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Drinks and snacks of choice while playing?
  • Roleplaying whiskey. Its just a bottle of whiskey that we all drink when we play

  • Locked
    Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago?
  • I liked stumbleupon. It feels like they are less website to stumbleupon anymore

  • Locked
    Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago?
  • I was part of the great Digg migration and now the great Reddit migration....

  • TIL in the Carboniferous Period, no fungus existed to decompose trees. They just grew on top of each other up and up.
  • Thank God for fungi. They do so much for us and now eating plastics. We really need something to eat it all

  • I love being dominated by my professor.
  • "Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power"
    -Oscar Wilde

  • Therapists are blaming polyamory for patients' problems. These researchers want to change that.
  • Don't forget that therapists fall under multiple different educations that have a different origin and therefore different values. Psychologist, social workers, counselor and licensed marriage and family therapists all perform therapy and different educations with different emphasis. So depending on who you see this will have an affect as well.

  • First strawberries! For those that grow them, how big is your patch?
  • The last two years we have bought Strawberries in a hanging pot. The runners end up with dangling strawberries on them which increases the yield. We didn't winterize them correctly so we got a new basket this year. They spread like crazy so you don't want them directly in the yard.

    Wild strawberries Fragaria virginiana are the North America native variety and are a little more well behaved but will still create a mat that will smoother things under them. Best to buy the plant and let it spread

  • The Alitos, the neighborhood clash and the upside-down flag
  • They are both angry boomer assholes. That sounds about right.

  • Deleted
    Why grocery bills feel so high, even though food inflation is technically low
  • I know. It's the first time in a long time.

  • Deleted
    Why grocery bills feel so high, even though food inflation is technically low
  • Exactly. We need a much higher minimum raise

  • Facts.
  • The correct size is many many handfuls or one bag for most dishes

  • Deleted
    Why grocery bills feel so high, even though food inflation is technically low
  • I like this simple graph and article. It shows that inflation has slowed but since it always a positive the total affect is still large.

  • Deleted
    Why grocery bills feel so high, even though food inflation is technically low
  • This is really true when you think about how much wages have fallen behind for years. To make up that much ground there needs to massive raises. Like the ones won by UAW recently. It will take time until that happens

  • What would the IRL (in real life) of "real life"/offline life be?
  • Whatever you do outside of work. That's real life not whatever you do pay for your real life.

  • [Solved][R&B]
  • Pony - Ginuwine

  • [Solved][R&B]
  • Pony - Ginuwine

  • Amtrak Borealis launches, connecting Chicago and Twin Cities – NBC Chicago
  • Don't mind the price but the time is long. It will be slightly faster than driving but most of that time is gained going from the Chicago burbs to the city center. Depends on where in Chicago you are going

  • Trump Tells Libertarians to Nominate Him, and Mocks Them When They Boo
  • They are libertarians they will continue to vote for the libertarian candidate like they always do

  • Biden-Harris Administration Announces Additional $7.7 Billion in Approved Student Debt Relief for 160,000 Borrowees
  • Love to see it. You know that every month until now until the election there will be more. Can't wait

  • What would be the consequences of a smallsword wound to the belly?
  • It's fencing so I would make it a rapier which is 1d8+ Dex. But I agree about the crit. Better hope it's not a rogue....

  • Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights

    Men do think about matters of the heart, but writing about it publicly could be seen as undignified, says journalist Imogen West-Knights

    Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights

    Men do think about matters of the heart, but writing about it publicly could be seen as undignified, says journalist Imogen West-Knights

    Mean Girls | Regina's Version (2024 Movie)

    At least this version has some singing in the trailer for the musical.

    Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.

    Harping on people to get married from up in the ivory tower fails to engage with reality of life in the dating trenches.

    Nine Arches: Anyone played it before

    Does anyone have any experience with this? My wife and I love games and love adventures. We are always looking for new things to do and was wondering what people's experiences are with this. She loves Tarot and this keeps getting recommended to us online. Want to see what people think before we buy it

    What the Twin Cities Do Better Than Anywhere Else in the US

    Interesting look at the Minneapolis / St. Paul area from an urban planning and transit standpoint. It mostly focuses on Minneapolis and talks about the good and bad about how the city runs

    Minnesota dumples
    Rethinking I-94 Alternatives Survey Rethinking I-94 Alternatives Survey

    Thank you for your interest in providing feedback on the initial range of alternatives before MnDOT refines the concepts and evaluates them. This is your opportunity to tell us what should be incorporated and if there should be additional alternatives developed. Please be clear, concise, and as spec...

    Rethinking I-94 Alternatives Survey

    Survey about the changes to I-94 from the MNDOT. The differences are hard to see but would have large changes in the quality of life within the cities

    Rethinking I-94 Alternatives Survey Rethinking I-94 Alternatives Survey

    Thank you for your interest in providing feedback on the initial range of alternatives before MnDOT refines the concepts and evaluates them. This is your opportunity to tell us what should be incorporated and if there should be additional alternatives developed. Please be clear, concise, and as spec...

    Rethinking I-94 Alternatives Survey

    Survey about the changes to I-94 from the MNDOT. The differences are hard to see but would have large changes in the quality of life within the cities

    Star Trek's First Gay Ship-Mates? The Star-Crossed Romance of Garak & Bashir

    An in-depth look at the star crossed lovers we didn't get to see in DS9 including interviews with the cast and crew about why it didn't happen. Includes some details about the origin of slash fic

    Gardening dumples
    Veggie Garden Tour - Early July - S4 E3

    It's one week into a lovely zone 4 Minnesota July and Brian gives a tour of the veggie garden to see what all is growing -- and how well -- at this time of year

    Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience.

    It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my first game I found dndnext where I could learn about the current edition. I spent hours and at least 1000 comments talking about playtests, new books, character concepts, rules, adventures and eventually the new onednd playtest.

    If you aren't familiar with DnD you might be unfamiliar with their owner wizards of the coast (WoTC) which is part of Hasbro. WoTC has been awful this year, trying to rescind their open licence agreement which allows 3rd parties to operate. They broke their workers union with the Pinkertons and their are rumors their new edition will be digital only. I stopped even caring about the new playtests and completely disengaged with learning anything new.

    So I was deleting comments on the old forum that provided me so much entertainment about the old game that I used to love. Both ruined in the same year but overwhelming greed. If that isn't the most millennial late stage capitalism experience I don't know what is.

    What "third generation" Trek is worth watching?

    I started with Star Trek after watching the Star Trek (2009) movie in college. After that I went wild watching everything I could since I was young with loads of time. I watched most of TOS, all of TNS, all of DS9, all of Voyager, all of Enterprise and all of the movies. I then stopped since I didn't have the time and wasn't ready to download a new app to watch Discovery.

    I am interested in watching some of the new shows from Discovery onwards but don't know where to start and what are worth watching. I no longer have hours to watch TV or movies anymore and want to prioritize series on an easy to find streaming service. What is worth watching and what is worth skipping? Is it worth while to watch them all the way chronically or just watch one series and then another one.

    Dobbs Turned Abortion Into A Huge Liability For Republicans Dobbs Turned Abortion Into A Huge Liability For Republicans

    When Theresa M. started attending a support group for breast cancer survivors, she didn’t expect political issues like abortion to be a part of the conversation…

    Dobbs Turned Abortion Into A Huge Liability For Republicans

    Interesting take on how polls have shown changes in how abortions have changes since dobbs

    dumples dumples
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