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What's some sex ed info you didn't know until embarrasingly late?
  • I think the idea was two holes right near each other on the head, one for piss and one for cum lol

  • What's some sex ed info you didn't know until embarrasingly late?
  • Not my info but this year a classmate confided in me the following:

    "it took an embarrassingly long time to realize that men have multiple holes on their penis".

    I thought she was joking but she was dead serious, (she was from a very conservative family to put it mildly and had been withheld from sex-ed their entire life). For some reason they insisted arguing about it with me and the other guy present.

    I was 22 and she was 21.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from October 23rd to October 29th, 2023 - Tunnel Vision
  • Yeah probably, I think to their credit though the Muslim Students group has hosted their own events. Also to the shocking credit of my universities subreddit, almost every comment I saw was in support of Palestine, and also called out this groups decision to 'boycott/wreck' this protest as being motivated by anti-communism more than anything else.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from October 23rd to October 29th, 2023 - Tunnel Vision
  • The Muslim club lol, the rumours about the communist club is sex-pest related, I should clarify I am no longer a student and all of these things are things I have basically heard through the grapevine or social media.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from October 23rd to October 29th, 2023 - Tunnel Vision
  • I don’t know exactly, but from what I heard about that club when I was a student probably lol. The official explanation I heard is that it’s “silencing Palestinian voices” or something.

    Edit: I should clarify the rumours that I heard about this club, which again I have not in any way confirmed in an official matter, is that members have ratted out women to their families for not wearing Hijab.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from October 23rd to October 29th, 2023 - Tunnel Vision
  • There is a Palestinian solidarity March being held at my old university ran by its communist club. The Muslim Students Association at this same university is urging everybody not to go.

    What a mess.

    Edit: I just realized I posted this in the news thread rather than the general thread, oops.

  • Anyone else get irrationally annoyed when games anachronistically whitewash deeply shitty societies to the point that it turns into apologetics, just to avoid grappling with problematic themes?
  • I will say I have been guilty of using the world cracker / more evil bombardment stances for the sake of convenience in Stellaris.

    I think that if HOI4 is to add the holocaust as a game mechanic it should just be an insurmountable siphon of manpower/materials/factories. Even with that all the perverts that play it would likely still have an undesired reaction to it

  • Chances of being fired for speaking out about Palestine
  • I understand the point of the Mao quote but I’m gonna be honest my social life has drastically improved since I stopped being so “zealous”

  • Reminder that Armed Resitance against illegal occupation is legal under international law.
  • Stealing a post from the trueanon subreddit: “Gaza is both morally and conceptually the same as the Warsaw Ghetto”

  • Are we neckbeards?
  • MAGA 'Communists" in shambles

  • What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • I may be wrong but I thought it was generally believed that the Universe is infinite (or at least that that was the most common belief among those that are qualified in the field)

    Edit: I mean infinite in Space, of course it hasn't existed forever

    Edit2: I quickly read this article where the 3 astronomers answered maybe, yes, and yes. Whereas the two non-astronomers answered no. Since this seems to agree with me I will believe that this is correct and not investigate further

  • I'm literally dying and you think this is a joke: why white people are the real victims (of fusion cuisine)
  • Last time I was at the grocery store they only had the 2x spicy ones, guess this confirms I was right to pass on them that time.

  • Deleted
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  • Notice how there are two entirely separate Russia balkanizations shown. Proof that these maps have basically 0 to do with anything about minority nations self-determining or whatever. I guess that has always gone without saying though.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • yes

  • Experts sound alarm over concerning ‘propaganda’ found in public school curriculum: ‘It’s evil more than it is stupid’
  • Yeah I'm seeing this at the level of my provincial government (Alberta) all green energy projects being indefinitely canceled/ not being approved in favor of oil and gas based power. Ostensibly to protect jobs but the rhetoric used about it clearly just being backlash against the commie libs (and Turdeau of course)

  • eXAt eXAt [he/him]
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