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Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • Ok why is there a shit storm about this word now? Linux modding isn't new. Ricing has been used to describe it for a long time. In many ways... isn't it good to pave over bad meanings with inclusive meanings?

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • Why are you stirring up shit about a word that a majority of users associate with Linux modding? What number of people exactly know the old meaning? Is your teaching the people that it's a racist word help anyway?

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • Just because there are some users that stumble upon content semi-organically doesn’t mean brigading and piling on isn’t happening

    That's some next level mental gymnastics to justify why people are disagreeing with you. Look, ricing isn't racist. It's better this way. Let the old meaning die. Let racist inventions be superseded. Don't complain something organic is reminding YOU about some bad meaning associated with a word in the past.

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • Also nonracists using a racist term doesnt make the term stop being racist.

    It does though. Gay was used to mean happy. Now it means homosexuals. Inbetween, it used to be a slang... now it no longer is. There's nothing in humanity as fluid as language.

    Curing doesnt start by not meaning it when you keep using the racist term. You dont bandage a stab wound by continually stabbing the victim.

    Teaching people who are not aware that it's racist IS stabbing a wound that was healing (by other people who were making it mean something cool and inclusive).

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • What if we learn to make new meaning for these words and forget the old ones? Are you able to forget and move on? Or are you too stuck in your ways to see everything for what it was once and not reform the world around you?

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • My Opinion is this:

    1. Racist/Able-ist words were once normal words. Gay used to mean "Happy" (this applies for other words probably, but I am not able to recall at the moment)
    2. Many people had no idea that ricing was a racist slang. They wanted to use it to describe a cool new thing that's inclusive.
    3. Would you agree that a word whose racist meaning is forgotten and it now referring to something inclusive and cool is a good thing in general?
  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • Would you agree that a word that was so racist is now being demolished of it's original bad meaning and something inclusive is being built in it's place is a good thing?

    A sort of reformation or curing? After all, racist words were not racist until racists started using those words to be racist.

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • If a word changes it’s general meaning in normal day use… from something so bad to something that’s no longer associated with said bad thing… is it really bad? What about gay then? That term has be co-opted by homosexual men. Do you suggest we stop using the word gay?

    Why don't you like that words are being declawed from their original poisonous nature?

  • Hey, we should all really stop using racist slang to refer to customozation
  • Not OP but, You're missing the point. This fact about the word rice is new to a lot of folks here, including me. You're hellbent on proving that everybody is in on some racist circle that's perpetuating the use of this word.

    If a word changes it's general meaning in normal day use... from something so bad to something that's no longer associated with said bad thing... is it really bad? What about gay then? That term has be co-opted by homosexual men. Do you suggest we stop using the word gay? Then I would call you a reactionary.

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