funkajunk @ funkajunk Posts 0Comments 507Joined 2 yr. ago

Presonus apparently has a Linux version of Studio One

Next question.

Floor PCs FTW

Those doors also swing outwards, so even if you get down there the door will hit against your wheelchair and you can't get in

Bruh, you can eat raw beef

I call 'em dog dicks

Sounds like status quo

Do you at least make a decent salary?

What about this:
- Unicorns actually existed but went extinct, that would be a population count of 0.
- If they never existed and are purely fictional (preposterous!), one could argue their count was null.

That stubby tail is a pretty good indication, looks like a vole.

This took guts to post

Meal frequency has been linked to insulin sensitivity in plenty of research.
Don't get too hung up on certain words, I just meant within the scope of how we evolved; our bodily systems are better suited to doing certain things in a certain way. The agricultural revolution happened around 10,000 BCE, yet gluten sensitivity is a very common affliction.

Null and zero are two different things.

Nope, they didn't. Biologically we're not meant to eat 3 times a day, every day. That's why we have a lot of health problems, our bodies don't know how to handle so much food.

Finding your mom's onlyfans.

Get a password manager.


D-Link already sucks

Iron usually makes medication less effective.

Every company mines your data now, this is just "China bad". They're all bad.