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California's New Law Will Force Storefronts to Disclose That Buyers Don't Actually Own Their Digitally Purchased Media - IGN
  • "I refuse to accept progress if it's not perfect progress"

    Is what you're effectively stating here.

    Cmon, really? I have this argument with my toddler when he asks for something like a rip off a loaf of bread. He wants the whole loaf, he can't have the whole load, so he gets a choice: The piece you can have, or nothing.

    So. Would you rather have this progress, or nothing? That's your choice, and right now it sounds a whole lot like you would rather have no progress?

  • Mozilla grants Ente $100k
  • I didn't really mention immich directly here.

    This is a problem which is endemic to casual software development like many FOSS projects. It's a reality of how free software tends to be built in general vs commercial software.

  • Mozilla grants Ente $100k
  • The issue here is that these are solvable problems, release compat isn't a new problem. It's just a problem that takes dedicated effort to solve for, just like any other feature.

    This is something FOSS apps tend to lack simply due to the nature of how contributions tend to work for free software. Which is an unfortunate reality, but a reality none the less.

  • Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton
  • You would, but if there's no reason for them to spend the money on it why?

    This is what regulation is for, and it needs to have teeth.

  • Mozilla grants Ente $100k
  • People really underestimate the value of stability and predictability.

    There are some amazing FOSS projects out there ran by folks who don't give a crap about stability or the art of user experience. It holds them back, and unfortunately helps drive a fragmented ecosystem where we get 2,3,5 major projects all trying to do the same thing.

  • "My AI girlfriend told me that my novel sucks"
  • LLMs cannot provide critique

    They can simulate what critique might look like by way of glorified autocomplete. But it cannot actually provide critique, because they do not reason, they do not critically think. They match their outputs based upon the most statistically likely interpretation of the input in what you could think of as essentially a 3D word cloud.

    Any critique that you get from an llm is going to be extremely limited and shallow (And there's for the critical critique you require). The longer your text the less likely the critique that you receive is going to be relevant to the depth in which it may be needed.

    It's good for finding mistakes, it's good for paraphrasing, it's good for targeting. It cannot actually critique, which requires a level of consideration that is impossible for LLMs today. There's a reason why text written by llms tends to have distinguishing features, or lack of, that's a bland statistically generated amalgamation of human writing. It's literally a "common denominator" generator.

  • What is the purpose of this plastic piece?
  • I like how many of the new top level comments on here are going the way of Reddit already.

    One-liners trying to be funny or make puns instead of actually engaging in conversation, indistinguishable from bots. :(

  • Microsoft inks deal to restart Three Mile Island nuclear reactor to fuel its voracious AI ambitions
  • Just because you don't want it doesn't mean others don't.

    And just because you don't know much about the actual tech product itself doesn't mean that it's as narrow as you consider it to be.

    There is a ton of vapid hype that everyone including myself is getting sick and tired of. I'm more than happy to recognize that. However, there are still real world problems and continued advancements being made daily.

    It's not all about LLMs either, there are many other types of science being done to develop improve and augment various other flavors of artificial intelligence. This has been a pretty constant trend for at least the last 10 years, we've just had a recent explosion in language capabilities with the introduction of generative AI. Thus fueling the hype.

    That's a really weird stance that I keep seeing on here which is to be proud of being ignorant. Being proud of hating something without actually understanding what it is. Being proud of not knowing how something works so that you can be more contrare.

  • Microsoft inks deal to restart Three Mile Island nuclear reactor to fuel its voracious AI ambitions
  • Have you ever used something they made? Did it meet your standard of being “good work”?

    I mean you're ignorance of the products that they build or work on doesn't precipitate their badness. Let's start with the entire developer ecosystem that they have their hands deep in, it's a pretty damn good ecosystem.

    You probably need to check your bias because it's leaking, negatively affecting your decision making.

    Any company of this size is going to have shit products great products and literally thousands and tens of thousands of projects in between. You seem to be familiar with one product line, of hundreds or even thousands.

  • Microsoft inks deal to restart Three Mile Island nuclear reactor to fuel its voracious AI ambitions
  • Nfts were a scam from the start something that has no actual purpose utility or value being given value through hype.

    Generative AI is very different. In my honest opinion you have to have your head in the sand if you don't believe that AI is only going to incrementally improve and expand in capabilities. Just like it has year over year for the last 5 to 10 years. And just like for the last decade it continues to solve more and more real-world problems in increasingly effective manners.

    It isn't just constrained to llms either.

  • I cannot seem to figure out how to get caddy automatic HTTPS to work behind cloud flair proxy.
  • Because the majority of my traffic and services are internal with internal DNS? And I want valid HTTPS certs for them, without exposing my IP in the DNS for those A records.

    If I don't care about leaking my IP in my a records then this is pretty easy. However I don't want to do this for various reasons. One of those being that I engage in security related activities and have no desire to put myself at risk by leaking.

    Even services that I exposed to the internet I still don't want to have my local network traffic go to the internet and back when there is no need for that. SSL termination at my own internal proxy solves that problem.

