figaro @ figaro Posts 7Comments 793Joined 2 yr. ago
Thank you for being a voice of reason. People here are completely out of touch from reality
Shutdown 315
This post is going nowhere because it doesn't have realistic backing of anyone significant. So no, this post isn't going to change anything, even if I decide to sacrifice my job for some rando trying to start a movement.
Wake me up when it gets any significant traction
Shutdown 315
Man it's going to be great when all 50 of us get fired from our jobs.
Wake me up when normies are on board. I'm not fucking up my life for nothing.
Idk man, she is fighting daily for the middle class, and is consistently against billionaires existing. That's sort of her whole thing. If anything she seems more in touch with the issues regular people face more than anyone in Congress.
This feels like a bad faith attempt to find something not to like about her.
The job of being in congress pays 174k per year, so having some amount of money after doing that job for multiple years is inevitable.
AOC is one of the most outspoken leftists in the government. If anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt it is her.
👀 what is the file name??
Oh I actually went to this place! It's pretty good!
Lol. California just became The State of Los Angeles
Can you quantify soon here? I agree with you that they don't have good intentions, but I think that framing it as like, a planned genocide is not accurate. More realistically what can happen is more systemic injustices and consolidations of power to prevent anyone from resisting.
Thank you. It's fine for people here to like these kinds of things, I'm not opposed to that. But be realistic. This will never be the public standard.
This. I put protein shakes in the freezer bc they taste better the colder they are. They aren't good though if you freeze them then let them thaw, so it's a pretty high risk game. I try to remember to set a 30 minute timer on my phone whenever I do it.
I did this when I was in Japan. I didn't want to jump through all their ridiculous hoops to get tap to pay to work, so I just threw my NFC debit card into my case and called it a day. Worked 90% of the time.
What a silly little dude
Pink would be politically beneficial. You could legitimately make major progress in the world with that power. Someone who disagrees with you tries to speak publicly? Time to poop. Hell. Just harass them with explosive diarrhea until they notice the trend that whenever they do something political, the diarrhea returns.
Good. Make shame a thing again.
I mean it's worked before? 😅 New hobby let's goooo
I know that there is always more that could be done, but did the infrastructure bill, the chips bill, and the inflation reduction act count toward helping the middle class?
How did that turn out?
Exactly. America has done this to itself. We absolutely deserve whatever happens at this point.