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Old timers know
  • I know a place where they still do this. They've got an 8-digit user count, 7 digit monthly profits, all running on one server that costs something like $20 a month. They've downsized a few years ago to single-digit employee number and just sit there and collect profits. And this is why I'm now working for a company that casually dropped a few grand for a glorified CPU usage meter and a few grand on top of that for deployment tool that does the same thing that the old guy at a former place was doing with his trusty FTP client.

  • Finally a useful feature (no)
  • Is logitech still not allowing you full customization with presets saved on mouse itself? I'd expect that from the cheapest noname 5-button mouse on the shelf, not logiteck, I thought they got their shit together already given how much praise they usually get.

  • 100 upvotes and I'm doing this tattoo design
  • It's probably because something your instance admins did. For me it didn't show up either, so i looked at the link:

    And it responded with 429 "Too many requests"

    But the url is clearly pointing to imgur, why the middle-man? Just urldecode it and here ya go

  • My mom's doctor be like
  • Still do. ADHD is still not recognized in lots of places and I certainly do, in form of vape. Tried lowering concentration only to find myself smoking at higher power and more often. Also, energy drinks, I don't know what they put in them but withdrawal from them feels exactly like quitting smoking.

  • Password must match the following
  • Yeah! Why can't I use a base64 representation of a pirated 4k TS copy of Jon Favreau's "Chef" as my password? /s

    Jokes aside, I've heard some hashing algorithms have a high cap of like 20 characters, so developers are probably just too lazy to switch them out or to read the docs on how to properly use said algorithms. Either way it's a very bad sign, maybe just a tad better than them emailing you the password in cleartext.

  • Password must match the following
  • I know regex!

    This means:

    • Must not contain whitespace

    • Must contain lowercase latin letter

    • Must contain uppercase latin letter

    • Must contain a number

    • Must contain one of the symbols you'd normally be able to type on US keyboard !@#$%^&*()-=_+[\]{}|;:,./<>?

    It is a cursed way to do validation, though.

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • This. The best you can do is encrypt your messages locally before sending. But then your email service provider still knows where you are, when and to whom you are sending the message to, and how long is it. And so does the recepient's email provider and anyone in between. Best they can do is to promise not to keep that data. But it's just that - a promise, which there is no way to verify.

  • Confound you, WSUS!
  • For me it was the reverse - ntfs-3g was constantly corrupting my windows drives because apparently NTFS is incredibly complicated and it can only handle a subset of that. But, the last time I used dual boot setup was more than 5 years ago. Has this gone any better nowadays?

  • Apple announced RCS with a whimper when it should have been a bang
  • I was about to say the same, but then I remembered that I'm ignoring any business that use WhatsApp or Instagram as their sole means of communication. Fuck yeah I'm a petulant teenager, it's their loss, not mine.

  • Mozilla defies Kremlin, restores banned Firefox add-ons in Russia
  • Feels lonely, most of all. I don't fear the cops or ex-wagners I walk past every time I go to the store. It's the radio silence in once popular channels whose owners were "disappeared", and friends either in exile or too scared to even go out, that makes me feel devastated.

  • Sony is pushing people to fund the invasion of Ukraine with it's geo-restrictions

    Alright, the title is a bit clickbaity, but hear me out!

    Little background: Since the start of the Ukraine invasion, Russia and Belarus have been hit with massive sanctions, and a lot of stuff suddenly became unavailable. That includes quite a few video games that became unavailable on steam. Helldivers being one of them. And, since it started, a lot of people, myself included, have left the country in disagreement with the regime, mostly to ex-USSR countries, like Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Others, who, for some reason, are unable or are unwilling to move, either resorted to piracy, or got their steam accounts switched to one of said countries, mostly with help from friends in one of them. This is a good thing in a way that that that it moves place where the taxes are paid, and gives more power to those countries, especially as they grow wary of their warmongering neighbor and increasingly drift away from their shared USSR past, effectively weakening war machine.

    Now with geographic restrictions put on all of those countries on Steam, I've been pondering if there's a way to still somehow buy this game for my friends to play with, some of whom are still residing in Russia, and stumbled upon this:\_2\_versiya\_RF

    This is a totally legit, official store of one of the oldest major publishers in Russia, and official SONY's partner. What caught my attention is that they have two separate versions available - one for Russia and Belarus, and another for ex-USSR countries. The first one is a little problematic as it means that SONY is continuing doing business in Russia and doesn't give a fuck about it waging a war. But whatever. The second one, on the other hand, is completely nuts. As far as I can tell, it is the only place where you could obtain the game officially in said countries. With the price of roughly $40 with 20% VAT included, that'd be $8 straight into Putin's pockets for every copy sold. Sweet liberty! Plus whatever the publisher's cut is, that gets further taxed down the road. For a person who fled from dictatorship and is conscious about where their money go, or for a citizen of a country that was invaded and is still partly occupied, or a person displaced from their home because the peacekeepers just told them to fuck off and left, that sounds like a bad joke.

    I do realize that VAT from video game sales is a drop in the ocean, compared to oil and gas exports. But still, I'd say that a good enough reason to keep pushing SONY to lift geographic restrictions on Steam.

    Is there any app to delete SMS messages by keyword?

    I'm currently in a country with lots of companies straight up spamming every single number. But, I guess it's by law, all those messages have a word signifying that it's an ad.

    My question is whether there's an app that could auto-remove them, preferrably removing the notification as well and ideally keeping the stock messenger intact.

    I've tried a few from the play market's top but none seemed to work, some didnt even have such a feature. Also tried some automation tools, but couldnt find one that could delete SMS messages.

    Any suggestions?

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