    I now have this working by using the cloudflare DNS ACME challenge. Those services which I exposed to the internet cloudflare is providing https termination for, cloudflare is then communicating with my proxy which also provides https termination. My internal communication with those services is terminated at my proxy.

  • I cannot seem to figure out how to get caddy automatic HTTPS to work behind cloud flair proxy.
  • I stated in the OP that cloudflair HTTPS is off.

    I'm not using cloudflare for the certificate. I also can't use the cloud for certificate anyways for internal services through a loopback.

    Similarly you can have SSL termination at multiple layers. That's works I have services that proxy through multiple SSL terminations. The issue that I'm having is that the ACME challenge seems to be having issues, these issues are documented and explained in various GitHub threads, however the set of solutions are seemingly different and convoluted for different environments.

    This is why I'm asking this question here after having done a reasonable amount of research and trial and error.

  • I cannot seem to figure out how to get caddy automatic HTTPS to work behind cloud flair proxy.
  • I am doing SSL termination at the handoff which is the caddy proxy. My internal servers have their SSL terminated at caddy, my traffic does not go to the internet.... It loops back from my router to my internal Network.

    However DNS still needs to have subdomains in order to get those certificates, this cloudflair DNS. I do not want my IP to be associated with the subdomains, thus exposing it, therefore cloudflair proxy.

    You're seeing the errors because the proxy backend is being told to speak HTTPS with Caddy, and it doesn't work like that.

    You can have SSL termination at multiple points. Cloudflare can do SSL termination and Cloudflair can also connect to your proxy which also has SSL termination. This is allowed, this works, I have services that do this already. You can have SSL termination at every hop if you want, with different certificates.

    That said, I have cloudflair SSL off, as stated in the OP. Cloudflare is not providing a cert, nor is it trying to communicate with my proxy via HTTPS.

    Contrary to your statement about this not working that way, cloudflair has no issues proxying to my proxy where I already have valid certs. Or even self signed ones, or even no certs. The only thing that doesn't work is the ACME challenge...

    Edit: I have now solved this by using Cloudflair DNS ACME challenge. Cloudflair SSL turned back on. Everything works as expected now, I can have external clients terminate SSL at cloudflair, cloudflair communicate with my proxy through HTTPS, and have internal clients terminate SSL at caddy.

  • 23andMe agrees to $30M settlement for breach lawsuit
  • A password is literally just:

    secret data, typically a string of characters, usually used to confirm a user's identity

    A secret key or passcode meets that definition 🤦 You're most definitely on poor standing here.

    A very long password that no one can remember (ie. A key) is still a password. Also are you unaware of the existence of password managers and random password generation...?

  • How good you feel good about your privacy using apps such as Signal?
  • "spreading misinformation" is a phrase mostly used by feds when they see something they consider to be "wrong think" or not "politically correct". They use this anti-misinformation campaign to support their censorship and mass surveillance system.

    Immediately jumping to discredit and dismiss instead of engage by way of over generalization and accusation is not a good look my man.

  • That moment in life
  • Ultra pro move: Master the art of echo location

  • Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December | TechCrunch
  • It's absolutely bonkers.

    There's so many people here that fight against their own interests by letting perfect be the enemy of good.

  • I cannot seem to figure out how to get caddy automatic HTTPS to work behind cloud flair proxy.

    Hopefully you all can help!

    I've been to hundreds of threads over the last few days trying to puzzle this out, with no luck.

    The problem:

    1. Caddy v2 with acme HTTP-1 ACME challenge (Changed from TLS-ALPN challenge)
    2. Cloudflair DNS with proxy ON
    3. All cloudflair https is off
    4. This is a .co domain

    Any attempt to get certificates fails with an invalid challenge response. If I try and navigate (or curl) to the challenge directly I always get SSL validation errors as if all the requests are trying to upgrade to HTTPS.

    I'm kind of at my wit's end here and am running out of things to try.

    If I turn Cloud flare proxy off and go back to TLS-ALPN challenge, everything works as expected. However I do not wish to expose myself directly and want to use the proxy.

    What should I be doing?


    I have now solved this by using Cloudflair DNS ACME challenge. Cloudflair SSL turned back on. Everything works as expected now, I can have external clients terminate SSL at cloudflair, cloudflair communicate with my proxy through HTTPS, and have internal clients terminate SSL at caddy.

    Mozilla is shutting down their Mastodon instance.
  • Got to love ignorant hot tapes based on article headings.

  • 23andMe agrees to $30M settlement for breach lawsuit
  • That's.... Literally just a long password.

    I assumed you were talking about a private key as in cryptographic private key, where your data is encrypted on the remote server and your private key is required for it to be decrypted and for you to use it.

    If you just talking about something to get into an SSH key then all that is is a longer password.

  • What should I know about using a wheelchair for the first time?

    I just messed my ankle up and am going to a conference in a couple days where I normally walk 15-25 miles/day for the next week.

