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Update for the sad post yesterday

My previous post was about one of the two kittens I saved being near death and the vet said there was nothing we can do and suggested putting him down. As I said before, we decided against that and took him home to keep him warm. He slept in bed with us tucked into a heating pad. Still as weak and frail as before.

Suddenly around 5AM he woke up. He couldn’t stay still. He had so much energy. He kept jumping off our bed. So I put him and his heating pad in his tent with his brother. A few hours later we went to bottle feed him and he drank sooooo much. We tried giving him some wet food and he devoured it. He’s been acting pretty normal since. Still small but gaining weight.

So despite the vet saying it’s near impossible him for survive he proved them wrong and pulled through!

Thanks for the support on people who commented or otherwise thought about us to send good vibes.

Warning: Sad Story | Fading Kitten Syndrome
  • Thank you so much for all the kind words. It does help. This is so rough for us. He’s eating a very little bit but it’s still not looking great.

    Thankful to say his brother seems to be doing perfect.

  • Why do you use the terminal?
  • Everyone’s different idk. I myself love command line. I have enjoyed Linux for a long time but it didn’t really become my daily driver until recently. I find it very rare that I use the GUI for more than gaming and watching stuff. Everything else is command line. I’ve had friends refuse to try Linux due to the “requirement” of needing to do stuff in command line. When I showed them some newer distros that appeal to users who don’t really feel comfortable with command lines.

  • Cross Progression PC/PS5
  • Yes and yes. Though I believe I figured it out and as usual it was user error lol

    So antsy to play on my new entertainment center I closed the Pc game after I saw the cloud icon but not before the icon switched to the checkmark. So I redid the pc save waited this time and new error cause I don’t own the dlc on ps5. Downloading now so hopefully I’m good from here lol

  • Cross Progression PC/PS5

    Update: I finally got the save to show on ps5 (I was impatient and excited the pc cyberpunk before the save actually uploaded) but can’t play it without the dlc since I got it on PC. Makes sense. I bought it on ps5 and the game doesn’t recognize it. My assumption is cause I upgraded from a EUR version of cyberpunk 2077 I got off Amazon….

    Update 2: for anyone who sees this or cares. I did get it all worked out but that EUR copy made things a bit frustrating. Sony refunded the American regional version of phantom liberty for me. I then bought $30 worth of Hungarian ps gift cards redeemed them bought the dlc and everything works! Somehow I even saved 2.50 lol

    I’ve seen lots of posts about this but sadly nothing that’s worked for me yet. I know CD Project Red used to say PC to console doesn’t work but they removed that I think and I’ve talked / seen people where it did work. Maybe even me but I forget (if the older saves started on PC or PS5). I saved my game on PC after enabling cross progression and it has the cloud icon. I go to ps5 and I only see 2 cloud icons (instead of 3) and the 2 are from 6 months ago. Back on my Pc again and I have 3. The 2 old ones I see from before and the new one. There’s gotta be something I’m doing wrong.

    What the Fuck Amazon?!
  • Not sure I understand the question.

    If you mean about getting torrents that could be viruses the way it works I don’t think that would be an issue but they might have stuff in play to make it that way.

    Given the torrents nor files are ever on your computer I can’t see it being problematic. Unless it’s possible to stream a video via torrent and that torrent somehow injecting bad code in.

    Though another advantage to debrid is that majority of the content is cached due to the amount of people using it. So bad torrents would very likely not stay cached long but it could be an issue with more niche content maybe?

  • Removed
    Texas judge allows Kate Cox to abort fetus with lethal abnormality | The Texas Tribune
  • I don’t know shit about legal stuff but would a judge allowing this make it easier for others. Like she paid a terrible price but hopefully some people can benefit? I know I’m being optimistic and probably wrong but I’d like to hope that.

