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Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?
  • Does no one see the irony of a negative post complaining about negativity?

  • Car Tracking Can Enable Domestic Abuse. Turning It Off Is Easier Said Than Done
  • This is a serious problem, I think we need to ban cars ASAP!

  • Still bummed about Canadaland

    I'm still sad about Canadaland and still find myself missing it. Has there been any miraculous turn about by Jesse? Has he realized he's been out of touch regarding the Gaza war and the people active in opposing Israel's genocide, war crimes, and human rights abuses?

    Donations Check-in
  • Thanks for posting this comment. I was looking around for a donation link but couldn't find it. Good to know it isn't my search-fu failing me this time.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Dexedrine got me through university, though with some issues.

    Obviously, like all the big stimulants, sleep can be an issue.

    Exercise was a problem - the revving of the cardiovascular system by the drug was heightened during exercise and not a nice feeling at all.

    Your body builds up a tolerance to it, so regular ‘vacations’ from it may be needed to counter that.

    It was 20 years ago when I took it, and was covered by a drug plan that only had a $0.35 payment at the pharmacy, so don’t know about the costs. It’s a really old drug, dating back to the late 1800s, so it seems like it shouldn’t be that expensive, but then I’m not a greedy pharmaceutical company, so what do I know.

  • Elegoo Neptune 4 Max Tool Holder
  • Okay, I figured it out. It goes onto the filament spool holder. Weird.

  • Elegoo Neptune 4 Max Tool Holder

    Anyone know where the tool holder that comes on the USB drive with the Elegoo Neptune 4 Max is supposed to mount on the printer?

    Sweden’s Tesla Blockade Is Spreading
  • Man, nice to see solidarity in action. It’s a rare thing in North America.

  • Hay Bales [OC]
  • Hey, Bails!

  • drewaustin drewaustin
    Posts 2
    Comments 7