    I've been advised to use a wheelchair instead of crutches. And will rent one when I get there.

    I get the feeling that I'm throwing myself into the fire here, having never used a wheelchair before, and likely spending a crazy amount of time in one moving around over the next week.

    I usually can't deal with sitting down for more than an hour or so before my back hurts, so I'm worried about that.

    What advice do you all have for me? What do I need to know? What pro-tips should I take for the next week?

    How to "unmask"?

    In my 30's and only within the last few years have I been able to really introspect my life, and realize behaviors that I've "created" or "fake" in social interactions. I struggled a lot in middle/high school, and even through my 20's. I've essentially "found" myself to some degree in my 30's, but I'm actually not sure how much of it is me and how much of it is masking.

    I recognize the signs when I'm being fake in interactions that would benefit from being more genuine. It's automatic, and I've noticed others take notice when it's the wrong mask at the wrong time. Which just means I get better at it, which is nice and all, but it would be cool if it wasn't such an automatic reaction.

    So my question to all of you is how do you reduce masking behavior in situations or relationships where it may be beneficial or necessary to not do so?

    Awkwardly I guess you could answer this with "You get better at it with time", which is true of most things. However, I'm looking for some emotionally intelligent advice or anecdotes.

    Dating/Hangout Anxieties?

    Anyone else get anxiety when waiting for communication on anything soft-planned (or even hard planned for that matter)? Spiraling and all that.

    Especially if the person involved is late or didn't respond. Ofc the reaction is to check in, that's what I'd want someone else to do for me if I indicated I'd do something or message someone. However, that can be interpreted as being needy or clingy when really I just want to know the plan and not be left hanging.

    Life happens ofc, people gotta cancel plans, that's okay. But what really rubs things wrong is being left without information, that's when the anxiety shoots. Do you wait for them, or go do something else? If you go do something else, what happens when they're suddenly available? That's not respecting my time, so it's rude, but do you convey that?? What if you hinged your day on something, that just throws a big ass wrench in.

    Everyone is living their own lives, and things happen, preventing communication. It just feels like it's more common than it used to be, or more... Negligent?


    I guess /rant really.

    Advice Needed: How to get immunotherapy treatment in a rural area where the clinics do not administer the shots?

    I have already seen an allergist, and was on ramp up. We had to move, and to my surprise none of the clinics here will administer allergy shots.

    There is a speciality clinic that will, but only if you are a patient of their allergist, they won't administer injections unless it came from them. There is a 3y wait-list for their allergist.

    This is terrible news. My seasonal allergies are debilitating, they are a disability. In the words of my allergist "You are allergic to the world".

    I could administer them at home, my spouse is an MA and knows how to do the subcutaneous shots. However, that's dangerous, and my allergist refuses to allow me to do this.

    The alternative would be to just walk into a clinic or ER, get the shots administered by my spouse in the lobby. Wait the 20-30 minutes to ensure no anaphylactic reaction, and go home. And do this till I've ramped. But I get the feeling this won't go over well....

    What sort of advice do you have for me on navigating this Lemmy? I was receiving treatment for this condition, and now I can't, which is essentially driving me into depression.

    Right to Repair Act passes Oregon legislature Right to Repair Act passes Oregon legislature

    The bill now heads to the governor's desk. It will require manufacturing companies to stop gatekeeping tools and parts necessary for self-repair.

    Right to Repair Act passes Oregon legislature

    This is great news, and a strong step forward.

    A big part of this are the limitations around part pairing. Which often prevents repairs as the parts on the device are paired to each other and do not allow you to swap them out.

    Recently this has become a problem even for EUVs like OneWheel. Who lock consumers out of repairing or modifying their devices.

    Can no longer load

    Whenever I try and go to this instance it shows that an unexpected error has occurred. What's the dealio?

    The website itself appears to work.

    Nvidia sued after senior employee accidentally showed off confidential files taken from previous employer during a video meeting Nvidia sued after senior employee accidentally showed off confidential files taken from previous employer during a video meeting

    French tech firm Valeo accused Nvidia of using stolen information as a "blueprint for future corporate espionage."

    Nvidia sued after senior employee accidentally showed off confidential files taken from previous employer during a video meeting

    Seems an engineer stole source code, docs, presentations...etc related to car technology.

    How do you search for and go to a community directly?

    I can't seem to figure out how to do this in liftoff.

    The best search and find method that I have for communities is to create a new post and I can search through the communities on an instance there.

    However I'm not sure how else to search for communities, it just go directly to one, as the search function isn't to helpful right now.

    Rarbg Database Dump DMCA'd off GitHub dmca/2023/06/ at master · github/dmca

    Repository with text of DMCA takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. Users identified in the notices are presumed innocent u...

    dmca/2023/06/ at master · github/dmca

    A good example of why GitHub and similar sites/services are not reliable or good places to publicize this sort of data.

    It seems kind of dubious that the DB could be DMCA'd for containing copyrighted videos, when it actually doesn't 🤔

    douglasg14b douglasg14b
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    Comments 739