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What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • Wow that sounds like so much fun.


    For real, people should put disclaimers when recommending software like this. "I really like their vision, but installer beware! It is not ready for noobs! Also calling and texting just doesn't work! Lol good luck!"

  • Journalism
  • Bro this sort of thing is actually racist. Jewish people I know aren't for genocide. It's like the US - the government sucks, yes, but most people are just living their life trying to be happy, and don't want to harm others.

  • The Verge shows how Google search is useless
  • For the record though, I used bing for the duration of 2023, sort of as an experiment to use the ai assistant.

    Bing search is worse that Google by a long shot. I almost always gave up and used Google.

  • 'Absurd!': US Billionaires Pay Lower Tax Rate Than Working Class for First Time
  • It will be a tug of war between the right and the left, leaning slightly right on economic issues pretty much forever.

    America is basically run by large corporations. I don't see them just willingly changing course. We will get small wins here and there, but nothing drastic for a long time.

    Edit - the spice must flow

  • Aren't you?
  • What is the plan to fight for something better? Like... I'm really not trying to be snarky, I swear, but voting for any party that is not R or D on election Day is never going to result in someone other than someone from one of those two parties being president. That just won't happen. So unless there is an alternative path for change, I don't see the point of voting for someone other than a democrat to at least mitigate the damage

  • Aren't you?
  • Voting does do something for fascists. Trump got into office, and now we have an insane Supreme Court that is systematically undoing 100 years of progress.

    That is because Trump was elected by people voting.

  • Aren't you?
  • Hey! So I know you are getting people being snarky and whatnot, but I have a legitimate question.

    Could you address the question regarding how the Democrats are at least the party that are at least making slow progress, as opposed to not voting against the party that will turn the country into a Christian theocracy if given the chance?

    Like I understand that you don't like either candidate - neither do we - but realistically, we know the winner will be either a Republican or a Democrat. Why not support the one that at least won't regress the country 500 years?

  • Android Controller Support in the New Update?

    lolll just kidding I've completely lost hope.

    Exclusive controller support on mobile platforms is absolutely a set deal they have with Apple.

    Telegram X reactions


    Does anyone know how the "quick reactions" in telegram X work? On the normal app, you double click the message, and your preset reaction bops in. It doesn't seem to work the same way in X. There is a setting for it, but I have no idea how to get it to work.


    I've been watching a lot of HeathyGamerGG lately. Is he good?

    For those who don't know, he is a twitch streamer/youtuber that talks a lot about mental health, specifically for gamers and people in the internet generation.

    In some videos, he does "therapy sessions" (technically they are not for legal purposes, but they definitely feel like therapy) with various people in the twitch/youtube sphere. I am really interested to hear the perspective of different therapists regarding his content.

    Are his interactions with people similar to what you see in real therapy sessions? Most importantly, would it be worthwhile studying how he conducts these sessions and learning from them?

    Thanks for any insights!

    What would happen if we put a giant glass tinted dome over each city?

    In this scenario, we aren't trapped in the dome. There are openings and doors, so we can get out, cycle in fresh air, etc.

    Is this a viable solution to way to avoid the effects of climate change? Would it be cooler in the dome? Would there be any negative repercussions? Would clouds form inside the dome? Could it rain in the dome? Would the rain be more toxic than usual because car fumes wouldn't dilute as well? Could outside lightning break the dome if it got struck? Would there be a single point in the dome that the sunlight would be directed to that everyone would just have to avoid, else they just burst into flame?

    Sorry but I have so many questions about this. Apparently there was a show about the situation, but all I remember is that it wasn't very good. Hank from Breaking Bad was in it.

    How do therapists avoid feelings of burnout?

    I was thinking about this today, and would love some kind of feedback from practicing therapists. How do you avoid burnout?

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