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Miracle cures
  • If it kills your cells, it can't be bad, right?

  • Miracle cures
  • Reminds me of this website happily reporting that you should eat curcuma because curcumin was shown (?) to be a possible cellular anti-proliferating... đŸ€Š

  • Macron To Meet Scholz, Marking First State Visit By A French President To Germany In 24 Years - News18
  • Maybe it was that Merkel just didn't want to do state visits.

    It's possible she didn't for the French president she had to deal with. As far as I remember she got along with Chirac, but for a short time, she despised Sarkozy, she didn't care much for Hollande and she was quickly disappointed by Macron.

  • Macron To Meet Scholz, Marking First State Visit By A French President To Germany In 24 Years - News18
  • First state visit, not first visit. A state visit is something particular with all the honours and the like.

  • We live in a meritocracy.
  • Some people did, look up the Peer Community Journal. Backed up by more and more organisations.

  • How to create a bootable Linux USB drive
  • I tried Windows ToGo on a few USB keys (including two high-speed ones), never managed to get something I could actually use that was not laggy AF, to the point it's not usable (dozens of minutes to boot, lags of entire minutes and so on). Did I do something wrong?

  • Shortcut to input a string of text in Plasma Wayland
  • Hm, I don't think it works, because as far as I understand, wl-paste is outputting the content of clipboard into stdout, not actually "pasting" the content (or at least, I can't make it paste something outside of stdout, maybe I'm being thick).

  • Shortcut to input a string of text in Plasma Wayland
  • Interesting take! Worth a shot!

  • Shortcut to input a string of text in Plasma Wayland
  • Looks interesting. I'm not entirely sure it can output two keys since it's a remapper, but I'll dig into more details tomorrow, thanks!

  • Shortcut to input a string of text in Plasma Wayland
  • Seems interesting. I'm happy if it works with just as a text replacement. Seems a bit of a pain to install though! 😅

    I'll have a look in more details tomorrow! Cheers!

  • Shortcut to input a string of text in Plasma Wayland
  • Yeah, I tried this way, but due to the issue with keyboard layout, ydotool does not output |>, but some gibberish instead. I couldn't reverse-engineer how to make it output a proper |>.

  • Shortcut to input a string of text in Plasma Wayland

    OK, so I'm a heavy user of the native pipe in R which goes like this "|>". This is particularly painful to type on French keyboard, so on Plasma X11, I had a little script using xdotools to input |> when I pressed Ctrl+$. Very comfortable!

    With the switch to Plasma 6, I'm now using Wayland because one needs to live with one time, I guess. But this means I lost the ability to use xdotools to do that.

    I tried wtype, which seemed easy, but it doesn't seem to work in Plasma (and is not maintained any more?).

    I tried ydotools, which is harder to set up (it requires running a deamon as root, which is not convenient and also defeats the security purpose of Wayland I guess? Maybe not, I'm no expert). The problem with ydotools is that it doesn't seem to be aware of the keyboard layout, and since my keyboard is French AZERTY, it outputs gibberish instead of, well, |>.

    So, here's my question for you guys: do you know of any other (if possible, easy as wtype is/was) way to setup a string input associated to a shortcut?

    This week in KDE: looking forward towards Plasma 6.1
  • There's now a separated luminosity applet that will change brightness if you scroll on it (normally, didn't check, I'm on my phone).

  • Effective decolonization requires a radical transformation that can only be realized through a radical praxis.
  • That's exactly the goal of Peer Community In: you put your paper on some archive, you ask a "Recommender" to recommend the paper, they select reviewers and the lot, and they decide to recommend or not your paper after some iteration of the process (classical peer review I'd say). Then you can update your paper in a final version, with a kind of stamped version saying it was recommended by XXX (the peer review process is published along as well, I believe).

  • LibreOffice 24.2.1 Office Suite Is Out with More Than 100 Bug Fixes
  • There's a desktop edition of OnlyOffice FYI.

