What would you like to see in art of a Solarpunk city 5 0
Maybe an old gas station with a new purpose
Guess we will need to stay away from Edge 2 0
Edge is just an edgy meme at this point
Going Dark: EU gründet Arbeitsgruppe gegen Verschlüsselung und Anonymität
netzpolitik.org Going Dark: EU gründet Arbeitsgruppe gegen Verschlüsselung und Anonymität – netzpolitik.org
Die schwedische Ratspräsidentschaft postuliert ein neues Prinzip
The Deprecated Bloodstained Code in the Linux Kernel - LowEndBox
lowendbox.com The Deprecated Bloodstained Code in the Linux Kernel - LowEndBox
Many wonderful people have contributed to the Linux kernel. But one particular codebase has a dark past, and is scheduled to be removed in 2025.