  • Google unveils AlphaCode 2, powered by Gemini
  • I’ve recently been getting into programming for work. Which of course has got me trying to learn more about AI. I’m still a super amateur. I started with bing AI cause that free gpt4 access and bypassing the 4k character limit by telling bing not to reply until I’m done. Now I’m primarily using free plan of phind and its vscode extension. Which I really like. I don’t use the buttons that write code as I always write code myself and rarely copy paste. Helps me learn. I just like that it’s quicker without crazy character limits.

    I did recently see that you can pay for bing AI in VS code. Then it got me thinking if I’m gonna pay then I want to make sure it is for something good and prob not Microsoft. So considering paying for phind but now I am trying to look into what others are doing. There’s a world of products I’ve never heard of like hugging face. So I guess it’s time to start my journey on finding which one works best for me. I’ve recently degoogled myself so haven’t really touched bard but if Gemini proves worth it I may.

    Just rambling thoughts from a self taught noob programmer.

  • There’s a new iMessage for Android app — and it actually works
  • It’s been out for a long time with limited access and nothing yet. Maybe Apple will change their mind toward it when it’s being used by a large group of people finally. Hopefully not.

    Edit: I was wrong. See below.

  • Fixing keyboard

    I built my first keyboard a few years ago. Love it. Though my cat knocked a drink over into it a year or so ago and i was too upset to see what did and didn’t work. Today I found the keyboard and decided to see if it works! Well it seems the space bar and H key are effed. I think the 3 keys on the right are also busted but I forget what they do lol. They don’t trigger anything on the keyboard tester.

    I hoped that I could just hot swap some switches and be good but it seems H and space and whatever is on my bottom right corner do not work no matter the switch. I imagine that means the board is bad? Prob no fixing? At least it seems I can just swap the board and should be good to go. Thought I’d ask for tips..

    Classic Fallout fans might enjoy Space Wreck, which launches out of early access today Classic Fallout fans might enjoy Space Wreck, which launches out of early access today

    If you've been gunning for a CRPG in the classic Baldur's Gate or Fallout vein, and you don't have many leisure hours t…

    Classic Fallout fans might enjoy Space Wreck, which launches out of early access today

    Not listed for Linux but tested on arch Linux with proton and it runs great !

    Low Sodium Starfield

    Come join us to talk about the new Bethesda game Starfield. There has been some angry people who set really high expectations for the game and now are mad the game didn't meet their fake expectations.

    Reddit ex-pats may recognize the format from subreddits like LowSodiumCyberpunk or NoMansHigh


    Anyone primarly use their xbox series x with a monitor?

    Monitor: KTC H27T22

    Console: Series X

    Speakers: Micca PB42X powered bookshelf speakers.

    I have an aux cable going from my bookshelf speakers to the monitor. HDMI from the Xbox to monitor. Works great but no easy way to manage audio. I either need to click the joystick on the back of the monitor and navigate through monitor menus to find audio. Or I can get up and turn my speaker around where there’s an audio control knob.

    Any one have a better way to handle? It doesn’t seem I can change audio from the Xbox itself. I can’t find anything that would allow me to control them. I don’t want to get a different speaker for my Xbox.

    [Question] [Linux] Firefox keeps randomly opening a new tab

    It started earlier today, I was watching TV and looked up the cast of an episode of solar opposites on IMDB and promptly closed it. Now randomly throughout the day today that tab going to that episodes cast on IMDB opens. Anything on google pointed to malware but I am not convinced its not a weird bug. Anyone else have this happen? i am going to try to clear history and see if that helps or if it opens a blank tab.

    that self hosted itch....

    Anyone else have it ? The more work I do setting things up like dockers, reverse proxies, single sign on, etc. the more I want to do it. But I’m running out of ideas of things to host that would actually benefit me. But I have that itch where I want more lol.