  • Removed
    Microsoft Word’s Subtle Typeface Change Affected Millions. Did You Notice?
  • I love Linux Libertine. An excellent font for professional looking documents!

  • KMail reading pane [SOLVED]
  • Possibly a bug? I can't reproduce, the panel is keeping the custom size I set it to when I quite and restart Kmail.

  • Linux devices are under attack by a never-before-seen worm
  • Not particularly security savvy, but :

    The infected devices then attempt to crack the telnet password by guessing default and commonly used credential pairs.

    My understanding is that the worm is targetting connected devices with supidly simple credentials, which is why "Internet-of-Things" is mentioned?

  • Some of y'all need to see this and drop the superiority complex...
  • I raise to you the current version of openSUSE Tumbleweed: 20240108! I think we've got the winner...

  • Evolution is not as random as previously thought, finds new study
  • Not only mutations, genetic drift as well, which by definition, happens purely at random. But yes!

  • A tool to filter and reorganise iCalendar (ICS) files?


    I would like to reorganise a big calendar into several smaller ones, e.g. based on the categories of events (say categories "Birthday" would be moved to a "Birthday" calendar and so on). I know it could some up with some highly convoluted awk script to filter the very unfriendly ICS format, but I thought I could simplify my life and use the work of some nice person who certainly had come up with a tool to manipulate ICS files (GUI or CLI), right?

    It turns out, I can find many small scripts or Github repos named "icsfilter" or the like, but nothing seemingly quite established.

    That's why I turn to this great community: anybody who was confronted to the same problem and could recommend a nice utility to filter ICS files?

    Thanks a lot!

    Show community icon

    Hi there! I'm trying Boost currently, liking a lot so far. Something I'm missing from Jerboa is the ease to recognise the community from a post using the community icon. I see no option to get that in Boost. Am I missing something?

    DĂ©pression chez les enfants, TDAH
 Caroline Goldman, le grand n’importe quoi sur France Inter DĂ©pression chez les enfants, TDAH
 Caroline Goldman, le grand n’importe quoi sur France Inter

    La psychanalyste, Ă  qui la radio a accordĂ© 40 Ă©missions cet Ă©tĂ©, enchaĂźne les approximations et erreurs mĂ©dicales et scientifiques, au grand dam des psychiatres et des chercheurs.

    DĂ©pression chez les enfants, TDAH
 Caroline Goldman, le grand n’importe quoi sur France Inter

    publication croisée depuis :

    > Quelle dĂ©bĂącle cette chronique, c'est dingue qu'on puisse tenir ce type de discours Ă  l'antenne de France Inter, c'est mĂȘme dangereux.

    Le moustique est-il utile? Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    publication croisée depuis :

    > MalgrĂ© un titre putaclic (le moustique est mentionnĂ© une fois dans toute la vidĂ©o, pour dire que les mĂąles pollinisent), une vidĂ©o extrĂȘmement intĂ©ressante de l'ami Jamy sur le rĂŽle Ă©cologique trĂšs important des insectes.

    Le taux du Livret A reste Ă  3 % : coup de tonnerre pour les Ă©pargnants ! Le taux du Livret A reste Ă  3 % : coup de tonnerre pour les Ă©pargnants !

    Alors que la formule de calcul aurait dĂ» amener la rĂ©munĂ©ration du livret A et du LDDS Ă  4 %, la Banque de France et Bercy ont dĂ©cidĂ© de blo

    Le taux du Livret A reste Ă  3 % : coup de tonnerre pour les Ă©pargnants !

    Eh beh... Je suis d'autant plus content qu'on ait réussi à acheter juste avant l'inflation, plutÎt que de voir son épargne fondre à cause de décisions de ce type!

    Instance injoignable ?


    Je cherche Ă  m'abonner depuis Ă  des communautĂ©s de mon autre instance de rattachement (, et malgrĂ© le fait que l'instance est censĂ©e ĂȘtre liĂ©e, je ne trouve pas les communautĂ©s en cherchant directement ou par URL.

    C'est normal ?

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