 with Studs on 1 Side|White|4x Dark Bluish Gray, 1x Black| |6|6289797|Technic, Axle 2L with Pin without Friction Ridges|White|Light Bluish Gray| |4|4208160|Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 3|White|Black| |2|6370532|Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Perpendicular Double with Axle Connector 2L|White|Not available| |10|371001|Plate 1 x 4|White|6x Dark Bluish Gray, 4x Light Bluish Gray| |2|6360069|Technic, Liftarm Thin 1 x 5 - Axle Holes|White|Light Bluish Gray| |2|389401|Technic, Brick 1 x 6 with Holes|White|Black| |2|6001831|Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 x 9|White|Dark Bluish Gray| |4|6013938|Technic, Pin 3/4|Tan|Dark Bluish Gray| |6|4666579|Technic, Axle 1L with Pin without Friction Ridges|Tan|Light Gray| |1|6117975|Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2|Tan|Dark Bluish Gray| |8|4121921|Plate 1 x 3|Tan|4x Dark Bluish Gray, 2x Black, 2x Light Bluish Gray| |4|4118790|Plate 2 x 3|Tan|Dark Bluish Gray| |4|4201062|Brick, Modified 1 x 4 with Studs on Side|Tan|2x Dark Bluish Gray, 2x Black| |5|4550323|Arch 1 x 4|Tan|Black| |2|4550324|Tile 1 x 4|Tan|Black| |1|6186258|Slope 45 2 x 4|Tan|Dark Bluish Gray| |2|4143409|Plate 1 x 10|Tan|Dark Bluish Gray| |7|6271820|Technic Bush|Red|Light Bluish Gray| |30|6378120|Technic, Pin 1/2 with Friction Ridges|Red|Dark Bluish Gray| |20|6360104|Technic, Pin with Friction Ridges and Tow Ball with Round Pin Hole|Red|Black| |2|6384112|Bar 1L with 1 x 1 Round Plate with Hollow Stud|Red|Black| |31|4142865|Technic, Axle 2L Notched|Red|Black| |7|300421|Brick 1 x 2|Red|4x Dark Bluish Gray, 3x Black| |1|6385920|Technic, Brick Modified 1 x 2 with Hole and 1 x 2 Plate|Red|Light Bluish Gray| |2|6271827|Technic, Liftarm, Modified Bent Thick L-Shape 2 x 4|Red|Black| |3|6130002|Technic, Axle 6L|Red|Black| |1|6335578|Tile 2 x 6|Red|Black| |2|379521|Plate 2 x 6|Red|Dark Bluish Gray| |1|6130005|Technic, Axle 10L|Red|Black| |7|4206482|Technic, Axle 1L with Pin with Friction Ridges|Blue|Black| |20|6299413|Technic, Pin 3L with Friction Ridges|Blue|Black| |4|6271167|Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth|Yellow|Light Bluish Gray| |14|654124|Technic, Brick 1 x 1 with Hole|Yellow|8x Black, 6x Dark Bluish Gray| |1|6344181|Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Pin Hole on Top|Yellow|Light Bluish Gray| |8|6130007|Technic, Axle 3L|Yellow|Black| |1|6072627|Technic, Liftarm, Modified T-Shape Thick 3 x 3|Yellow|Light Bluish Gray| |2|362224|Brick 1 x 3|Yellow|Black| |2|6170294|Technic, Liftarm Thin 1 x 6|Yellow|Black| |4|6474196|Bar 1L with Tow Ball|Orange?|Dark Bluish Gray| |4|4164022|Brick 1 x 2|Lime Green?|Dark Bluish Gray| |1|4164037|Plate 1 x 2|Lime Green?|Dark Bluish Gray| |5|4537937|Plate 2 x 2|Lime Green?|1x Light Bluish Gray, 4x Dark Bluish Gray|

    [META] Can we please gave a pinned rules post?

    Can we please get a post that explains what this community is for? Seems like nobody reads the sidebar (which is hard to access on most mobile clients) so we constantly get flooded with questions that would rather fit in ! or !

    I understand that many people are still confused by how lemmy works but we should make clear that this is for general questions and discussions similar to what /r/askreddit was and not a place to ask technical questions about lemmy.

    Why I probably won't defederate from Threads Why I probably won't defederate from Threads

    The fediverse is discussing if we should defederate from Meta's new Threads app. Here's why I probably won't (for now).

    The fediverse is discussing if we should defederate from Meta's new Threads app. Here's why I probably won't (for now).

    (Federation between plume and my lemmy instance doesn't work correctly at the moment, otherwise I would have made this a proper crosspost)

    dfyx dfyx
    Posts 8
    Comments 212