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1 yr. ago


  • Basically, every method has its pros and cons. For me, a few drops of oil and irrigation work fine. But I also know some people require manual curette and suction to get it cleaned.

    And yes, the ear bulb has its own cons. For example, you shouldn’t do it if you’ve ever had ear related trauma like a blown eardrum or ear tubes. And it should always be done with lukewarm water, as cold water can lead to dizziness.

    For me, here in the Netherlands, it’s a free doctor’s visit to get it done. Only costs me the ten minute wait in the waiting room.

  • Q-tips

  • You can, but in general it’s good to be aware of risk factors and the proper way to do it.

    For example, if you’ve had ear issues like a ruptured eardrum, ear tubes or a history of infections, it’s best to let a doctor look at it first. It’s a fairly safe thing to do, but there are contra-indications to be aware of.

    Another important note: if you’ve do irrigate, it’s usually best to use lukewarm water. If you’ve use cold water, it can lead to dizziness. Not everyone is susceptible to that, but it’s good to be aware of it.

    I’m like your wife, in that I get clogged ears naturally. Particularly my right ear. I have a slightly wonky ear canal, which causes wax to build up. I usually get it cleaned every year or so. Olive oil drops help to get things going.

  • Q-tips

  • Honestly though… irrigation to me is just as enjoyable :D

    It’s like scratching an itch in a spot you didn’t even know was itching. And you’re going to love how clean it feels. Definitely get it done at least once if you’ve never experienced it.

  • Q-tips

  • DO NOT stick anything in your ears. Absolutely not.

    Your ears are self cleaning. Earwax is a cleaning mechanism, that’s designed to trap dirt and things and remove them from your ear. It works with your jaw movement, which slowly moves the wax to the outermost part of the ear.

    If you use Q-tips, your ears produces more wax because it thinks there’s something that needs cleaning. Basically, you’re making things worse by doing that.

    If you’ve got a clogged ear: first try a few drops of olive oil and let it sit for a minute or two. That’ll soften the wax and make it easier to get out. Usually you’ll need to do it a day or two.

    If your ear remains clogged, get it irrigated at your doctor’s office. They squirt lukewarm water in it to flush out your ear canal. You’ll have awesome superhero hearing for a day or so afterwards. It’s quick and painless if done properly.

    Do not fuck with your ears yourself. It’s not worth it.

  • At some point it’s gonna get dystopian enough that your phone will require a blood sample before it lets you online, to confirm that you are in fact a meat popsicle.

  • You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.

    Many people are too uninformed to understand why RCV benefits them. Others understand that it’s liable to upset the status quo that they like. Between ignorance and malice, it’s not surprising that RCV is a difficult sell.

  • Back in the ‘90’s, they had every port you could imagine, and some STILL felt the need to use a docking station. You really can’t please everyone. I actually like the streamlined setup more these days. Because I’d rather have ports I actually use and that are fairly standardised, as opposed to a bunch of others that are of no use.

    I never used most of the ports on my 90’s laptops. Never used a parallel port, PS2, never used the PCMCIA card slot, etc.

    All I really need is a full sized HDMI, a few USB-C’s and one or two A’s for convenience.

  • Got one yesterday. I’ve already made up my mind that I’m likely to switch to Linux Mint on my current PC and run that till it drops dead. Because I’m sure as shit not messing with or upgrading my three year old PC over something asinine like a TPM module. I don’t even want a new Windows. I like my PC just fine the way it is.

    If Microsoft thinks they can force me to Windows 11, I fucking dare them. I switched to Mac before and I’m not afraid to switch to any other OS either.

  • Apart from Flight Simulator 2020 and DCS, I absolutely love games like Euro Truk Simulator 2 and Snowrunner. I put ungodly amounts of hours into those. Especially ETS 2 is incredibly relaxing. No pressure, just a lovely drive. It’s definitely not for everyone though.

  • Agreed. If someone can’t be bothered to write two sentences, they really have no business being on a discussion platform. Because clearly they won’t be contributing much if anything to the conversation.

  • I hadn’t seen the runtime before; you’re right! 161 minutes! That’s definitely three hours with trailers and intermission. Yowza.

    It does seem strange to have a part 2 with that much runtime.

  • That’s a slap on the wrist if they only impose the fine. That should be a five year jail sentence at least.

    You cannot act like a dick like this in other countries. Defacing a religious site no less.

  • It’s annoying when they do it for sure. And personally, I love a long movie. I’d rather watch a three hour epic than two 90 minute movies.

    But I don’t have the attention span of a goldfish like many people seem to have these days. So it’s understandable that they feel the need to split, especially if there’s going to be kids watching it.

  • It was pretty obvious most Americans don’t care about Gaza, and didn’t let it influence their voting.

    I’ve seen polling prior to the election that asked people about their most important issues when voting.

    The Republican voter's top issues were the economy, immigration, terrorism/nation security, crime and taxes.

    Meanwhile, the Democrat top issues were US democracy, the supreme court, abortion, healthcare and education.

    Basically, foreign policy was a non issue for voters. Gaza did not factor into most voter’s decisions at all. And of course it doesn’t. When you’re worried about putting food on the table, you can’t afford rent, your bodily autonomy is at stake and your country is going to shit… you’d be silly to vote based on Gaza. Because that’s directly voting against your own interests. Gaza should not have been a large talking point or even at all.

    I think the reason a lot of Democrats stayed home was basically candidate fatigue. They just didn’t feel like voting for a candidate so boring and faceless. And she didn’t have nearly enough time to turn things around. Why bother voting when democratic leadership clearly isn’t taking voters and their actual issues seriously?

  • This really feels insane, even for this day and age. Which makes me think we’re probably not getting the entire story.

    If true, it’s downright silly. Back in the 80’s, we were out of the house unsupervised for hours. Parents just about encouraged you take candy from friendly strangers or to hitch a ride in their cool white van with ‘Free Puppies’ written on it. As long as you made it home without broken bones, they didn’t care. Ask anyone from my generation.

  • At that point I’d just go full legal mononym like Cher and Teller.

  • I hope they put our Dutch rifles and bullets to good use. Let’s take off some zeroes.

  • ‘Serving sizes’ are absolute nonsense. They are always wildly out of step with reality. Only reason they put it on there is so manufacturers can claim “our product isn’t bad, it only contains X calories per serving”.

    Meanwhile, they put serving sizes fit for ants on packages that clearly aren’t meant to be shared and don’t reflect reasonable consumption. For example, a serving size of three jelly beans is silly by any stretch of the imagination. So is putting ‘serving sizes’ on a soda can. And a sleeve of Oreos? One cookie is a serving. Yeah, we all know that’s not how you eat Oreos…

  • Re: Gladio: no, not the bad bits that cropped up eventually, but the original purpose of fighting an oppressive regime that's taken hold within your own borders. Don't take it TOO seriously :D

    I'd love to see a bloodless political revolution. But past history leads me to believe there's gonna be guns involved somewhere down the line for there to be actual change.

  • With respect to The Internationale, that's just not a banger like Bella Ciao is. If I'm thinking of 'let's oppose a fascist regime and/or do some Operation Gladio shit in 1970's Italy while carrying submachineguns, dressed in leather jackets and balaclavas', Bella Ciao is a much more appropriate choice for a modern era.

    A lot of the versions of The Internationale that I've heard sound more like school plays. It's not something one would describe as 'rousing'.