    So far I have the following: (EDIT: added descriptions for those who aren’t familar with all of it. )

    1. Caddy - use this primarily as a reverse proxy to access my applications via my domain and outside the house
    2. Nextcloud - mainly using it for cloud storage but also some of their other apps likes decks and tasks as well as contacts and calendar.
    3. Memos - simple note taking app similar to twitter but personal.
    4. Miniflux - rss
    5. Authentik - sso
    6. Portainer - web view of dockers and status / health
    7. KitchenOwl - groceries / recipe management
    8. Actual - zero budgeting (like YNAB)
    9. Firefly iii - finances management
    10. Immich - images / iCloud replacement
    11. Organizr (barely using it. Trying to think of more use cases) - dashboard of all my services
    12. Speedtest - runs daily speed tests and monitors.
    13. Plex - host my media library
    14. Plex_Debrid / rclone - sync real Debrid with plex.
    15. rsync to backup data to one onsite and one off site location. Automated backups
    16. Watchtower automated docker updates
    17. Home Assistant - home automation
    18. Home bridge - Apple home automation
    19. Zigbee2mqtt - manage zigbee smart home devices
    20. Unifi controller - manage my network

    I think that’s everything!

    Edit: Thanks for the overwhelming responses! I really appreciate everyone with their opinions. First things first I did get borg setup for both my server and my desktop so thats awesome! I am waiting for response from my backup server admin if they can install rdiff-backup for me so I can utilize that as well for my cloud backups.

    Going to take a look at a few other of the many suggestions here! More than a few I like!

    cloudflare r2

    I been trying to get cloudflare r2 to work with my memos docker. It’s all configured as per the instructions yet it seems my notes aren’t saving there since my r2 is empty

    I did map my r2 to next cloud as well with the goal of sharing notes between Nextcloud and memos. But since r2 is empty it’s not working.

    RSS feeds

    Wasn’t sure where to ask this but figured people here host their own rss platforms. I just started with miniflux. Between that and reeder it makes RSS nice and easy.

    My issue is that until the 3rd party Reddit nonsense, i let Reddit monopolize my information gathering. To the point I don’t know where else to get info from. Like which websites I can trust that aren’t just bad forms of marketing. Forums and things like that. I don’t know any of them because I spent all my time with Reddit.

    Anyone have ideas or suggestions of good rss feeds for people who are interested in tech and programming and gaming and whatnot

    Edit: thanks for all the great suggestions. I’m building up a nice RSS stream.

    help with winetricks/protontricks and crtbase.dll/vcredist and fallout tale of two wastelands

    Ive been smashing my head on the wall all weekend. Posting on discord. I even resorted to asking on reddit despite not using it since i joined lemmy.

    Im just trying to get some mods working for fallout tale of two wastelands. I followed best of time and wasteland survival guide but some mods are causing the game to crash. Crashlogger always blames crtbase. Ive tried reinstalling manually copying but no luck.

    Last ditch effort here before i resort to not using mods causing the crtcrashing but that would suck since the mods seem to work for others.

    steamtinkerlaunch mo2 game shortcut

    Hi all. I been searching and testing things all day and haven’t had luck.

    I was able to setup fallout tale of two wastelands on Linux mint and it runs great when I run it via MO2. But I want to make a desktop shortcut for it.

    The desktop shortcut button in MO2 makes a shortcut in the compatdata C. Copying it to my desktop and running it lauches protontricks asking me which game to run. I only have 3 and NV as options here and neither do anything.

    If I run steamtinkerlaunch to create desktop icon nothing happens.

    I have to run steamtinkerlaunch mo2 start then run TTW from within MO2.

    It’s not a big deal but if anyone has ideas to get a working desktop shortcut that’d be nice.

    I also may want to do this on my steam deck later which means I’ll need a way to run it from gaming mode which I imagine would be a similar issue.

    Project Zomboid

    Now thats a game i didnt expect to have steam deck support but it does!!

    I suck at this game just as much as i used too. But its still so fun.

    The interface seems a little difficult to navigate though, like checking status effects while on the move. Maybe just havent learned the shortcuts?

    Any tips for smoother steam deck experience?

    Real-Debrid down

    Looks like real-debrid down for electrical issues on-site.

    It also looks like elon turned off twitter from the public again as I Cannot check their twitter page without signing in.

    Fuck elon.

    Tomorrow is my dogs gotcha day!

    Here is a pic of him 3 years later! !!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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